Monday, August 20, 2012

The Tooth Fairy

Have you ever had tooth pain? The kind of pain that keeps you up at night?  Last week I went to see my sweet dentist friend.  There was a hole in the crown she put on my tooth about six months ago and so they had to remove, which means grind off, the existing crown.  I'm blaming a poor genetic pool for my bad teeth.  Seriously, might I offer up my muscular legs(that grow bigger over time) or my pin straight hair as an alternative to having less fragile teeth.  It is possible I prayed to God last night to take the pain away and in return I would never use sarcasm again!!  Thank God for unanswered prayers.

What you need to know is natural childbirth hurts far less than this tooth pain.  Motrin and Tylenol are never far from my lips.  My kind dentist offers me some Vicodin;  I've never had Vicodin and I'm afraid I might like it too much.  Sadly, I decline.  Each night since "the grinding" I consider driving to her house for a prescription.  I'm sure I would be a welcome guest in my tank top, underwear and rain boots like I wear on the farm, right?  Yeah, probably NOT.  Today I finally call her office and ask the kind receptionist to give me permission to pull the tooth and the temporary crown out with rusty pliers.  I receive a call back from the receptionist with doctor's orders to return tomorrow for a root canal.  I don't think I've ever been so excited in my life!!  Yipeeeee a root canal!!  I know this sounds like sarcasm but I assure you, the pain in my mouth will likely subside when there is nothing left to cause pain.

As I toss the Motrin in my mouth, I smile and think about the numb left side of my face with drool lip. The joy of the needle inserting delicious numbing agents and the end of the pain, at least for a few hours.  Am I weird for loving the dentist so much?  I wonder if the Tooth Fairy brings you something for a root canal?  I've been eyeing this beautiful silver Porsche 911 turbo....maybe?

Those of you with children losing teeth, please put in a good word for me with the Tooth Fairy!

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