Friday, November 30, 2012

The Stars Are Out Tonight

I'm not sure if you've looked outside tonight.  It is an exceptionally clear night.  The starts are bright and the constellations are visible.  Luckily I have Chloe, the resident astronomer, to point out all the important things in the sky.  Even if she was making it up, which she assures me she was not, she sounds very convincing.  The dogs made their way over to the blanket to get off the grass where they picked up sticker burrs.  As the kids looked at the sky you could here me in the back ground quietly saying, "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"  every time a sticker I was removing from the dog stuck further in to my finger.

We retreat to the indoors to watch one of our favorite movies, SECONDHAND LIONS.  I cry, again, for the millionth time!  Thadd makes fun of me for crying.  Chloe is starting to feel emotional from movies, too.  I remember when she was around four we were watching a movie and her eyes started to fill with tears.  She turned to me and asked, "Why is this happening?"  She couldn't even understand what was happening to her and I didn't realize we actually don't control this cry mechanism.  It must be hard wired.  Dang it.

I guess today was an exceptionally good day because Brett avoided trouble, the sky was beautiful, and we had Friday Movie Night.  This has been a Stricker Family Tradition for many years now and I look forward to it.  It is a great end to a busy week.  I am thankful for a job where my peers and bosses are supportive and encouraging(Day 9).  Goodnight Friends.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bronc Riding

The shortened days make it seem as though I don't get enough done.  I get home from school, cook dinner, tend to the animals and do homework with the children and then it is time for bed.  The lazy summers days lasted forever and I often wished for the short winter days.  The grass is always greener....

This weekend I found a frog basking in the warm sun on a lily pad.  The cats also enjoy finding a sunny location to warm their furry bellies.  I find myself missing Kitty Fluff during the cuddle months.  Rubbing my face in a fuzzy kitty belly on a busy day makes me relax.  Well, it actually makes me sneeze, BUT it also makes me smile.

On Wednesday morning I arrived at a light behind a blond young lady in a minivan with license plates that say DUBAI and a large American flag decal.  Does that seem odd to any one else?  I also recently met a new parent at our school with a son on Brett's team.  The dad's name is Brad Allen.  Any one ever see the movie PILLOW TALK with Rock Hudson?  Rock plays Brad Allen in the movie!  I also asked if Brad was in the witness protection program with such a great name and if so could he connect me with them so I, too, might get a good name.

My day seemed to pass without incident until I was pouring a 50 lb bag of goat pellets and managed to fill my shoes in addition to making a huge mess!   I guess I can stop wondering why the mice like the barn.  I emptied my shoes of food and cleaned the mess off the floor and got back to the house just in time to take Chloe to basketball practice.

On our way to practice we were talking.  I mistakenly asked, "Chloe, what do you want to do when you grow up?"  I asked her this question just to hear an answer I thought would make me smile.  She replies,"I want to do what Ellie does.  Ride horses."  I ask, "How will you use this skill when you are older?"  There is a frighteningly short pause and she says, "the rodeo circuit."  I'm not sure a reply is necessary.  We talk about everything else the rest of the drive as I try to forget the image of my child as a rodeo clown.  She actually would make an excellent rodeo clown, but I think she has her sights set on something more like bronc riding.  We finally arrive at practice.

I like practice because it gives me a chance to sit and visit with other moms or to relax in the car.  Today no other moms were at school for practice.  I guess I will write my blog instead!!  I am so thankful for those tiny moments of mommy alone time (day 8).  Goodnight Friends.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Simple, "I'm Sorry" Will Do

Today I got a phone call from a friend.  She leads a busy life and so I only get a phone call every once in a while.  She is a small business owner and wife, who is working towards being a mother.  When I saw her number pop up on my phone I had wet hands and couldn't answer it.  I summoned Chloe to answer the phone while I dried my hands.  Grabbing the phone I ask excitedly, "Good news??"  The tone of her voice said it all.  Not good news.

She called to hear me say it was going to be ok.  It will be ok.  What she really wanted was for me to be sad with her and to mourn her tragedy.  Sometimes we don't need someone to say the right thing or be encouraging.  Sometimes all we need is an, "I'm sorry.  This is a really hard situation and I'm sorry you have to go through it."  She called another one of our college friends and we were all three on the phone talking and laughing and commiserating.  It was a sad discussion yet full of voices from a wonderful past.  We were Charlie's Angels.  A blond(KP*), a brunette(me) and a ginger(Ginger*) with personality to spare. Sitting on the couch chatting with these girls made me eighteen again.

At first the conversation revolved around the sadness Ginger shared of her pregnancy dilemma.  Her only option to become pregnant is through IVF.  KP had done similar procedures and expressed her frustration over the whole experience.  I suggested tequila.  During the conversation my kids kept coming in the room screaming about something or trying to eat chocolate on my white bed.  Ginger had to hear me scold my children and yet she still wants a child of her own.  In ten years I will be on the phone with her while she scolds her child for bringing chocolate on her white bed.  For now, she has made it perfectly clear that although my offer of sending my children to her sounds, well, tempting, it is not a solution.  Clearly, my children are brats and her child will not be a brat is what she is secretly thinking!!  I assured her that her child would be as much a handful as mine and KP's kids, but when they are your own it isn't so bad.

Our conversation changed to work and then we visited the idea of a reunion.  Oh how a reunion would be so very fun.  I secretly(well not so secretly because it is now on my blog) worry about  my weight and my wrinkles.  KP and Ginger are both in the fitness/wellness industry and look better in a bikini now than they did in college.  I definitely wear rain boots and a tank top on the beach instead of a bikini.  I started to make dinner as our conversation progressed and then suddenly the phone call dropped and it was over.  I finished making dinner and fed the kids.  I rushed out the door to take Brett to basketball practice.  On our way home from practice I began to realize that my encouraging words of giving her one of my children, offering tequila as a solution to speed pregnancy, or telling her "IVF isn't that bad." were all the wrong things to say.  All I needed to say was, "I'm sorry.  This is a really hard situation and I'm sorry you have to go through it.  I don't understand what you are going through, but I'm here for you."  She just wanted someone to sit for a moment and listen.  She didn't want solutions.  I called and left her a quick five minute message(if you've ever received a message from me, chances are, it was not quick) to tell her I was sorry about the whole IVF thing and that I'm here for her.

I was glad to be eighteen again and also happy to be valued by a friend who is separated by time and space.  Being a woman is not easy, but there are so many great woman with great stories and journeys who enrich our lives.  Ginger is an inspiration in her work and her success, yet has struggles in a facet of her womanhood.  It is amazing how no amount of money or success can make-up for the basic needs our body yearns to fulfill.  The most basic role of motherhood is at stake and it truly rocks her world.  Tonight when I kiss my children goodnight I will have a new reason to be thankful.  Their very creation was a miracle.  Tonight I am extra thankful for long distance friends whose bond is never broken(Day 7).  Goodnight Friends.

*names have been changed to protect the innocent...or not so innocent.

Thadd noted this blog is exceptionally "girly."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lancelot Lost His Sword

On the drive to school I cranked the heater to warm our frozen hands.  The cold weather (40 degrees) is a nice reminder of the season.  We arrive at school a little bit early and as I pull in to the school I hear a scratching noise on the roof of the car.  As I turn to park, more scratching.  I open the sunroof and Brett jumps on the top of the car announcing, "Oh!!!  There's my sword!!"  Luckily it didn't fly off on the expressway and strike another unsuspecting commuter.

After drop off I visited a friend of mine to catch up on her week off.  Somehow we managed not to see very much of each other during the holiday and needed a visit.  I returned to school to grade papers and to teach.  Classes were fine and everyone was much more focused today.

We drove home from school stopping at HEB to buy a few groceries.  When we got home I noticed the horse barn door was wide open.  I sent Chloe over to close the door and she runs back to the house huffing and puffing and struggling to catch her breath.  "MOM!!  MARSHA CAUGHT A MOUSE IN THE BARN!!!!  IT ISN'T MOVING SO WHAT DO I DO?"  I follow her back to the barn to inspect the mouse.    The mouse has been played with for too long and is struggling to breathe.  I save the mouse the agony and end it's life quickly and without prolonged suffering.  Maybe I should leave the door open every day so the cats can get the rest of the mice.  Wait, if I leave the door open then more mice will come in, right?   I don't spend much time thinking about the mouse and return to the house to cook dinner.  You will be happy to know, I washed my hands.

We, of course, had turkey in the form of gumbo tonight with some fresh sautéed okra.  I still have approximately half of a twenty pound turkey in my fridge.  I did the usual turkey pot pie and just plain ol' Thanksgiving dinner again for the third time, then I started to get more creative with turkey tacos, turkey/sausage/shrimp gumbo, and tomorrow will be turkey chili.  After tomorrow I think I might have to freeze the remaining turkey.  I'm not sure I want turkey for any more meals until July.  The question of what to do with the leftover pies seems to be a no-brainer with the presence of an ice cream maker.  I'm still not sure if I should attempt to make the lemon meringue pie in to an ice cream.  Any thoughts?

At dinner tonight, Brett offered more entertainment.  After about four bites of food he says, "I like the making of the food, but the food tastes pee-yuck.  I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I really don't like the taste.  Now, can I have dessert?"  I reply, "You don't have to eat all of it, but eat the turkey, shrimp and sausage and then I will give you some ham."  "Wait, I don't like that ham ever since the last time and when I was a baby." he whines.  "Sounds like it is an apple and a bath kind of night.  I am not making anymore food for you tonight."  "So, does that mean I can't have dessert?" he asks with his head turned sideways and the biggest puppy eyes you've every seen.  "Yes, that is exactly what it means."  He mopes out of the room and goes to take his shower.  Meanwhile Chloe is sitting next to me writing about King Arthur and making comparisons between a boy she finds attractive and Lancelot.  She asked if it would be appropriate to write the boy's name where it asks to describe what Lancelot looks like.  I thought it was perfectly fine, but mostly just for my entertainment.  I said, "Write his name and also describe what Lancelot's physical attributes are in case she doesn't find your answer to be sufficient."

Tonight while trying to remind myself of the things chickens can and cannot eat, I happened upon a wonderful blog about backyard farming.  Her blog design is lovely as are her pictures.  Click here to check out the blog.  As I looked through her blog I found great ideas of how to be even closer to my chickens and how to make chicken oatmeal.  Delicious warm oatmeal loaded with meal worms, raisins, and blueberries.  Yum!!  Think of all the protein from the meal worms!

Let me know when you would like to come for a breakfast visit.  As I finish writing this evening I hear Chloe coming out of the shower singing the Thirteen Days of Christmas.  It includes one furry guinea pig, two barking puppies, three fuzzy hamsters, four 20 X 12 saunas, five furry kit-tens,  six fluffy fluff balls, seven fluffericious cats, eight scoops of ice cream, nine iTunes cards, ten nice cars, eleven good report cards, twelve elves to clean my messes, thirteen different colored nail polishes...all at a volume I wish I could control with a knob.  All of the festivities remind me of how thankful I am to have joyful and creative children (Day 6).  Tomorrow is my day off and I will likely be at work finishing all the projects in process.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Goodnight Friends.

Monday, November 26, 2012

What Should I Say?

Surprisingly we arrived to school on time.  Considering how much I've enjoyed that extra sleep over the break, I didn't think I would be able to get out the door on time.  I hit my snooze button once and actually turned the alarm clock off.  Ooops.  At 6:45 I jumped out of bed and threw my clothes and make-up on, cooked breakfast for the family(eggs, of course), and fed all the animals.  We drove out of the gate at 7:45am.  Whew.

I drop the kids off in the carpool line and drive to my parking spot.  I sit for a moment to regroup and mentally plan out my day.  I get out of the car and go in to my office (a.k.a the teacher's lounge) to make some warm tea and begin my work.  I sit in front of the computer typing and organizing lists and information and before I know it, it is time to teach class.  I go in to class with rather high expectations and quickly realize a class of activities instead of new material would be best.  The students were distracted and still on mental vacation.  Fortunately they have a test tomorrow which will help redirect their focus.

As we approach the Christmas holiday I think all of us begin to get antsy.  The next four weeks will fly by.  I know I have Christmas parties, birthday parties, and Christmas performances to attend and on top of all of that I have a job, a family, and I get to plan for gift giving.  Wow.  I am amazingly blessed.  To think that I have the ability to attend parties, shows, and buy gifts this season along with a job and a family is an enormous blessing.  This season reminds me of my extremely fortunate life and also of my responsibility to serve others.

I get out of school and walk over to pick up the kids.  I search for my keys.  No keys.  I do a campus check.  The kind of check that requires walking to every place I visited on campus.  No keys.  I give up and walk to my car.  The car is unlocked and my keys are in the ignition.  I guess my students weren't the only ones who were on mental vacation.  I drove home and lunged the pony.  Poor pony.  I overfed him and now I have to put him on an exercise regimen and adjust his food.  He is very unhappy about the food situation,  but he does a great job at exercise time.  The goats watch all the round and round and wish they could be out of their enclosure.  Not likely since they eat everything in sight including my Christmas decorations and wreaths.

We finally eat dinner and before bedtime Brett walks over and plants himself in the chair next to me while I'm typing.  He says, "How did you get us?"  "What do you mean?" I ask.  "How did you get kids?" he tries to be more specific.  "Well, you were in my belly and then you came out." I respond.  "How did I get in your belly?" he wonders aloud.  "Did you ask Dad this question?  I think this is definitely a Dad question." I say half smiling.  Chloe adds, "Brett, that is not a question you need to know the answer to right now.  You have to be my age."  "What made you think to ask this question?" I question.  "I was taking a shower and I just thought of the question." he says matter-of-factly.  "I'm sure Dad will be happy to tell you all about it someday soon." I say and send him to brush his teeth.  I'm not ready to have this discussion with my seven year old.  I think all the goat breeding and chicken "dancing" have raised these questions.  I guess raising kids on a farm has pros and cons and sex education classes begin early.  I'm fairly certain Brett will make sure he gets to experience goat childbirth and I'm absolutely certain Chloe will want to be the goat doula.  The more I write about this goat adventure the more I think I should be the one writing the Goat Manual.  I think more as entertainment than actual facts, but facts will make the Manual more useful.  Maybe I can also fill it will useless goat facts and statistics.  YES!

Thadd wanders out of Brett's room with a look of concern.  I wonder what he said to Brett to help ease his questions?  Hopefully he didn't tell him anything he can talk about and traumatize other children on the playground.  For example:  One day Mommy takes a shower and some water gets in to her belly from her belly button.  This waters the baby and it grows until it is time to come out.  Ugh.  I can't wait to be debriefed.  I hope your day was as uneventful as mine.  I am thankful for a great group of students who even on an unfocused day are a treat to teach(Day 5).  Goodnight Friends.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Do You Speak Goat?

Today Thadd turned to me and asked me a very important question.  "How do we know if the goats are actually pregnant?"  I believe myself to be farm literate while in reality I'm farm illiterate.  I considered, for a moment, purchasing the Goats For Dummies book, but does that admit defeat?  I think so.  Instead I must tread the treacherous farm waters and learn through failure?  That doesn't sound great either.

While Thadd and I continue to discuss possible solutions to identifying a positive goat pregnancy Chloe is in the back seat planning the goat baby shower.  "We shall make a goat cake with both pink and blue. Something delicious like molasses and other goats treats.  Who should we invite?"  Thadd and I are trying our best to come up with a better solution than my "wait and see" approach.  Yes, I realize I can "Bing" it and find out the proper way to identify a positive goat pregnancy, but how much more fun would it be for Thadd to film me walking around behind my goats waiting for them to urinate on a pregnancy stick.  I still have not purchased the pregnancy tests, but I will keep you posted on that adventure.  Also, sit tight and wait for the goat baby shower.  It is an event you do not want to miss.

Other things to consider are the second and third trimester ultrasounds?!  Does a vet do those or should I schedule with an obstetrician?  These are all very important questions for goats owners.  Don't these things come with a manual??  Yes, I just haven't read it yet.  I think you enjoy my trial and error so much more since I haven't read this manual.

Today was family Christmas card photo day.  Above you can see a sample of our Christmas 2011 card.  On the inside of the card it encouraged giving to International Justice Mission, an organization who deals with the deplorable crime of human trafficking.  As you can see, Chloe is trying to sell her brother, funny and terrible all at the same time.  I'm excited to see what my very talented brother in law Todd Stricker will come up with this year.  Although he spends most of his time doing wedding photography, he is amazing at capturing my children doing all of their crazy.  Take a peek at his work at

The day would not be complete without Thanksgiving leftovers.  Turkey and corn salsa tacos for dinner with creamed corn. Yummmm!  I can't wait to have turkey tomorrow!!  Speaking of turkeys, I walked out in to the darkness to lock the chicken coop and I didn't take a flashlight but was looking down so I didn't step in any holes.  I've walked this path a thousand times.  I'm walking and as I approach the coop I hear some clucking noises.  Without notice, a tree jumps in front of me and I run right in to it.  SMACK!!  Ok, seriously.  Who put that darn tree there????  Luckily it didn't leave a mark, but I sure was happy no one else was out there to see me.

It is now time for bed and to start the race toward the Christmas holiday.  This next stretch of school goes so quickly and before I know it my students will be leaving to college.  Maybe I will consider flunking them.  I really like my seniors.  I've been asked to write a few recommendations and am so tempted to write terrible lies to keep them from gaining acceptance to a school too far away.  Then I remind myself I was young once and I appreciated those recommendations written by my kind teachers.  They actually wanted to get rid of me, though.  I'm sure there will be a lengthy "farewell to seniors" blog in May.  I may even cry when I'm writing it.

Enjoy this last little portion of 2012 and if the Mayan calendar is correct, it is all you have left.  I've chosen not to accept the end of the world on December 21, 2012.  I am thankful for a roof over my head.(Day 4)  Goodnight Friends.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Work Day

It might be hard to see, but there is a small leaf on the side of this truck.  Do you really think this vehicle is good for the environment?  Neither do I.  I was at Whataburger...delicious...and happen to be parked next to Mr. Save The Environment.  NOT!  A leaf doesn't make you energy efficient especially if you have headers.

Chloe was having kitten time with our barn cat.  I know he isn't much of a barn cat, but he is so very cute.  He likes to suck on the blanket and purr and knead.  It makes me smile.

Today was decorate the tree day.  I failed to decorate the tree.  I know Chloe is going to wake up very sad about my lack of tree decorating.  Does it count that I purchased Angel Tree gifts?   I think so.  WalMart has Angel Tree gifts when you walk in the door.  Click here to learn more about the Angel Tree program.  What a great opportunity to share your blessings with people who aren't as blessed as you.  I selected a 16 year old girl and a 6 year old girl.  My mom picked a 6 year old boy and we purchased the coolest stuff we could find.  Make an effort to give to an organization who helps people this holiday.  Whether it is gift buying, food deliveries, or even donate your time packaging, delivering or wrapping.  Another thing to think about is giving either time or services all year long to help a local organization.  There are animal shelters, women's shelters, and homeless shelters that would love the extra set of hands.  Make sure to call ahead as sometimes the holidays are when the most people help.  They might encourage you to come at a less "helpful" time of year.

I think overall, today was a work day.  No Christmas elves showed up to decorate the tree or any of the house.  If you know of any elves, please send them to my house.  I am thankful for the beautiful weather. (day 3).  Goodnight Friends.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Nutcrackers Arrived

Whenever I think I live out in the country I go and visit my friends who live out in the country.  Today it was a special treat to visit with them and to have riding lessons and even a trail ride.   They made homemade hummus, sangria, hawaiian pizza, and pumpkin pie ice cream.  We talked about horses and she asked me about my goats.  She really wants goats and her husband really does NOT want goats.  I didn't want to get in the middle of that argument.  The biggest thing that happened from all this horse stuff is Chloe's determination to let her ride horses.  She wants to "do what Ellie does."  Ellie is a friend and world champion horseman (horsewoman?) who is very much like Chloe's big sister.  Who doesn't want to be like their big sister??  Heck, I want to be like my big sister, too!!!!

Add to the list of restaurant owner, dancer, volleyball player, basketball diva, stunt woman, brain surgeon, horseman, and college student.  Immediately after she tells us she wants to learn how to properly ride and care for a horse she also throws in, "does college offer classes on the weekend?  If so, can you sign me up for some college classes?"  I'm not sure about this weeklong vacation stuff, it gives her too much time to think.  Christmas vacation is coming up soon so I need to think about activities to keep her mind off horseback riding, dancing, and college.  She has already been tasked with exercising the pony.  If it works out anything like the hamster situation you will find it should be out of her system in about 18 months.  Toward the end of the hamster's life she assured me this would be the last hamster as they are too much work.  Clean out the cage every two weeks and feed every other day.  Too much work?  I encouraged her against having children.  They require 24 hour supervision at the beginning and food at least three times a day.  I will say she has stepped it up recently and lets the pony and the chickens out in the morning and gathers eggs in the afternoon.  Actually, we gather eggs together.  We like to go visit with the chickens.

Speaking of chickens, I'm still sad about having so many roosters.  Today Thadd reminded me of all the roosters and rubbed his hands together as if to say, "DELICIOUS!"  I'm sad.  At least Baby Chick is a girl.  Tiny is NOT a girl, but he is tiny so he gets to stay.  Also known as I am going to hide him when it is time to slaughter the chickens.

After a full day out in the country with our friends we drove home to Winter Wonderland.  We walked in to the house and my mother and sister-in-law had converted my home to Santa's Workshop.  My dining room table is now the staging area for all things Christmas.  There was Christmas music blasting from the computer and joyful cheer in the air.  My mom lights a fire under my butt ever year and I'm not sure how a woman over sixty has more energy that a woman under forty, but she is the Energizer Bunny!  She did not want to spend the day out in the country with friends, she wanted to go shopping and get Christmas started.  So she did.  My idea of Black Friday is for ME to stay in the black.  I stay home.  I watch the news and watch people get trampled.  Every year.

Every time my mom comes for a visit she expresses frustration over the lack of clocks in my house.  I have one in Chloe's room, Brett's room, two in my room and the kitchen and then there are clocks on all of the cable boxes.  Today she bought me two more clocks.  Both for the kitchen.  The worst part is the ticking sound they make when I'm trying to write my blog.  I now have four clocks in my kitchen that is truly 400 square feet at the very most.  You can see a clock from any angle in the kitchen without turning your head.  Awesome.  Wait!  Is she trying to tell me something????  I'm not ALWAYS late, am I?

Tonight I am late.  I am late for my bed time.  I have been up past midnight every night this week and I have a strict 10pm bedtime or grouchiness ensues.  For the sake of my family I am signing off.  I am thankful for the fresh air out in the country(Day 2). Goodnight Friends.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Isn't Enough

photo by Erica Johnson
Every year I invite a bunch of people to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.  Year after year some people choose to make our home their holiday tradition and others are "just passing through."  When I was young my mom was the party thrower.  She had every holiday at our home and it was always Martha Stewart style.  My style is WAY more casual and very comfortable, but I still enjoy having a large group of people.  I like the varied conversation and the children playing and the wandering around the property/petting zoo.
photo by Erica Johnson

I woke up fairly early and decided to ignore my alarm and sleep for five more minutes.  Twenty minutes later I roll out of bed to begin preparations for the turkeys to begin roasting and the house to be properly put together.    The turkeys roast for two hours before I turn them over.  Ooops, one of the roasters is NOT plugged in and also, NOT hot.  I quickly raise the temperature to make up for two hours of cooking.  I always like us to eat promptly at noon.  Today we ate promptly at 1pm.

Everything got hot, cooked and placed out on the counter and I managed NOT to take a photo.  It was delicious.  We all ate and then my brother and his family showed up.  We ate again!  My brother began to use foul language and talk politics.  Both of those things are not allowed in my house and so instead of trying to tape his mouth shut, I excused myself from the table to give tours.  From what I hear, I missed some heated debates worthy of television commentary.

photo by Erica Johnson
All of the talk made me miss my goats.  I decided to take my sister-in-law and her nephew to the neighbor's house to fetch my goats.  We crossed through the fence with no goats in sight.  We walked and walked and walked and walked, you get the picture, until we finally found the goats.  They followed us back up to the fence, which was a very long walk away.  My sister-in-law was wearing cute leopard flats and her nephew some nice loafers.  The shoes were not conducive to the rocky terrain, but they did not complain and kept walking.  We cross the goats to our property and they begin to chase me toward the house.  Everyone is happy to see the goats and the goats were happy to see everyone.
photo by Erica Johnson

Our attention quickly shifted to the pony.  Charles the fat pony.  We lunged, we rode, we lunged, we rode, we lunged.  I think the mean age of riders who rode Charlie was 32.  Charlie was placed on a diet and I have been instructed to exercise him daily, but twice daily would be better.  Sounds like lots of work.  I guess having a pony is lots of work after all.  Dear Parents, Don't buy your child a pony for Christmas unless you have hired help.  Although Brett thinks he should be paid for everything he does, this is not the kind of help I'm suggesting.  I'm thinking something along the lines of, say, the Marlboro man.
Please note, I do not condone smoking, but I do condone hiring the Marlboro man to be your ranch hand.  I could leave him a list of things to do:
                        Clean the chicken coop
                        Exercise the pony
                        Tend the garden
                        Cut down all of the trees suffering from oak wilt
                        Build Chloe her dream playhouse
                        Quit smoking

Not sure he would like my list very much.  Especially the last thing.  From the photos he really looks to be enjoying that cigarette.  Smoking is bad.  Quit smoking.

After all the dreaming of having a farmer helper, my Brazilian friend and horse trainer extraordinaire followed me over to the chicken coop to mingle with the chickens.  She is full of animal information and showed me the easy way to determine sex of a chicken.  I have always done it the city way....wait to see who crows.  Her husband actually took a video of us determining the gender of the new chicks.  I will let you know if it goes viral.  I am happy to report that BABY CHICK is a girl!!!!!!  Of the seven chickens, two are female and five are male.  Dang it!  Thadd says I have to slaughter the males for our freezer.  This particular story will be another blog post when it comes time to decide who lives and who dies.

After all the chicken excitement I came inside to find my kitchen practically spotless thanks to my sister-in-law and mom.  I did a few things and then Thadd summoned us outside to make s'mores with the children.  I walked up to find not one, not two, not three....but FIVE fires.  Even the dogs joined us.  It was a good time and I managed to avoid getting covered in marshmallow.  Brett, on the other hand, managed to have more marshmallow on his person than in his belly.

We decided to call it a day and get everyone to bed early-ish. I sat down to write after loading the washing machine and folding the clothing in the dryer.  I heard a strange sound coming from Chloe's room.  I strained to hear if her dog was barking or to figure out what I had just heard.  I hear it again.  I  turn the hall light on and open her bedroom door.  She has her head over the edge of her bed and I walk in just in time to hear the noise again.  I'm sure I don't even have to tell you what was all over the floor.  GROSSSSS!  I pull it together and grab her out of bed and walk her to the toilet and put her hair in a ponytail holder to get it out of her face.  I start to clean up.  She thanks me for cleaning up and apologizes for being sick.  She quickly follows the apology with a story about how she stuck "the whole KitKat" in her mouth today.  I ask her to please spare  me the details of her eating as I was experiencing them first hand and I didn't need a reminder.  She gets back in bed with a trashcan at her bed side.  I hope I won't be hearing that wretched sound again tonight.

Despite all the work that goes in to Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many things.  So thankful, in fact, I don't think "Thank You" is enough.  A husband, a family, a home, a car, a job, food, and far more luxuries than I can list here.  Don't let today be the only day you express your thanks.  Try and do it daily.  Thank your teachers, thank your boss, thank the service men and woman, thank someone.  Some people are doing the 30 days of thankful on Facebook.  What if we try doing 365 day of THANKFUL?  I will start....I am thankful for each one of you.  Goodnight Friends and Happy Thanksgiving.
Brett says, "Take my picture and put a speech bubble
on it that says, 'OUCH, my butt is on fire!'"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Traffic or TRAFFIC

I hope you've arrived at your destination and forgive me for the late post.  I just returned from my second visit to the store today and it is possible I will return tomorrow morning.  My husband has been hard at work cleaning up the mess the beavers made.  If you missed that post, we had a wild beaver clan come through and knock down trees, or my husband cut them down with a chainsaw.  Either way, there was much tree organization going on today.

Inside there was a different kind of organization.  I was cooking and cleaning and visiting with my mom and sister-in-law.  I think holidays are an impossibility without a support group....I mean, without a group to support you or a support group.  Whatever works for you.

You might have noticed the photos I posted.  If you've ever lived on the east or west coast the traffic picture is something you can relate to.  I remember when I lived in Connecticut and we went to visit a friend in New Jersey the usual four hour trip turned in to eight hours of travel.  It was bumper to bumper traffic and not my finest adventure. Luckily the  New Jersey Thanksgiving was worth every hour.  It was the first Italian Thanksgiving I've ever had and it was like eating at Maggiano's with a turkey and stuffing, too.  It is a delicious affair and I suggest if you ever have the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with a traditional Italian family, SAY YES!!

The road to the left is very similar to the traffic I've been in today.  Other than my visit to a few stores, my road trip from HEB to my house looked very much like this peaceful stretch of road.  My hope is for Thanksgiving to be as peaceful as the drive arriving to it.  One can always dream!!

I wish your family a beautiful and peaceful Thanksgiving.  I want to leave you with a scripture to ponder or maybe you will consider using it as your prayer to begin your meal tomorrow.  May blessings fall on your homes.  Goodnight Friends.

Psalm 118:19-29

New Living Translation (NLT)
19 Open for me the gates where the righteous enter,
    and I will go in and thank the Lord.
20 These gates lead to the presence of the Lord,
    and the godly enter there.
21 I thank you for answering my prayer
    and giving me victory!
22 The stone that the builders rejected
    has now become the cornerstone.
23 This is the Lord’s doing,
    and it is wonderful to see.
24 This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.
25 Please, Lord, please save us.
    Please, Lord, please give us success.
26 Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
    We bless you from the house of the Lord.
27 The Lord is God, shining upon us.
    Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the altar.
28 You are my God, and I will praise you!
    You are my God, and I will exalt you!
29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh How They Grow

I continue to live in denial.  Today I had to run a thousand errands in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner.  One of the errands was driving my mom to her errands.  If any of you know my mom, you know how errands with her can become quite the adventure.  One pair of socks turns in to three pair of shoes, six shirts, five pair of socks, and a partridge in a pear tree.  I'm not kidding about the partridge, either.  We went to Sally's, Lane Bryant, DSW, Old Navy, Chick-fil-a, her doctor's appointment, The Green Bull, Cypress Grill, Macy's, Dillard's, Auntie Annie's Pretzels, Sephora, Costco and finally WalMart.  The crazy part, I still need stuff from HEB.

We managed to drag the children along and they behaved for the most part.  There was about forty-five minutes of sheer chaos, but it quickly ended once the lull of the engine started and we began to move.  The kids talked about playing with friends or maybe even going home, I assured them they were dreaming.  We even talked about tattoos and excessive piercings.  I told them they could both have as many as they wanted and we should go and do it TODAY!!  I would be the coolest mom of all time if my seven and nine year olds had piercings and tats!  Whoohoooo!  Both kids vetoed the idea in favor of Auntie Annie's Pretzels.  LAME!

The denial I mentioned earlier did not make an entrance during  the tattoo discussion, but it did rear its ugly head in DSW and Old Navy.  Chloe is a size 7 1/2- 8 shoe.  I tried smaller sizes on her because I wanted to believe her foot was not so big.  Unfortunately for me, her foot DID NOT fit in any of the smaller, cuter shoes that are age appropriate.  I am now feeling sympathy for my sister-in-law when she used to hunt for shoes for her twin daughters who had large feet at a young age. The picture in the top left corner shows the shoes she wanted to buy and the picture to the right shows something closer to what we actually purchased.

I wanted her to fit in to the smaller shoes and to stay little for a tad bit longer.  No such luck.  The reality is she will be taller, smarter, and wear bigger shoes than me.  Likely all of this will happen before her twelfth birthday.  I do mean ALL of it.

On Sunday I was sitting in church watching a baby be, well, cute.  It is true, I no longer have a tiny baby.  I have a tween and a tasmanian.  They are growing and changing everyday so I best be on that train or I will miss out on their life.  I have to let them grow up and make choices and be individuals.  Well, I don't seem to struggle with the last part, just the growing up part.  Yesterday I was driving on the expressway and it occurred to me the day will come when my son loves another woman more than he loves me.  For a split second I was CRUSHED!  Luckily I still have a while till that day comes, but I'm so glad I have from today until then to prepare for it.  Let's hope I'm not that mom who thinks no girl/guy is good enough for her son/daughter.  Oh boy, I better start praying now.  Not for their spouse as much as for their spouse.

Who needs therapy, I have a blog!  Goodnight Friends.


Monday, November 19, 2012

I've Got This "Covered"

It is holiday time and the week of vacation began with a day of fun.  Lunch, the movies, ice cream, the movies.  I think ice cream was in place of dinner, DELICIOUS!  If you recall last night's blog post about signing Chloe up for dance class, you will appreciate that my lunch plans included a very good friend and dance studio owner.  She scolded me for not signing Chloe up sooner and promised to either organize for me to teach a class on the same day or to keep me busy in the office.  She also added, "Merissa, she doesn't have to be Gelsey Kirkland!"  For those of you who aren't familiar with Gelsey, she is a ballet legend, studio owner, and has also written a book detailing her struggles and successes in dance.  You can see her autographed picture to the right hanging in my home.

For those of you who are concerned at my bad parenting, please note I am sharing these struggles with you as a way to both see my ridiculousness and for you to laugh at my ridiculousness.  I do appreciate the support and the encouragement along the way and I hope at some point the words I share might inspire you to be better or happier.  Some people only require seeing others fail to fix it in their life.  It seems like I might have to actually experience failure to get the picture, or at least write about it.  I find it helpful to see the words on the screen before I realize how silly I am.

Another way I realize my silliness is when I am joyful for my husband to subscribe to Dairy Goat Journal.  The other day he asked me if I had the slightest clue how to milk the goats since they are now "covered."  Covered means pregnant in case you don't speak farm.  My neighbor informed Brett that "covered" is what we say instead of "pregnant."  I'm glad I was around to hear the explanation or I might've used the "p-word" and been unfarmlike.  Ok, back to goat milking.....I don't know how.  Next thing I know and Dairy Goat Journal shows up at my house.  I'm sensing my easy farm is starting to get complicated.  Goat milk means goat cheese.  Yum, I'm starting to get hungry.  Oh wait, could be because I only had ice cream for dinner.

I also wanted to report on egg production, my chickens, not mine.  The cayenne pepper worked like a dream.  We are back to regular egg production.  So those of you who have wintering chickens, spruce up their meal with a little cayenne pepper and watch your eggs return to normal.  I'm also wondering if the pepper adds zest to the flavor of the egg?  Yeah, probably not.

I hope you are having as much fun as I am this Thanksgiving vacation.  Most of the fun happens before I even wake up as I get to sleep in till 8am.  Don't hate!  Ok, let me re-phrase.  I get to stay in bed till 8am, but the house was bustling by 6am.  I refused to remove my ear plugs till 8am purely on principle.  Enjoy the time off if you have it and if not, enjoy the opportunity to celebrate the season of giving, thanking, and giving thanks!  Oh and by the way, I'm NOT COVERED!!!  Goodnight Friends!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What They Don't Tell You

My husband and children are watching Brave and it makes me think about a few things.  Recently, Chloe asked me to sign her up for dance classes.  If you know anything about my past, you know I've danced for almost thirty years.  When she was tiny she took classes and did not care for it much, so I took her out.  Now when she asks me to sign her up for classes, I cringe.  Why?  Well, it is complicated.

She has so much catching up to do with all of the kids who started taking classes when they were five and what if she isn't good at it?  Will I watch her in class hoping she doesn't want to continue because she doesn't have good turnout or extension or can't turn worth a flip.  I think I was happier when she didn't like dance and didn't want to take dance classes.  Now that she WANTS to take classes I am thinking of all the reasons why she can't take dance.

When she was born I imagined she would be a beautiful dancer, cheerleader, and everyone's friend.  Well, she is beautiful and she is everyone's friend.  I'm not sure what kind of dancer she will be and she says she NEVER wants to be a cheerleader.  As a parent we have so many things to learn and do.  We have to be supportive but not pushy.  Encouraging but not jaded.  Kind but not their friend.  Parenting is a balancing act for certain.

I don't want to be a stage mom or "tiger mom" who puts my kid in the stuff that I want her to do and furiously pursue it.  Supportive, not pushy.  How many of you have seen those audition videos for American Idol or other such show where the parent is featured raving about their child and then you see their child's audition and they are TERRIBLE!!  Encouraging, not jaded.  You must be honest and build a relationship with your child, but not a friendship.  This parenting thing is TOUGH.

Recently I signed up late for sports and my son was placed on a team with older kids.  He is working hard and actually messes around less, but he is not as advanced as the other kids.  When I watch him I think of all the things he needs to do to get better.  Sometimes I wonder why I put him in sports.  Then I have to remember the most important thing about sports is the experience.  Brett may not be the most amazing athlete, but the skills he gains from being involved in sports are more important.  The team effort, good sportsmanship, rules of the game, exercise, and friendships are just a few of the things he learns from sports.  As a mom sitting on the bleachers I'm learning a bigger lesson.  My child is possibly not the best athlete on the field.

When our children come out and we count to make sure they have ten fingers and toes and that they are breathing, we reached the first hurdle.  At that moment we believe our child is the most perfect child in the whole world.  It isn't until we see them with everyone else that we realize they might not be the amazing child we once thought.  There are other children out there who throw better, run faster, have better extension, or sing like an angel.  My children may never be famous or infamous, but can't they be the BEST at something????

Ok, reality check!  I need to get over wanting Chloe to be the best dancer in her class or to want Brett to be the fastest runner.  My kids will grow up to be the very best Chloe and Brett Stricker and that is the very best solution.  My only hope should be for them to grow up to be followers of Christ, enthusiastically pursuing a relationship with our Heavenly Father and trusting God will guide me to be the parent he created me to be.  The good news:  I know what I need to do.  The bad news: I don't always let go and let God.  I think I might even sign Chloe up for dance class, maybe.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I pulled up to the house today after having been gone all day.  We have been experiencing some wild animals visitors as one would expect living in the country, but I'm sure I haven't seen ANY beavers.  From the looks of my property, beavers have visited.  Buster, pre-maturely dressed for Christmas, came out to inspect the destruction.  As I wondered around the property I began to hear the familiar sound of the very dangerous and extremely wild chainsaw.  The chainsaw was connected to a tall, sweaty and handsome guy.  Did Thadd hire a new yard guy?  Oh wait, the sweaty handsome guy is my husband.  The chainsaw roars and then a tree falls.  This pattern continues for a while and I stop and remember the work that followed the last tree massacre.  Trees don't just get cut, they must also be chopped and stacked.  I guess I can consider it a workout and quit whining.

Oak wilt has not been kind to the families of the Texas Hill Country.  The trees that once sheltered the Native Americans, Spaniards, and early settlers are now losing every leaf stained with the tell tale sign of wilt.  The wood turns gray and begins to crumble and hang.  If you walked in to a forest of oak wilted trees you might feel as though you've entered the set of a horror film.  Worse still is the pain you feel knowing that the tree has been growing for over a century and you are bearing witness to its demise.

I was glad to be home even if I had to see the beaver attack/chainsaw massacre.  I spent the early part of the day running errands "in town" and was so tired of the darn city drivers.  Actually I was really upset with whomever designed the 410 interchange off of 281.  It is, by far, the most inefficient road design in the history of San Antonio.  My opinion, of course.  I went to the airport, The Quarry, all around Alamo Heights, almost left my daughter at Academy, back to the airport, The Rim, and then finally home.  Whew!  Have you ever wondered who came up with the "running errands in town" thing?  Of course you run errands IN TOWN!!
I got to visit with the animals for a tiny bit before dark.  I just can't get over how much the chicks have grown and my larger chickens are laying eggs again.  I guess it was a one day strike and since I don't own any union chickens, my non-union chickens have decided to work again.  Of course I only got 8 eggs instead of the usual 12.  It could be worse, I could have none.  Many people have told me they would like eggs.  I'm happy to give away eggs for the price of the egg carton.  I am going to begin buying egg cartons and they cost a little over $2.00.  So, if you would like eggs, I'm selling egg cartons and giving the eggs for free.

I hope you had a happy Saturday and didn't have to drive along the one million other drivers who thought today was Black Friday.  I wish you a beaver-less yard and an egg-filled fridge.  Goodnight Friends!

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Storm

Today was our last day of school before Thanksgiving Break.  On her way to school, a friend of mine was hit broadside by someone who ran a red light.  Luckily she was driving a Suburban, but her youngest son still remains sensitive about the event.  The three of them are sore from the impact and will likely be so for a few days.  This Thanksgiving as they visit with their family, they will give thanks for their lives.  Sitting around a table with family and a gravely ill grandmother, they will thank God for their lives while praying for God to give them strength and peace to endure the illness of their loved one.

Another friend of mine is fighting for his life against pancreatic cancer.  His mother-in-law is also struggling with breast cancer and he recently lost his father-in-law and grandmother.  Another friend of mine is dealing with the effects of Lyme disease while her husband recovers from surgery to remove cancer from his body.  Another friend of mine has recently lost three cats for different reasons, had to get another car and is being evicted from his apartment for breaking "new" rules.  I have another group of friends who are still dealing with Sandy and the terrible effects and devastation it had on their homes and lives.  I'm sure you are familiar with the statement "When it rains, it pours."  This Thanksgiving as these people sit around a table, their hearts heavy with burden, they will thank God for something so very basic.  They will thank him for life.  Another day of breathing and another day to wake up to the people we love so dearly.  Many people will sit in a shelter or in a hotel because their homes were ravaged by storm or even fire, with nothing left of their former lives.  Sometimes when we are so heavily burdened we have to focus on our extreme blessings to remind us of the goodness we do enjoy.

The other day on the radio I heard a song that I can recall hearing at different times in my life while tears poured down my face.  Wondering why I was hurting so badly and wanting to be out of the middle of the storm I was living.  Some days I was so angry I would refuse to turn my radio on to listen to KLOVE because I didn't want to hear what God had to say.  If he wanted to speak to me he could do it by changing my situation.  I was missing the point of my suffering.  I needed to turn to the only one who could lift me out of it.  I can't even begin to know what each of you are going through.  Maybe it is a good time in your life and maybe you are in your darkest pit and can't seem to find a way out.  Click here to hear Casting Crowns song that truly helped me to make it through my darkest storm.

I hope this Thanksgiving you are able to be thankful for all of the blessings you have and for all of the people in your life, but mostly I hope you will be thankful for the Blesser.  You are loved and I am thankful for you.  Goodnight Friends.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Chloe spent another day at home with a fever.  She is feeling better and is well enough to attend the half day before Thanksgiving convenient.  This morning she decided to spend some time cuddling with her kitty, Marsha.  The day zoomed by as I sat on my computer trying to figure out the "user friendly" version of my school e-mail interface.  Later Chloe asked me if I got all my work done and I sighed, "No, I couldn't find any of my archived e-mails and so I spent three hours trying to find e-mails and e-mail addresses." I'm not as technologically challenged as I sound.  I did go to school to teach my two classes while Chloe did her homework in the waiting area at the school.
We get home and I start dinner.  I made my husband's favorite.  BBQ spare ribs, mashed potatoes, and corn.  I left green vegetables off the menu ON PURPOSE.  Prior to dinner I fed the pony and put the chickens away.  The sun was almost down and I had a hard time feeling around in the next boxes for eggs.  I get 11 or 12 eggs a day.  I feel the first box.  Nothing.  The second box.  Still nothing.  This continues as I check all eight boxes.  NO EGGS!!  Oh no you don't!  Recently a friend of mine told me about her chickens having stopped laying eggs.  Three weeks and no eggs.  Uh, I don't think so CHICKENS!!!!  I don't say sweet things to them and treat them like chicken princesses for them to stop laying eggs!!!  My friend, Nicole, sent me a link to help with the laying problem from one of my favorite chicken sites.  Backyard Chickens is a great hobbyist website full of information and encouragement.  The link she sent me suggests putting cayenne pepper in their feed.  Hmmmm.  Ok, I will try it.  Sounds crazy.  Par for my course!

  Maybe you recall the orchid Thadd brought home this week, well meet a smaller orchid he has coaxed to bloom for another year.  To the right is the one he bought and to the left is the one he gave me years ago and he manages to get it to bloom annually.  If you look closely you will see some blooms further down the stem.  I remember when Thadd and I first started dating I gave him a cyclamen plant.  They are hard to grow.  I told him the plant was our relationship and if he could keep the plant alive he could likely keep our relationship alive.  I was kidding, but he kept the plant alive for many years until he actually moved to Connecticut to be close to me.  In our first home, knowing how much I like the flower,  he planted an entire flower bed of cyclamen.  If you are familiar with the plant they like the cold and grow very well in the snow.  He was able to grow a full flower bed of cyclamen in South Texas and keep them alive through the very hot summers.  I think as far as keeping things alive, he gets an A+.  I love reminiscing about when we were first married.  The things we did for each other because we only had each other.  Those little things are still special to do and also to remember.  Our lives change so much when we have children, yet our affection and attention to one another should not disappear.  Take time to sit with one another and talk about the silly things you used to do together.  Some will make you laugh, some may make you cry, and some will make you wonder how God trusted you ever to be parents!

I'm preparing for a week long vacation with the kids.  It is Thanksgiving Break and I am certain it will be full of fun, food, and family.  Although I'm sad Chloe missed school most of this week, I'm glad she avoided being sick over the holiday.  Sick kids during the holidays makes for NO FUN!  I'm sure there will be many adventures to share and hopefully some egg laying.  I thought my biggest problem was not having egg cartons and now I realize it is not having EGGS!!!!  I want to know why THIS is not the topic of CNBC or Squawk Box.  These are the real problems plaguing the American people!!!   Ok, I'm off my soapbox!  Goodnight Friends.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Word of the Year

Although Oxford American Dictionary has chosen "GIF" as the word of 2012, if I had to equate the year 2012 in one word, how might I do it?  This question does not even sit long on my brain before the word, "Death" comes to mind.  I do not mean this in a morbid and sad way, but in a real and tangible way.  Let us take a trip down memory lane beginning in January.

The first week in January my husband was involved in an accident that totaled his car.  Death of a car.  In February we put our 18+ year old cat to sleep.  Death of a cat.  In March, Thadd's parents both made their way from life on earth to eternity.  Death of mentor/teacher parents. Click here to read about their legacy.   Thadd also changed jobs.  Death of a job.  We also moved to the farm.  Death of neighborhood living.   In April, Brett was playing with Checkers his snake and he escaped.  Loss of a snake.   In May, Brett got two Leopard Geckos and one escaped.  Loss of a gecko.  In June we managed to avoid any death, I think.  In July, we put our other sweet cat who was 18 years old to sleep.  Death of a cat.  August was eventfully uneventful.  September was the month that my early thirties flashed before my eyes.  Early-thirties died.  October claimed the life of our beloved hamster, Weasel Scamper.  Death of a hamster.  October also buried a fluffy hen and four baby chicks.  Death of fluffy chicken and babies.   November began by taking Kitty Fluff who is still missed at bedtime.  Death of ANOTHER cat.  

If all goes as planned, the Mayan calendar ends and the rest of us will also die in December!!  Sounds so appealing, right??  Ok, so I don't actually believe the world ends in December and I also don't believe this has been the year of death.  You can see an obvious pattern that might make for a sad year, but it is also opportunity to make the year better.  To take steps forward.  To live fuller lives.  To love more deeply and to forgive quickly.  The car died, but Thadd was safe in January.  In February the cat closed her eyes after living a full and happy life in a home full of love.  Thadd's parents stepped from this life in to eternity to be at peace and without pain.  They left behind a beautiful legacy and words to live by that encourage many people around the country and likely the globe.  Thadd's job change has provided wonderful opportunities as well as friendships with people who we know we will keep for a lifetime.  Our move landed us in heaven on earth.  The snake loss is actually a gain as the female snakes have more males to help populate our area.  The gecko, well, at least we still have one left.  Girl Cat lived a beautiful life that she spent as Queen of the Bed.  Although I have severe cat allergies, she slept on my hair every night I slept at home for 18 years.  Kitty Fluff quickly took her spot.  The fluffy chicken was a delicious meal for a hungry wild animal and the babies either didn't hatched well or were cuddled to death.  A new perspective to "kill them with kindness."  Poor hamster.   He lived a full hamster life.  Kitty Fluff, who took Girl Cat's spot, now fills only a spot in my heart and not one on my pillow.  He is probably missed most of all since now I have no more indoor cats.  I must admit to having less allergy problems, but kitten fur withdrawals aren't much better.

I guess 2012 is more about life than death.  It is about burying only the mortal and celebrating eternity.  It is amazing how loss makes you change your perspective of gain.  I have only recently learned the true value of loss and losing one's soul for eternity's sake. I was more able to truly understand the value of life in seeing life slip away from two of the most amazing people in my life.  Thadd's parents were truly inspirational teachers and mentors who loved with a love very similar to that of Christ.  They were the hands and feet of Jesus in their devotion to the poor and hurting.  They were far from perfect, as we all are, but they taught me to seek MY OWN relationship with the Lord.  Ask questions to grow your faith and to truly learn to know God. Sometimes we will be disciplined and sometimes we will be blessed, but each day is a new opportunity to know Him.  Celebrate the life you have and live life with purpose.  Death is only the beginning of something new.   Live purposeful lives.  Goodnight Friends! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Temperature

I roll out of bed before my alarm to a cold house.  I change my mind four times before I finally decide what to wear.  I'm starting to put my make up on and Chloe starts complaining she is sick  I ignore her for a while until it is almost time to go and she is still in bed.  I check her temperature and she is, in fact, sick.  I know my students are going to be so sad I am not at school today.  Or not.   I begin to change my clothing for the sixth time and all before 7 am.

I send all of my sub plans via e-mail and begin to work on the stuff that usually fills my time at school.  Chloe decides to move to my bed where there is access to a television and thinks Doomsday Preppers is a good show to watch.  I change the channel to Too Cute! which is a ridiculous show about tiny baby animals.  It is almost painful to behold their cuteness.  She watches for a while until she falls asleep.

I stay indoors until Brett arrives from school.  We tour the outdoors and visit with all of the animals who are enjoying the cooler weather.  Augusta Belle and Pip call to me from the neighbor's house and I visit and pet them for a while.  As I start walking away Augusta Belle cries the most heart wrenching cry of all time.  It is very much like the cry of your infant child.  I sound crazy when I say that last sentence, I know.  I can't quite explain why I love animals so much.  Genetic flaw?

I have no excitement or craziness to report.  My husband is glad the temperature is going up because he says I'm using far more electricity to warm the animals outdoors than I allow for him to use indoors.  I am not a fan of the heater and so the only thing I allow is the fire in the fireplace.  At least until it starts to get really cold, well, really Texas Hill Country cold.  Well, not really that cold, I guess.  Stay warm and cuddle by the fire.  Goodnight Friends!