Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Adventure Continues: Off The Grid

On July 23, 2012, I began writing The Stricker Post.  There were two purposes to the blog.  First, I wanted to see if I could commit to do something for 365 days and second, I love to write.  The blog has helped me to turn the page on each day of my life.  Each day ends at midnight and a new adventure begins with the rising of the sun.  The scripture in Matthew below had new meaning to me as I learned to live for the present moment and avoided being caught up in the past or future.

Matthew 6:30-34

New International Version (NIV)
30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
As a person with the gift of ADHD, I embrace the excitement of doing not one thing at a time, but lots and lots of things at once.  I am a woman, which also provides the ability to multitask.  This year I've managed to teach part-time while spending full-time hours at work, planned various social events at school, managed the academic teams, volunteered with various organizations to serve the population of our metro area, kept up with all of the farm animals, successfully bred and birthed four baby goats, milked goats twice daily, kept two children alive and in school, wrote a daily blog,  been a wife and mother cooking breakfast and dinner daily(and lunch in the summer).  I think we all have a long list of the tasks we do and can marvel knowing we actually accomplished these things.  AMAZING!

It is now time to enter a new phase of life.  I feel like the year of blog writing was training for something.  I'm not sure what, but something.  I learned the value of time.  Starting tomorrow I will no longer write a blog and I will no longer be on Facebook.  It is time for change.  I'm not sure how I will fill my time without social media and my creative outlet, but I'm sure I will think of something.   If you take a good hard look at your life, what do you think you need to change?  I know I need to engage more in the world that is living around me.  I need to be present.  Spend time thinking about what needs to leave your life in order for you to live the life you were designed to live.  A life worthy of living.  Below, Paul(the former hater of Christ, turned follower) writes to the church from his prison cell.  This quiet time of reflection did not serve as a curse but a gift for him to quiet his spirit and hear God's voice.

Ephesians 4

New International Version (NIV)

Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it[a] says:
“When he ascended on high,
    he took many captives
    and gave gifts to his people.”[b]
(What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions[c]?10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Instructions for Christian Living

17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.
20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin”[d]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

There are so many things in my heart that need work.  It is now time for me to begin a new adventure.  An adventure filled with finding peace, tranquility, and learning to love people the way Christ intends.  I thank each of you for joining the Stricker Post for the last year and allowing me to share all of the good, bad, and even the ugly.  I want my life to reflect something beautiful that urges people to want to know Christ better.  I want to allow silence and rest to fill my spirit.  The loudness and chaos of this world lives in my heart and I long to have peace.  For me, this is not the end of anything, but the beginning of something new.  Be blessed, be loved, be happy, but above ALL, LOVE others well.  The adventure continues, somewhere on a farm in rural Boerne.

Tonight I am thankful for each and every one of you, my friends, who have walked the journey with me.  Some of you have been faithful and others have read it every now and again, but you are all a part of the journey.  We were meant to journey together to help support each other when we are weary or to encourage one another when we need it.  I am still here, just an e-mail away.  Thank you for being my friend.  Goodnight Sweet Friends.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bees Like Gifts

My kids are out of town and I am left to my own devices at home.  Today I had a bunch of errands to run and tomorrow I will be cleaning the house and I've slowly filled the rest of my week with activities that do not require paying a babysitter.  I don't like spending the extra cash on the babysitter, but I adore the babysitters who watch my kids.  Each of the sitters has a special love and understanding for my children, making my date nights so easy.  I never worry about the kids OR the sitter.

I am left, also, with more chores.  I have no minions on whom to pawn my work.  This week was a little different in that the bees needed tending.  We have a strained relationship since I often approach the hive without gifts.  Bees like gifts.  They like smoke, sugar water or maybe a gallon of delicious syrup.  Today, I approached with a sugar water spray bottle.  As the bees started to become anxious and the buzzing became more intense, I merely sprayed a few spritzes of sugar water on them.  I enjoy watching them calm down and begin licking each other and anything containing sugar water.  It is very much like bringing children in to an edible room.  Yes, I know, someone may have licked it before!!  Imagine your children walking in to an edible room created only for them.  The walls made of fruit roll ups with windows of melted hard candy spread thing like the stained glass windows of a church.  The door knob made of giant jaw breakers and the door frame lined with red licorice rope.  You and your kids would likely be having a lickfest!!

I was creating an edible room for them while also checking on their honey making and the general health and well being of the hive.  Everything seemed to be working very well.  The combs were sturdy.  The brood was being tended by the nurse bees.  The drones were occasionally flying at my head to keep me from bothering the queen.  The guard bees were standing guard at the entrance checking every landing bee to make sure they were native to our hive.  Everyone was working.  I spent thirty minutes watching them and checking each frame for honey, pollen and brood.  I enjoyed the hypnotic hum of their buzzing as I carefully inspected the hive.  I sprayed them with sugar water often, making the hum sweeter and less hurried.  I missed my walking encyclopedia, Chloe, who gives me a bee health and wellness lecture each time we visit the hive.  I felt a little unprepared since she wasn't there to point out all of the landmarks, but I managed to talk myself through the process and know more than I thought.

Chloe likes to read me those books of useless facts and they often fill my head in slots I was hoping to fill with useful information.  Luckily, her beekeeping facts have managed to adhere to some of those empty spots.  So have many of those useless facts like the headless chicken who lived eighteen months after the farmer originally cut its head off. ( See, now you will have that unnecessary trivia in your brain for further use.)

It is rare for us to take time to truly value the beautiful natural world. (Day 196).Take a moment this evening to observe something natural in its element.  Even if it is just your child playing outside or laughing with friends.  Be thankful for the simple and simply lovely things around you.  Maybe listen for the sound of the last bird this evening or the first one in the morning.  Can you identify the bird and its voice?  Today I am thankful for the thirty minutes I spent listening and watching the bees be, well, bees.  Goodnight Friends.  Do not forget to catch tomorrow's blog.  It will be the last blog until further notice.  The blog will remain open, but without new postings.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Heavy Heart

this is me...
As I look at the year of blogging, I find a very prominent issue.  I have a terrible time holding my tongue.  I can likely schedule it monthly according to the woman's curse, but that is NOT an excuse.  A wife, mother and teacher has no business wielding such a heavy and strong sword so recklessly.   Today at church, Chloe stood in a different row, ten seats away.  She had a frown on her face and nearly tears down her cheeks.  She had ridden to church with her grandmother and it had not gone well.

Although Chloe hasn't quite blossomed in to womanhood (THANK GOD FOR SMALL FAVORS), she still has emotional roller coasters that match my cycle.  For this reason, I understood the frowny face she wore today.  I walked over, put my arm around her shoulders and told her it was "Okay" to be frustrated and want to bite, hiss or scratch something.  (Cat similes, metaphors and analogies are BIG in my house, actually, in my life.) I told her that despite feeling awful and angry she needed to find a way to feel calm inside.  Luckily, we were in church and I could say all of these things over the whir of the music.  We hadn't chosen the best spot to sit as the music was very loud and hurt our ears, but it was good for sharing deep thoughts with my tween.

The music finished and the message started.  He preached about many things.  The most important thing I heard was to listen to God's voice.  He speaks inside of each and every one of us.  We have to take care to listen.  I am on a journey to quiet the noise and to listen to the voice inside of my heart.  Not the voice that says YES!!!  The voice that says, "I Love You, no matter what."  The voice that says, "You are created in MY image and you are perfect, loved and forgiven."  That doesn't mean I'm going to rob a bank and then hope to find redemption, but redemption exists even for the bank robbers, the child killers, and the home wreckers.  God sent Jesus to die on the cross for each and every one of us despite our flaws, sins and short comings.  We are never going to be good enough alone, but through the blood of Christ we are redeemed.

I do not pretend to be better or to know better than my friends and if you do not know Christ I do not judge you.  If religion has betrayed you, welcome to the club.  Religion is NOT Christ.  Christ is Christ.  If you think you might want to know more, there are so many places you can go.  If church is not for you, maybe you'll consider a radio station. K-Love(click here for prayer) is one of my favorites.  Religion and church are NOT perfect and they will fall short of what you need, but God will NEVER fall short of what you need.  He created you and LOVES you so very much.  If you think God and Jesus are a bunch on garbage, I challenge you to seek them.  Find out what they are about and decide for yourself.  You won't be disappointed.

I am thankful for forgiveness as I fall short of perfection DAILY. (Day 194).  Goodnight Friends.  By the way, Tuesday, July 23, 2012 will be our one year mark!  One year of The Stricker Post adventures!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Treasure Hunt

Yesterday while grocery shopping with my mom and kids, Brett and my mom got lost.  Chloe and I managed to meet a really fascinating man in the condiment aisle while search for just the right BBQ sauce.  He had the greatest stories and seemed like a fun guy.  I was hoping my mom would find us at some point so she might be able to meet this super fun guy.  Any man who decides to go to bull riding school at age 69 is someone everyone needs to know!

During our conversation, I hear, "Mimi Starnes, Please come to the Business Office desk."  I excuse myself from the conversation and give him a smile and a handshake.  I walk over to the business office and scold my mom for not finding me as I've met the perfect guy for her!!  I sent her to find him in the store and instructed her to invite him to dinner.  Later I asked her if she was not aware that thirteen years ago I got married and had a different last name.  She shrugged her shoulders.

Tonight he drove up with his service dog, Buddy, in tow.  We had a great dinner and fun conversation. Although my mom and our dinner visitor have many, many things in common, they are not a match, AT ALL.  His company was enjoyable and we have found a new friend in Boerne.  During our dinner, Thadd discovered a nest of eggs.  I have been so concerned with the days of few eggs and I know we had recently been feeding them all sorts of treats.  I have been perplexed by our few eggs and find great comfort in finding this bush nest.

Tonight was a great night shared with great conversation and a basket full of eggs.  I am thankful for the egg treasure hunt and the enjoyable dinner conversation. (Day 192).  Goodnight Friends.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Love is...

Have you ever gotten mad at someone for something they did that was actually nothing wrong and you were the problem?  I hate when I have to admit to being the problem.  Sadly, I am the problem way more often than the solution.  Yesterday I had a huge fight over something that was a problem I created.  After talking and crying and crying and talking and blowing my nose a thousand times I came to realize my mistake.  It was actually ALL MY fault.

This morning I woke up, saddened by my ridiculous display.  I apologized to the only person in this world who knows all of my flaws and still chooses to wake up next to me every day.  He graciously hugged me and acted as if I had not had a huge tantrum the night before.  He even made me coffee and let the animals out.  He likely will never speak of the argument again and will never use it to embarrass me or upset me or as "ammunition" in a fight.  The man I married plays fair.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

New International Version (NIV)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

I am thankful for a husband who does not allow his tongue to be a sword but instead restraint. (Day 191).  Goodnight Friends.  May all of us be as the scripture says, LOVING.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Bird In The Hand

After twenty-eight(28) days of waiting we wanted the baby goose to emerge.  Perfect and wet with a tiny bill and an egg tooth.  We wanted to watch it dry in the humidity of the incubator and take its first steps.  It did not happen.  Today, after thirty days we cracked the egg open to find mold and a nasty, creamy center.  No doubt, a rotten egg.  It had been forming, but not into a perfect little goose.  It formed in to a nasty, stinky rotten egg beloved by my cat and dogs.  They hurried over to check the delicious smell only to find me covering their next meal in dirt.  
Earlier in the morning as we arrived at the barn for our routine milking, the children saved a tiny male cardinal from the kitten's jaws.  I am not sure which kitten they shamed for being a, well, a cat.  The entire herd of cats was confused by the taking of the cheeping bird from their grips only to be held above their heads and out of reach.  The cats searched high and low and could not find the baby bird finding refuge in Brett's hands.  

Chloe announced, "Finally!!!  God has sent me the bird I have been longing for!"  If I had a free hand I would've slapped my head.  Brett was a little less dramatic and insisted we care for the injured bird.  I decided to take it to someone with experience.  We drove in to town to drop Chloe's friend, who had spent the night, at her dance camp.  I was wearing my inappropriately short denim cutoff milking shorts, an extra large Dr. Pepper shirt I won with a bottle cap entry, lace up waterproof gray boots and I opted for a bra before leaving the house.  We were rushing to get her friend to dance camp on time.   I call the wildlife refuge clinic and they are excited for and agree to treat the chirping bird.

I drive as fast as my car will take us while also maintaining the appropriate posted speed limit to avoid another speeding ticket.  The last one set me back nearly $200 and also the abuse of a husband constantly reminding me of my infraction.  The guilt of spending that much money on something so useless is punishment enough.  The refuge is located in Kendalia.  Kendalia is about forty-five minutes from my house.  twenty minutes in to the ride Brett announces, "We no longer need to go to the refuge.  The bird died."  I quickly pull over off the two lane highway with dust flying as I slam on my breaks.  I'm no sure when I became emotionally invested in the cardinal.  I take a closer look.  He is, in fact, dead.  I turn the car around and return home.  We bury the cardinal with the rotten egg.  Sadly, the birds in our hand were not worth more than the two in the bush.

I am thankful I never arrived at the wildlife refuge in my milking outfit.. (Day 191).  Goodnight Friends.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This Could Save Your LIFE!

Friends, this evening I am attaching the story of fellow mom and blog warrior.  Her story is unique in many ways, but mostly for having survived mesothelioma.  She does not offer a message of blame or entitlement for having been exposed to the very thing that made her sick, but she shares a message of hope.  Many of us, growing up in the 70's and 80's risk exposure to these elements.   It is a short video and an inspiring one.  Get the facts to save your life.

Her name is Heather Von St James and she has shared her story many places but will NOT stop until she reaches EVERYONE.

Click here to watch a short video of Heather's story.


Click here to read about Heather.

Whether you watch or read, you will be inspired by her determination and will to survive, but also by here incredible urgency to spread awareness.  She wasn't just happy to survive, she wants you to survive and thrive, as well.

I am thankful for Heather and her inspiration journey.  (Day 190).  Goodnight Friends.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bretty the Great and Mighty Warrior!

This morning as Chloe and I walked back from the barn, the sun was slowing rising in the east hidden by clouds predicting rain.  Rain didn't seem odd for a day like today.  Since our meeting last week with the doctor, I've been foggy in my head.  The weather decided to mimic my brain as we drove to San Antonio stopping along the way for patches of rain and stacking traffic.  At one juncture we witnessed the aftermath of a Honda Civic that had caught fire and filled half of the expressway.  Traffic slowed to catch a glimpse of the hot mess.  There didn't seem to be any other cars involved and the two inhabitants of the Civic stood next to the first responders,  talking on their cell phones with arms waving.  I suspect they were retelling the story of the inferno.  I was happy to see them in good spirits and safe.
The inferno did cause a large back up which later translated as a five minute late arrival to the 9 am doctor's appointment.  Chloe and I were up early to milk while Brett remained in bed until fifteen minutes prior to our departure.  His excitement of coming to the doctor caused him to sleep restlessly and ended up sneaking in to my bed at around 5am.  It took him about twenty minutes to finally settle in to sleep where he remained until I removed the blankets from his cozy, warm little boy self fifteen minutes before our ETD (estimated time of departure).
Chloe helped me pack him a lunch of soup, sandwich, Milano cookies, fruit nuggets, and strawberry slices.  He prepared a water bottle the night before to make sure the water was also suitable for Mr. White's travel cage.  The doctor was not going to have much luck with Brett unless I answered his plea to bring Mr. White along. 
At 9:05 am we entered the office with a frog in a travel aquarium, a mister spray bottle, a water bottle with a shoulder strap, a lunch box and a little boy.  I'm not sure why I describe him as a little boy when he has the capacity to pray better than any adult I know, but his age dictates a less than adult title. 
The doctor welcomed us in and I try to avoid looking as frustrated as I feel for having arrived five minutes late.  I do NOT like being late.  I allowed exactly fifteen extra minutes for traffic and instead I was served twenty minutes of inferno.  We sat down and I let out a sigh.  The doctor ignored my release knowing I was frustrated by my late arrival.  He excused the discretion and spoke to both Chloe and Brett kindly and respectfully.  He welcomed Mr. White to the meeting and found a suitable location for him near a large leafy plant to help him feel like he had returned to his native rain forest roots.  I'm sure Mr. White has never seen, and will  likely never see, the inside of a rain forest, but the doctor did his very best to make an effort to give him a close encounter.
It didn't take long for Brett to relax in to the setting and the voice of the doctor.  He explained that they would be doing stuff that resembled school, but was, for the most part, a way for us to figure out how to make school easier and more fun for Brett.  I watched Brett's eyes fill with an ounce of hope and also skepticism.  I smiled.  The doctor will have his hands full for the next four hours as he walks through a battery of tests to find any learning discrepancy.
Reading isn't easy and having an older child who is not only an avid reader, but a voracious reader, I never realized it was a difficult task for some.  I never had trouble reading as a child and being the third, and therefore the perfect, child I was way ahead of the curve in serious chase of my older  brother and sister.  I've always been competitive,  obviously.  Nevertheless, reading is not easy.  This year Brett and I have spent many hours crying and trying to break through some silent and invisible reading barriers.  Many of my friends have said, "He will out grow it." Or "It gets easier,  I promise."  It sort of feels like potty training.  It is close YET soooooo far away. 
With each passing year of school he falls farther and farther behind leaving me to question my parenting and also my child.  His school and teachers have been a great support system, offering assistance and extra tutoring to help build upon his classroom work.  At the end of the day he comes home exhausted and slightly defeated.  You might recall his homework hiding fiasco of 2013.  No less than twenty (20) homework sheets were stashed in his desk, never seeing the light of day until the teacher and I finally realized there was a discrepancy.  He was made to make up the work during his own time and an extra sheet daily until they were completed.   This can't happen for the rest of his life.  There has to be a solution.  A solution that does not include myself or Brett crying in desperation.
After lots of talking and listening we made an appointment to have him seen for a battery of tests to measure all sorts of things.   We want to rule out or accept any learning disabilities or processing issues and allow him to be successful in his work by attacking it at the base level.  I am NOT afraid of labels, but I do have a dislike for ignorance.  I can no longer be ignorant to my son's struggle.  The ignorance stopped today as Brett walked in to the doctor's office with Mr.White in hand. 
I am thankful for Brett, the small yet GREAT AND MIGHTY WARRIOR. (Day 190).  Goodnight Friends!

UPDATE:  Brett's test results came back and we have have a brilliant child who will read when he is good and ready.  No other issues or problems.  I know all those prayers from his Grandma Barbara(who is now in heaven) were not in vain.  Someday he will be an excellent reader.  For now, he is just on his own time.

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Quiet Monday on the Farm

the deer eyeing the empty corn bag
Lately, my husband has become a deer lover.  Generally, I do not like to make deer tame because of the dangers they encounter during hunting season.  This area does have some hunters during the season who likely won't be shooting in my property.  While I am an advocate of feeding deer for sale and or growth and strength of a herd in animal management situations, I am not a fan of feeding deer to later shoot during their feeding time while they peacefully eat in the same spot you've been feeding them for a year.  That is CHEATING!!
This little doe has befriended Thadd and comes looking for him throughout the day.  She has beautiful big eyes and a sweet face.  This morning we ran out of corn and she took it upon herself to come in the yard to double check if the bag was empty.  With each passing day she becomes more and more brave.  With each passing day Thadd becomes more and more protective of her.  They have an odd bond and she will walk toward him when he feeds her while she runs from me when I bring a food offering.
Brett and Mr. White

Mr. White is settling in fine when he isn't shooting pee out of his back end.  I'm not a fan of the pee shooting.  Brett has made countless videos of the care and love of his creatures.  Most of the videos are too long to post and would likely crash the blogger site.  The are, however, entertaining and a healthy dose of Bretty's theatric abilities.  He also spends the day wandering outside feeding the deer in various locations on the property to keep the chickens from eating all of the food.  We also learned that Charles loves the corn and follows whomever has a red solo cup.  Warning:  DO NOT come to the Stricker house with a red solo cup unless you have treats for deer, pony, or chickens inside the cup.  Charles with steal it from you hand.   Chloe decided she would ride Charles around while he tried eating the contents of the cup in my hand and even took a nice hard tug on the cup.
Charles following me and the red solo
cup full of corn.  Chloe torturing the pony.

 Yesterday after church we had to go to Costco to buy more probiotic gummies.  Chloe hid the other full container of gummies and did not remember the hiding place or that she had hidden them until I located them while cleaning the pantry.  She did, at one point, blame the chupacabra and Brett blamed the bass.  The bass did eat a frog he was returning to the pond and in his mind could be the culprit for stealing the gummies.  Thadd and I were equally perplexed by the mysterious disappearance since there were NO signs of regularity in the house to dictate the guilty party.  While at Costco we picked up some salads to help until the gummies kicked in.  I'm glad my kids like salads just in case the chupacabra decides to steal the gummies again.

I am thankful for the simplest things that become entertainment in our house. (Day 188).  Goodnight Friends.

my salad eaters.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have a few favorite names for my kids.  Brett most often gets pet names that aren't terribly flattering or encouraging.  My favorite nickname for Brett is, MONSTER.  If you spend any time with us it is obvious he can act like a little monster.  He is a great manipulator and watches and adjusts to take advantage of your weakness while at the very same time offering a disarming kind and sensitive sweetness.

I have a friend who calls her kids, Little Angels.  Even when they are complete brats and in need of a good spanking, she still calls them, Little Angels.  In my head I'd often think negative thoughts while plastering a smile on my face when she would react by saying, "Come here Little Angels and tell me what you are doing."  Wanting to scream, "CLEARLY THEY ARE BEING BRATS!"  is never the way to keep a friendship and so I would quietly mumble to myself.

Here's the thing, she was absolutely right to encourage them and use words of love instead of words of criticism.  I was and am foolish for constantly using words that discourage my child from being all he was created to be in this life.  Luckily, he has been blessed with teachers both in pre school and grammar school who recognize and appreciate his gifts.  When I call him MONSTER, they call him LOVER OF ALL OF GOD'S CREATION.

Mark 11:22-26

New International Version (NIV)
22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. 23 “Truly[a] I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” [26] [b]

The solution is simple.  Faith.  I must have faith that my child will eventually be who God created him to be and it will be, surprisingly, despite me.  I need to feed encouragement and praise instead of calling out his flaws.  I'm certain I would not enjoy it if people called me by my flaws.  Oh dear!!  I'm also writing this post in FAITH.  Change is hard.  I have to work to find the good when he is acting like a total turkey!

I am thankful for my MONSTER, I mean, SWEET BOY. (Day 188).  Goodnight Friends.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today I had an fb debate on a political hot topic.  I do not normally debate politics or religion.  My attitude is generally non confrontational about those things and I think everyone has their own way of seeing life and their own path through.  (Do not confuse this with other topics for which I am very confrontational and hyper-competitive.)  This morning when I was reading the Bible I was reading scripture about the sin that seems rampant in our country.  Greed, lust, adultery, the list is LOOOONG.   Recently I asked my husband when single monogamous marriage became "the law" as I was wondering if we might be able to marry in a wife who ONLY cleans.  Ok, not funny, but some of the rampant sin in our nation seems almost humorous.  The Bible teaches and warns us each to follow certain rules, but in the end offers complete forgiveness, mercy and grace.  Some of you are Bible believers or do not necessarily believe in God at all, but obviously, I do.

When I closed my Bible this morning and thought about what I read it didn't make me want to call up my naughty friends and preach to them, it reminded me of all of my own sin.  The really ugly stuff in my life that isn't on God's happy list.  You see, I don't have to stand at the throne and be judged for your sins, I only have to be judged for mine.  Sadly, my judgement will involve lust and judgement of others.  It will also involve hateful words and manipulation, lying and deceit.

Every word and action I make is a seed.  I will reap the harvest of all of my plantings.  Some will be beautiful and bear good fruit and others will be thorny and the fruit inedible.   My prayer is to learn from my immaturity and learn the Bible and seek God's steps for my life.  I pray to lead a good life worthy of being called His child, but it will not be without mistake.  I will be judged.  You will be judged.  Each of us will face our indiscretions.  Don't live life full of judgement, instead live it in acceptance and love of others.  Fix your own life and love and encourage others no matter where they might be.  You never know what your words of encouragement can do to change their life, save their life.  Our words need to breathe life in to others not destroy life.  I am guilty of doing both, I'm afraid.

Matthew 7:5

New International Version (NIV)
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
This is not the first time I've written about this topic and it surely will not be the last.  I need a CONSTANT reminder of my sin and need to actively forgive myself and to be forgiven, DAILY.  I am thankful for a God who is merciful.(Day 186).  Goodnight Friends.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chloe's Crazy Signage

The other day we visited the doctor for the kid's well check up.  There were no shots involved, but Chloe did make some nifty signs that she posted for all other drivers to read.
This is a photo of Chloe as she cries, real tears, because they informed her she did not require shots until her 11 year old visit.  I was upset since I was looking forward to posting a video of her FREAKING out during the shot session.

The sign on my window that could've caused accidents!



KITTENS written in metal/magnet beads to enhance visibility of the theme of the message.

While I am thankful there were no accidents caused due to the crazy signage, I am most thankful for a daughter who loves kittens almost as much as I.(Day 185).  Goodnight Friends.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Milk Du Soleil: A Short Video

I wrote this last evening when I was hoping to post the video.  Technical difficulties kept it from making its debut until today.  Today's milking was much better and less stressful.  I still had to place my leg under her torso yo be able to keep her from sitting down.
This morning was a success
This evening I am posting a video of my milking feat.  Yesterday was a disaster, this morning was as well, but this evening she was mostly cooperative.  Watch the video so you can see what "mostly cooperative" looks like and to laugh.  I wore my Glitter Milker(pink with sequins) shirt in hopes it would inspire me to be better, but Chloe doesn't have the best sense of the art of film making thus there may be too much glitter milk in some pictures.

If you are viewing this through a mobile device it likely won't play, but Brett does a great job narrating the project done in a very rough style.  If my dear friend Jenna Zaffino was available, she would likely be able to create a masterpiece.  If you can't access via the mobile site, it is listed as Glitter Milker on youtube.

I am thankful for this milking adventure as is helps me to appreciate the milk I drink THAT MUCH MORE!!! (Day 184).  Goodnight Friends!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Barn View: Kitten Edition








I am thankful for the simplicity of the barn.(Day 184).  Goodnight Friends!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Milk Du Soleil

This morning I joined my neighbor in milking her goats for the first time since their babies headed to auction last night with my babies.  It was quite an escapade.  Her goats were engorged and uncomfortable and did not like us pawing at them.  When all was said and done we got 2.5 gallons of milk out of three goats in one sitting, not including the milk kicked out of our hands at various times during the milking sessions.

refusing to be milked
This evening was the first time I decided to milk a second goat.  She has always been a diva since I brought her home when she was two months old and she cried like a tiny infant the entire night.  I remember sitting up in bed listening to her sad cries from the barn.  She sounded like an tiny helpless baby and she made my heart break.  As she grew older, she became more and more needy.  Following the birth of her babies, she wasn't the best mother and acted as if the world had just ended because two large creatures just fell out of her back end.  The first milking on the milk stand, tonight, was no different.  I did try and milk her when she first had her babies to keep her from becoming too engorged as she was having a terrible time feeding them solo.  She required the upside down milking stance.  It was an acrobatic feat, but one that yielded good rewards to the patient.

You can see my boot in the background up under her belly
 holding her up so I can access her teats.
This evening as I tried to milk her, she folded her legs underneath herself and plopped down on top of them with her head still in the milk stand.  She could not breathe and her eyes started to roll back in her head but she refused to allow me to milk her.  Have you ever met a child who holds their breath when they do not get their way and then they pass out?  Yeah, this was the same thing, but MY GOAT!!!!!  I got so frustrated with her, I stuck my thigh under her stomach to hold her up and tried milking her as she kicked and fussed.  At one point I looked up to see if hoisting her backend up from the rafters was a possibility.  I worked out the logistics in my head and it required more time than I was willing to dedicate to the task.  Clearly this was NOT going to be a very positive experience for anyone, mostly me.
Thank God she is STRAPPED IN!

At the end of the fuss I was willing to extract about a cup of milk that I didn't even strain.  Instead I fed it to the dogs.  They enjoyed every last lick of it and I just raised my left eyebrow in disappointment.  Tomorrow we will try again and I will also separate her from her babies tomorrow night no I can get the most possible milk. For now I am going to shower and go to bed.  Remember that fifteen minutes of exercise a day I'm supposed to be doing on the treadmill?  Yeah, me neither.

I am thankful for a goat who reminds me how annoying it is to be a diva. (Day 182).  Goodnight Friends.