Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Name

My name is Mimi.  Well, my name is actually Merissa, but most people call me Mimi.  Every time I introduce myself I have a mini identity crisis as I search my brain to figure out the right name.  Should I be Mimi for this person of Merissa.  Do they know some one who knows me as Merissa or Mimi?  So many things go in to an initial introduction often causing me to look confused when making a new acquaintance.  The truth is I feel like a Mimi trapped in a Merissa body....or is it the other way around?

Nicknames are a huge part of my family.  My mother comes from a rather large family and none of my aunts and uncles go by their God given name, at least not to me.  There's an Uncle Popo, Uncle Orp, Uncle Rudy, Uncle Tud, Aunt Deedee, Aunt Bucca, Aunt (Teensie)Weencie, Aunt Lilieowy and cousins with names like Jojo, Binkie, Birdy, Day, Alowicious, Manny, Bubby, Melsy and the list goes on.  We are a strange bunch who enjoy giving special names to special people.  I cannot remember a time when my mother did not just think up a nickname for even my friends.  Friends like Stepher, Bumberloo, Jenna Belle, Heather Feather, Baby Princess, Lynnie and Skylie.  She still nicknames my friends and I'm in my mid-thirties!!!

I'm not sure the monster she created in me by being a nicknamer.  When I meet people I often ask to change their name to something that suits them better.  I know, that is crazy!!  I have a friend named Nancy but she looks like a Michelle.  Her middle name is Jane and I think that suits her better than Nancy, so she is Jane to me.  I am driven to remember names and people and often times a "wrong" name jars my memory and I cannot associate anything with their name and their personality to truly initiate memory.  I really enjoy remembering names and making people feel important by using their name.  I guess sometimes I lose my way and have to modify your name, but I still think you are important.  I just find you more important as a Maggie instead of a Carmen!!

For now, I'm Mimi, like your grandmother or your poodle.

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