Monday, October 8, 2012

To Hatch or Not To Hatch

Fish Poo, prior to his cremation
 Yesterday we had a death cloud above our house.  Wait, maybe it was just the chimney from the warm, cozy fire we had burning in the fireplace.  Either way, death consumed my sweet fish.  If you look closely at his lips you will see the source of his passing.  I was told by the shop owner months after he was purchased, "The bubbles on his lips  are not treatable."  He lived a good life, I think.  His life ended as he slowly became unable to eat and then he lie helplessly on the bottom of the aquarium.  I wanted to kill him and save him from his agony.  I didn't even know where to begin.  I closed my eyes and turned away for long enough and it happened.  He died.

His death was not without event.  We carefully wrapped him in a paper towel(see photo below) and placed him in the fireplace with the crackling flames consuming his tiny, still body.  Brett prayed as we all watched the flames burn every shred of evidence that our fish, Fishy Poo, ever existed.
fish on flames

Chloe decided it was also a good day to drive the lawnmower.  She promised not to run her brother over on purpose or accident.  To avoid any mishaps, Thadd remained within 20 feet of the tractor at all times except for when she ran over his foot.  Oops.

We attended games and church over the weekend enjoying the cooler weather.  Thadd took the opportunity to make a fire and then turn the fans on to keep the house from getting too hot.  I refused to admit it was cooler outside and required the ceiling fan as a sleep factor and then spent the whole night too cold to get out of bed to turn off the fan.  We spent all of our extra time cuddling on the couch by the fire.  Below you can see a photo of the tiny kittens(not so tiny anymore) cuddling in their fuzzy blanket.  Oh how I love the cool weather!

Today I tended to my daily chores of turning the eggs so they cook evenly.  There was talk of not turning the eggs as they approach three days prior to hatch.  I have a motley crew of ages of eggs and so I'm not sure who should get turned and who should remain the same.  As I checked the eggs I began to hear chirping.  At first I thought I had hit a child's toy and it was saying, "cheep cheep!!"  After I looked all around with no toys in sight I stuck my head closer to the incubator and the sound was coming from within.  My new babies are getting ready to hatch!!  All 34 of them will hatch(or not) over the next ten days.  My husband is so excited about all the fresh, organic chicken he will be eating in six months.  I'm sure you can imagine the face I make at the mere mention of eating my tiny hatchlings.  I have mixed feelings.  I guess I can't live on a farm and then not farm.  Can I?

Chloe showing us how she drives
I wanted to videotape the hatching process, but it takes too long from the time they start chirping to actually busting out of their shell.  So you will have to settle for my version of the story with exaggerations and all.  I hope I can sleep with all this excitement!!!!  Goodnight!
Marsha and Baby Ti(Scratchy)
having snuggles.

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