Monday, October 15, 2012

Give Up the Insanity!!

I know I'm not alone when I say there are things I love to taste that once eaten make me feel miserable. I know most of my readers have excellent self control and even better discipline, so it is likely none of you have truly felt the awfulness I am about to describe.

This weekend at the 3rd Annual Shootout(where my team placed last, we are THAT GOOD) they served a delicious Texas style BBQ.  Brisket, chicken, sausage, pinto beans, creamed corn, cole slaw, potato salad, warm yeast rolls, BBQ sauce(of course),  and a dessert table.  I ate mostly chicken and sausage.  The mistake happened when I returned to the dessert table.  There was a smorgasbord of delicious treats ranging from every kind of mini cheesecake to chocolate draped macaroons and pecan pie bars to mini pumpkin pie.  All homemade.  All calling my name.  I grabbed one of each of the ones I wanted to sample and took a bite (as they were all bite sized) of all of them.  If you were sitting close to me you could hear some "sighs" and some "mmmmmmms" at the joyful delight I was experiencing while I ate the treats.  Fast forward about three hours to the worst belly ache.  Fast forward eight hours and my hands are swollen and asleep.  Between the sugar and the gluten and the guilt I was miserable.  Unfortunately guilt played the smallest role and therefore the problem was hard to ignore.

You would think after becoming aware of the side effects of certain foods I would avoid them, right?  WRONG!!  I have a great theory (yes, I am full of them) about these foods, "If it tastes good and makes you feel bad, don't eat it!!"  I think I must like feeling awful because I do this about every other week and sometimes more often.  I don't even have the excuse of having a craving.  I don't have strong cravings other than chocolate once a month.  I don't crave sugar. I don't crave diet soda.  I don't even crave delicious warm pastries.  I just want to eat them because they TASTE good!!  If I followed my theories I would be thinner and more fabulous, but much to my dismay I live a life full of treats, happiness, and then the dreaded stomach ache!!

I really need to get a handle on this food thing.  Yes, eat healthy, eat fresh, eat whole grains, avoid processed anything, eat leaner meats, and avoid the dessert table!!!  I am allowed to eat desserts, but a dessert table is my doom.  I usually am no longer hungry by the time dessert rolls around, but it sounds like fun.  Here is where I always get in trouble.  FUN has a way of coercing me to do things that aren't exactly in my YES category.  For example, highlights in my hair could be fun.  Dye my hair almost blonde from fun highlights, hate the blonde and cut hair off.  In the end, NO FUN.  This weekend's eatfest is also an example of FUN hurting me.  "Yummy!!!!  Fun dessert table!!!!"   DOOM!!

Next time you put something in your mouth that you know is going to make you miserable, just remember the definition of insanity:  doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result!  You are in good company.  Some day we will have to give up our insanity and start living better lives.  Please don't think I'm going to say something about avoiding disease and being healthy....NOPE!!!  Give up the insanity because, I promise, you will feel better.

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