Monday, October 29, 2012

Smelly Cat

For as long as I can remember I have worn the same perfume.  Many of my friends associate the scent with me, both good and bad.  Gone are the days that I can enter my closet and take a deep breath and smell Ralph Lauren's Safari.  Sadly, they stopped making the fragrance and now I am either buying very old bottles of perfume or I must find a new scent.

I have been to the fragrance store, department store, and kiosk too many times.  The sales people all know my saga and they really do try to accommodate my scentful search.  Every time.  Recently a friend sent me a bottle of perfume.  It wasn't the next forever scent, but it was nice and I used the whole bottle.  I went to try and purchase it at the store and it was no longer available.  I'm noticing a trend.

Today I went to Sephora with my kids.  Not a great way to find a fragrance with Brett on the floor searching for lost items under the displays and Chloe working the "scent finder" app on the wall touch screen.  Brett located close to $1000.00 in merchandise that I'm sure they just wrote off as stolen items during the inventory days.  He was very proud of himself especially when he pulled out an unidentified object.  Chloe grabbed it for further inspection and identified it as a very old and never eaten chocolate covered strawberry.  We all made the "gross face" and Brett tossed the remains in to the trash.  The woman who was waiting on us asked Brett to avoid anymore cleaning sprees as she was afraid he might find a live animal.  As I watched those words spill out of her mouth I wanted to return them as quickly as they fell out.  A live animal would only add more satisfaction to the floor crawl cleaning spree.  I quickly looked at Brett and gave him "the face," hoping he understood how I meant it.  I saw a smile flash across his face until he saw my face.  I knew he understood just by the quick loss of joy in his face.

I returned my attention to the perfume finding adventure that began with spritzes up my arms.  Luckily the lady didn't see me spraying on my skin.  You know how they always want to spray it on a spritz stick and hand it to you as if it has any usefulness on the paper.  If I liked the fragrance on the paper I would already have found a fragrance!!!  Unfortunately scents turn to all sorts of yuck on me.  Having Chloe around as a sniffer isn't the best plan either.  I got a bunch of, "That one smells old." or "That one smells like an old lady trying to smell young." or my favorite, "That one smells like an old lady and a young lady are friends."  What does that even mean?

After the longest thirty minutes of my life, I settled on a scent I've purchased in past years.  The first time I bought this perfume I was on a cruise with a bunch of girls celebrating a friend's 40th birthday.  Every time I smell the scent it reminds me of the cruise.  Oh to be on a cruise again!!!  Well, as long as I wear this fragrance I can be on an eternal cruise.

I really wanted to like the perfumes with the names like, Simply Irresistible, Candy, and Envy, but none of those worked for me.  I settled on the cruise fragrance by D&G, The One.  Not too terrible of a name.  It sounds almost like the number of clays I shot at the shootout.  One is a good number.  I make my purchase and head for the car with Chloe and Brett playing games that require them to have their volume turned to 11 and for them to be in bouncy mode.  I ignore them and focus on trying NOT to smell the six smells rising from my arms.  Or was it eight?  Yuck.

Perfume never stays on me unless I spray eight different ones and then it seems like they never go away!  I can't wait till I shower tonight and get all the nastiness off of me.  Maybe those little sticks aren't so bad after all.

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