Friday, October 12, 2012

Amazing Grace

Do you ever wonder what God sees when he opens the window of your heart?  Looking out this window I imagine it to be quite a similar sight.  He can see the patio, the table and chairs, the trees and the sage bush, the fence, the grass, more trees and the hills and then fog and fog and fog for miles.  I'm sure if He drags Himself through the fog He just might find that heart of mine.  Maybe.

We have so much stuff that clouds our view of Him, too.  When we try and look to God sometimes we see the patio, the table and chairs, the trees and the sage bush, our spouse, our children, our job, our finances, our success, our goods, our bads, our, our, our, get the idea.

Exodus 20:3

King James Version (KJV)
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

I'm certain this is the first of the ten commandments.  It does not mince words and it does not offer any alternative, if, or multiple choice.  Even though God has given you your spouse and beautiful family, they are not to cloud your perspective and focus of Him.  On the triangle of life the point should always be God.  I am not perfect and in my life I have moved God down the totem pole.  Sadly, it occurs without notice and I realize only after something happens and I am required to re-evaluate my life.  We can get so busy even involved in church and doing God's work, but not taking time to read the Bible or meditate on His word.  I'm guilty.  I'm sure the rest of you are perfect and I'm thankful I surround myself with such wonderfully balanced people, but for ME, I move Him down.

1 Corinthians 10:31

New International Version (NIV)
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

 Sometimes God gets moved down the triangle for having poor timing or for testing my faith.  Imagine little ol' me shaking my fist at God and telling Him what He can do with His Bible.  Of course I only offer suggestions like, "God, Thanks for your Bible.  It is completely unnecessary for my life.  Keep it, thanks."  or my personal favorite, "Thanks for showing up God.  Here I was giving YOU an opportunity to make a grand appearance in my life and be glorified and you leave me standing here looking stupid!  Thanks but no thanks.  You can keep Jesus and the horse he rode in on!"  You have never said these terrible things, but sadly, I have. I forget.  I forget that my life is not my own.

1 Corinthians 6:20

King James Version (KJV)
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

 I asked Jesus to live in my heart and he walked the miles and miles through thick fog only to arrive and be told to get back on his horse and leave because I was trying to do him a favor and glorify him??  Yes, I know.  I'm deeply flawed.  I'm likely going to be struck by lightning too, so I suggest you keep your distance!  I've had some tough seasons in my life where I am truly hurt and angry at God for "leaving" me.  Eventually I realize He was there the whole time, but my faith didn't grow enough to engulf the greatness of His mercy.  Our lives are full of seasons.  Much like the four seasons(that are not experienced in South Texas), our life goes in cycles.  Good, Bad, Growth, Rest, Repeat.  Maybe your seasons are different.  God's mercy, love and sometimes discipline, cover the seasons in our life.  Often we can't see beyond our own nose and therefore we don't actually see God's hand because of all the FOG.  If your eyes are continually focused on Him, you realize He never left.

Deuteronomy 31:6

New King James Version (NKJV)
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
 I'm not sure what season you are in right now, but if you just keep your eyes firmly planted on Him you will find peace.  Whether it means here on this earth on in eternity with Him, you will find peace, rest and love in His arms.  Keep your heart clear and your priorities straight.  Everything you have and are is because of the grace of God.  I know I'm only still on this earth because of His extreme sense of humor and His abundant GRACE.  Even with the popularity of the name Grace, I named my daughter Chloe Grace as a reminder of His grace in my life.  In case you need a reminder, click here to hear Chris Tomlin sing Amazing Grace.

Goodnight Friends.  Until tomorrow when I will report on the Annual Shootout and I feel a storybook coming....

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