Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Word of the Year

Although Oxford American Dictionary has chosen "GIF" as the word of 2012, if I had to equate the year 2012 in one word, how might I do it?  This question does not even sit long on my brain before the word, "Death" comes to mind.  I do not mean this in a morbid and sad way, but in a real and tangible way.  Let us take a trip down memory lane beginning in January.

The first week in January my husband was involved in an accident that totaled his car.  Death of a car.  In February we put our 18+ year old cat to sleep.  Death of a cat.  In March, Thadd's parents both made their way from life on earth to eternity.  Death of mentor/teacher parents. Click here to read about their legacy.   Thadd also changed jobs.  Death of a job.  We also moved to the farm.  Death of neighborhood living.   In April, Brett was playing with Checkers his snake and he escaped.  Loss of a snake.   In May, Brett got two Leopard Geckos and one escaped.  Loss of a gecko.  In June we managed to avoid any death, I think.  In July, we put our other sweet cat who was 18 years old to sleep.  Death of a cat.  August was eventfully uneventful.  September was the month that my early thirties flashed before my eyes.  Early-thirties died.  October claimed the life of our beloved hamster, Weasel Scamper.  Death of a hamster.  October also buried a fluffy hen and four baby chicks.  Death of fluffy chicken and babies.   November began by taking Kitty Fluff who is still missed at bedtime.  Death of ANOTHER cat.  

If all goes as planned, the Mayan calendar ends and the rest of us will also die in December!!  Sounds so appealing, right??  Ok, so I don't actually believe the world ends in December and I also don't believe this has been the year of death.  You can see an obvious pattern that might make for a sad year, but it is also opportunity to make the year better.  To take steps forward.  To live fuller lives.  To love more deeply and to forgive quickly.  The car died, but Thadd was safe in January.  In February the cat closed her eyes after living a full and happy life in a home full of love.  Thadd's parents stepped from this life in to eternity to be at peace and without pain.  They left behind a beautiful legacy and words to live by that encourage many people around the country and likely the globe.  Thadd's job change has provided wonderful opportunities as well as friendships with people who we know we will keep for a lifetime.  Our move landed us in heaven on earth.  The snake loss is actually a gain as the female snakes have more males to help populate our area.  The gecko, well, at least we still have one left.  Girl Cat lived a beautiful life that she spent as Queen of the Bed.  Although I have severe cat allergies, she slept on my hair every night I slept at home for 18 years.  Kitty Fluff quickly took her spot.  The fluffy chicken was a delicious meal for a hungry wild animal and the babies either didn't hatched well or were cuddled to death.  A new perspective to "kill them with kindness."  Poor hamster.   He lived a full hamster life.  Kitty Fluff, who took Girl Cat's spot, now fills only a spot in my heart and not one on my pillow.  He is probably missed most of all since now I have no more indoor cats.  I must admit to having less allergy problems, but kitten fur withdrawals aren't much better.

I guess 2012 is more about life than death.  It is about burying only the mortal and celebrating eternity.  It is amazing how loss makes you change your perspective of gain.  I have only recently learned the true value of loss and losing one's soul for eternity's sake. I was more able to truly understand the value of life in seeing life slip away from two of the most amazing people in my life.  Thadd's parents were truly inspirational teachers and mentors who loved with a love very similar to that of Christ.  They were the hands and feet of Jesus in their devotion to the poor and hurting.  They were far from perfect, as we all are, but they taught me to seek MY OWN relationship with the Lord.  Ask questions to grow your faith and to truly learn to know God. Sometimes we will be disciplined and sometimes we will be blessed, but each day is a new opportunity to know Him.  Celebrate the life you have and live life with purpose.  Death is only the beginning of something new.   Live purposeful lives.  Goodnight Friends! 

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