Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I spent most of the day in the car running errands.  After arriving at home we decided to leave again to  do her last evening chores as pet sitter extraordinaire for a sweet dog named, Shadow.  We pulled in to the driveway and Shadow was waiting for us.  We played fetch for a while and rolled around in the grass with him for about an hour.  She likes to play with her clients for about an hour on each visit and when we leave they usually take a nap.  Jumping back in the car I was ready for a nap, too.

Once home we checked on all of our animals.  My neighbor called to tell me she finally had running water after almost 3.5 weeks.  They had to dig a new well like we did last summer.  Both of our wells are very old and original to the properties from the early 1900's.  Luckily she had her tank filled by the company responsible for digging her well or she would've been really dirty!!  She and her husband have been very busy cutting down trees and setting up trenches to capture all of the refuse coming from the rig.  It is fortunate they hit water, but it would've been awesome if they hit oil instead!!

While on the phone with my neighbor I was visiting with my goats.  She began to express excitement in preparation for the arrival of her baby goat arrival.  Our goats all bred at the same time which means I will be expecting babies soon, too.  We started to talk through the warning signs of labor.  Augusta Belle has them all except for one.  Chloe wants to sleep in the barn.  I told Thadd I need set the hammock up in the barn, but possibly not until tomorrow night.  I also thought about driving my Yukon XL down there and sleeping in the back.  I can make a cozy bed with soft blankets and open the windows.  I'm sure the kittens(one year old cats I still refer to as kittens) will jump inside, but I don't mind a cozy kitty.  Chloe is currently reading my goat handbook and jotting down notes in our "labor journal" to remind us of each goat's specific labor progression.  She is collecting things for a birthing basket she plans to carry down there.  I told her the goat was flying solo on the whole birthing thing.  God created them to do it on their own, BUT I'm planning on being there just in case.  As a first time goat owner, I imagine I will be useless.  I could be a decent cheerleader.  "PUSH IT OUT!  PUSH IT OUT!  WAY OUT!!!!"  I think I recall a cheer like that from high school.

Tonight I think I might set my phone and Chloe's phone up on speaker to hear the noises coming from the barn.  I would HATE to miss the birth of my very first goat baby.  I am so thankful for a husband who loves me enough to tolerate my animals(Day 87).  Goodnight Friends!

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