Sunday, March 24, 2013

End of the School Year Rollercoaster....WHEEEEEEEEEE!

Today was mostly dedicated to the Beauty and the Beast, Jr. presented by the students at my school.  Although I enjoy musical theatre, I was not involved in the production except for today as make-up artist.  My kids thoroughly enjoyed the performance and I was proud of the students and all of the faculty, staff and parents involved in the enormous production.

I had very little time to spend on the farm.  I walked around and visited with everyone still frustrated with the goats for not having their babies.  I imagine it will happen soon enough and then I will wish I had less little ma-mas wandering around making messes.  It sort of reminds me of when I am pregnant and want to have the baby and then when I have the baby I want to put it back in for a little longer so I can get some sleep.  Uncomfortable sleep is better than no sleep at all.  I'm sure Belle and Pip will understand this dynamic soon enough.

The pony is doing great since he started taking his medication.  He acts like a young pony galloping about and being naughty.  The other day he sneaked a bite of the goat's alfalfa.  After he secured a bite, he took of running in the opposite direction to keep me from scolding him.  It is like having a fluffy, 800 lb Brett.

The chickens are doing fine.  Everyone seems to be getting along and we are getting to the point where the baby chicks need to be released from the nursery to find a place in the pecking order.  Sadly, I don't enjoy watching them get pecked so I haven't agreed to let them out yet.  Thadd is annoyed with my hesitation.

This weekend has been incredibly busy and I know Thadd has not enjoyed my being busy.  Unfortunately, this entire next two will be full of activities and busyness.  The school year is almost over and it is rolling down hill faster and faster each week.  Oh and by the way, have any of you figured out how to get your children to clean up their messes, wash the toilets, do laundry and feed the animals?  If so, please contact me and share your secrets.  What?  You better not have just said, "That is YOUR job!" or we can no longer be friends.

Still ahead we have all of the AP exams, Senior Thesis Presentations, Easter, Prom, 2 talent shows, talent show auditions, TAPPS State finals for EVERYONE and a partridge in a pear tree.  There are several other things, but those are the only ones causing me stress.  Yikes.  I just imagine this time of year to be that part of the rollercoaster ride when you climb, climb, climb, climb and then DROP and your stomach goes to your throat.

I am thankful for this week to begin as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ(Day 96).  Goodnight Friends.  I added additional Beekeeping information to last night's blog in case any of you decide to join me on the adventure.  Click here to read the info.

UPDATE:  Brent is doing well.  They have taken him off of some of his medications and his body is stepping in and doing its job.  They are planning to bring him out of sedation early this week so they are more able to understand the extent of the damage and create a plan for recovery.  Continue to pray for his family as they try to return to something similar to normal.  This is not a sprint, but a marathon.  It will require us to pace ourselves and pray daily for them as they travel this incredibly difficult road.  My prayer is for God to lighten their burden with His love and grace.  For their sadness and pain to be turned to gladness and healing.  Thank you for traveling this road with this precious family.

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