Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Irresponsibly Yours

The other day my students asked me about my craziest college story.  If you happen to be a parent of one of my students, rest assured, I have no crazy stories.  I think I was likely the most boring college student of all time.  I danced, went to school, competed in pageants, did tons of community service, and worked.  I was often the 3am driver of my intoxicated friends from the bar to the dorms and I was thankful they called me instead of trying to drive home.

In high school I was also boring.  I went to school, cheerleading, dancing, gymnastics, voice lessons, and home.  My parents didn't allow me to attend parties, but I did manage to sneak out once or twice.  Unfortunately, I was always caught when I did  something wrong and the tremendous guilt I felt was usually overwhelming and brought me to confess.  Maybe this can be viewed as a good thing, but it never felt good when I was in trouble and grounded for the rest of, well, forever.

I spent a large portion of my life grounded for all sorts of things including giving out my phone number and even wearing jeans that were too tight.  News brief:  Wranglers are SUPPOSED to be tight!!  I tried all of the groups from prep to kicker and liked all the groups so much I generally floated from friend to friend.  I was known for being two things in high school(before I left to boarding school) which were: stuck up and a social butterfly.

I never understood why anyone thought I was stuck up!  I guess I was a goody goody and was trying to avoid getting grounded, AGAIN!!  My father often had me followed by his police friends and  would give me a complete report of the evening including what I ate and with whom I sat.  All of the craziness changed when I left to boarding school.  I was never grounded and I didn't have to answer phone calls from my parents if I thought they received my report card.  I knew they weren't going to jump on a plane and come get me, so I rode the line.  I LOVED the independence and the community of boarding school.  I learned about who I was and most importantly I learned about choices.

It is very common to hear parents talk to their very small children about choices.  As a matter of fact, a friend told me a small child asked her if her dog had choices.  He was wondering if the dog's life or his own was the best one to be living.  Knowing my friend's dog, the dog DEFINITELY has the better life.   I can promise I truly believe God was in charge of my life and was guiding me every step of the way.  I could've chosen so many bad things, yet his hand seemed to steer me away from danger.  I cannot take credit for not having lived a crazy and wild college life or for not having irresponsible stories to share with my students.  God ordered my steps, every one.  I occasionally got a bit side-tracked, but I survived.

Sometimes I wonder why God would ever want to use me for any purpose since I haven't been drunk, drugged, or in jail.  Of course, I'm not asking to be in any of these places or situations, but what I hope, with all my heart, is for you to make good choices.  There are enough things in our lives that are outside of our sphere of control; control your choices.  I have lived a fun and fulfilling life even without drunk stories.  Well, I actually have lots of drunk stories, just none that include me.  What does FUN mean to you?  If you had to tell the most irresponsible story you've lived, would it be boring?

I am thankful for a life filled with adventure, drama, and fun, even if my irresponsible story is boring.(DAY 93).  Streaking on your own farm is a little irresponsible, BUT only if someone happens to be flying over your property.  Goodnight Friends.

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