Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Armadillo

Today my bantam hen decided to sit on ten eggs.  She is obviously "broody" and I am not in the market for any more baby chicks.  I let her sit on them all day until it is time for me to collect the eggs and she pecks my hand very unhappily as I rob her of motherhood.  I don't think our coop can handle any more feathery friends without a redo and a serious overhaul.  Thadd and I are not up to the task quite yet.  I've even considered putting my roosters on Craig's List for free.  The only problem I seem to be having is if someone tries to use them to train fighting cocks.  I hand raised them from hatchlings to be thrown in to a ring with rooster cage fighters and die a horribly painful death??  Not on my watch.  So, I have too many roosters, the count is up to ten, I think.  Maybe I can conduct a weird survey that requires roosters for data.  Hmmmmm.  I'll have to think about that one for a bit.

This morning when I rushed to get Chloe from her slumber party, I found out she did not go to sleep till 3 a.m.  Unfortunately, she played basketball like she didn't get sleep.  She attacked the people on the other team, had tears rolling down her face for her moderately painful wrist injury and she performed a move similar to something seen on Animal Planet.  A girl tried to get the ball from her and she wrapped her body around it, jumped straight in the air, dropped to the ground on her side and wrapped her body around the ball in a fetal position.  I was watching this all unfold from the balcony.  I started laughing!  When I asked her about this remarkably hilarious move she said, "Yeah, I call that the armadillo."  Frighteningly, it has a name which means it will make an appearance again.  Next time I will have a video rolling.  Sadly, her team did not win but still made it to the playoffs. Brett's team did win and so we also continue to the playoffs.  Our week will be filled with fun and GAMES.  

This week I meant to share a photo with you that I saw hanging at a high school where I went to speak about Dating Violence.  So, are cell phones and electronic devices permitted or not?  So often we send mixed signals to our teens and it can account for their frustration of us as adults.  Consistency is key whether it is at home, in the classroom, at your job, but most importantly with children and young adults.  Expectations, rules and goals are all healthy ways to achieve, but if we continue to send confusing signals we can't expect to be respected or heard.  Be clear about your rules and expectations and hold them accountable when they do not follow through, but be CONSISTENT.  Remember that kids are one step ahead of you unless you are organized in your thought and actions.  

I am thankful for a simple photo that can open the door to be teaching, learning and understanding. (Day 73).  Goodnight Friends.

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