Friday, February 15, 2013

Encourage and Love Thy Neighbor

During this season of chocolate giving our school focuses on sharing love with the community.  They call it "Love Thy Neighbor Day" and it can be visiting nursing/rehabilitation homes, the public servant's offices, or sweeping streets and sidewalks.  Some of the students were placed in charge of separating donated clothing in to boxes.  About an hour after all the sorting was done a mom came asking if anyone had seen her jacket and keys.  Another hour later her jacket and car keys were found boxed and sorted in the donated clothing.  Those students took their job so seriously they started donating their parent's clothing as well!!

The rest of the day was quiet.  More than half of my classes were gone to athletic, music or debate competitions and the rest of the students were so worn out by the week's events.  Some students needed toothpicks to hold their eyes open during class.  I hope they get a nap or some quality sleep this weekend!  I need lots of sleep this weekend.  I'm hoping to stay in bed all day Saturday and Sunday, except for this one small problem....I have a thousand activities going on.  Oh well, I guess I will sleep when I die!

Fighting Irish seems to be making an amazing comeback since I moved him to the nursery.  The babies aren't too happy about his presence since he still acts like a rooster.  Hopefully he will be back to normal by the end of the long weekend.  I am looking forward to this long weekend, but I don't think it will include much of a break since we still have basketball games and all sorts of other activities and birthday parties and fun, fun, fun.  Sometimes my students complain about all the stuff going on in their lives and the games and the homework and the meeting and the PRIVILEGES they have.  We live in such a busy and blessed country where we have so many fun activities and opportunities and yet they still can cause us to become overwhelmed.  I'm sure all of you are better planners than I, but sometimes I feel like my life has more stuff than time.  I guess I'm over-privileged.

I'm sure many of you believe in coincidence, but I truly believe there is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything in your life happens for a reason and a reason that can shape your life.  Every person you meet, cross or meet has a purpose or a place in your life.  Be deliberate about your interactions and make them positive.  I'm afraid I didn't take the opportunity to make a positive impact today when my friend was telling me all about her new and very sweet boyfriend.  I asked, "Is he OCD?"  "Does he leave the toilet seat up?"  "Does he take out the trash AND replace the bag?"  She wasn't pleased that I was asking such negative questions.  I assured her that my questions were based in a realistic attitude about relationships.  I had an opportunity to celebrate with her and instead I crushed her time to be happy and "in love."  To myself I say, "Be deliberate about your interactions and encourage instead of discourage....unless it is Brett and he is trying to start a fire."

I am thankful for a friend who still manages to be my friend after I give her boyfriend grief and thankful to the Holy Spirit for gently tugging on my heart and reminding me to be encouraging instead of discouraging.  (Day 72).  Goodnight Friends.

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