Monday, February 11, 2013

Stuck At Sea

Last night I received a one line text from my friend who is aboard her marriage cruise.  It said "Please feed animals. stuck at sea."   Those are words you never want to write or read.  My poor friends.  I considered joining that cruise and now I am so glad I stayed home.  Click Here to read about their ordeal.  I will continue to feed their animals all week until they return home, but I'm so sad they had such a terrible start to their new lives together.  There is only UP to go from here!!

Fighting Irish is still not feeling great and the pony ate an entire mineral block from the goat's stall.  He is such a trouble maker when it comes to edible ANYTHING!!  The goats look like they are ready to pop.  Any of you who have been pregnant and are familiar with the waddle, the goats are starting to waddle.  They look extremely uncomfortable and I am sad for them.  I remember how miserable I felt when I was pregnant.  Ugh.

I recently found out a friend of mine who miscarried last year is now pregnant again and very sick. She has terrible sickness and yet she finds the energy to celebrate the sickness as it means there is something actively growing inside of her.  I can't help but recall the sickness I suffered while pregnant.  I also find it interesting that so many of my students waited a while before having children after suffering through pregnancy with me.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with the misery, sickness, pumping under my desk during lunch, or leaking through the breast pads during class.  Oh wait, it probably had everything to do with that!

The birth of a child is such an exciting event even if it is filled with sickness.  They say you forget the misery, I did not.  I did, however, get pregnant four times despite the sickness.  Children are a treat and also a huge responsibility.  The job is not for everyone and recently a friend posted something on her Facebook page that I found very funny and yet so incredibly true.  Those of you with children will enjoy the article and those of you who do not have children might be deeply offended.  Oops.

I am thankful for two healthy children despite miserable pregnancies. (Day 70).  Goodnight Friends.

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