Monday, June 10, 2013

Hottie Doctor

Buster had his stitches removed today and Chloe returned to being ill.  After she decided to return to bed when her friends were over for a visit I knew I needed to take her back to the doctor.  Often when we visit the doctor on short notice we are scheduled to see some one other than their usual doctor and having been with them for ten years, I can say that each doctor is quite good.  Their office runs on schedule and I never wait more than a few hours to schedule an appointment when I have a sick child.  I drive Chloe in to San Antonio with Brett in tow.  He is miserable since I pulled him from the computer where he was creating his reality in Minecraft or as I call it, MindCrack.

We arrive at the doctor's office and are seen moments after we sit down.  The doctor confirms my sinus infection diagnosis and Chloe begins to ask random questions about cancer and cancer cells.  Relieved that someone else is supplying the answers to her science questions I sit back, fold my arms and smile.  We leave with a prescription but not before we catch a glimpse of "Hottie Doctor."  Some of you might recall a post from long ago where Chloe was scheduled to see the newest doctor in the practice.  He walks in and Brett and I are reading a book and Chloe is speechless.  If you know Chloe, speechless is not something she is often rendered.  While he checked her vitals she just smiled and batted her lashes.  She acted like a DORK!!  Brett and I still laugh about it.  Brett is the first one to see him and loudly announces, "Hey Chloe, there's Hottie Doctor!!  Remember that doctor that made you act silly?"  If looks could kill, Chloe nearly killed Brett with the daggers flying through the air from her eyes.  Brett continues to dance around and sing, "Hottie Doctor Hottie Doctor Hottie Doctor!"  I'm trying not to laugh(too much) and look over in his direction and whisper in Chloe's ear, "Well Chloe, he isn't all that attractive anymore.  He seems to have gained weight."  She looks over at him and turns her head to me with a face announcing, "Uh uh, NO WAY. Still HOT!"  I start laughing and drag Brett out the door while he is still singing and dancing with Chloe walking quickly, head hanging in embarrassment.

We drive to HEB to fill her prescription with the pharmacy staff working quickly to fill our need despite the many other customers ahead of us.  I am always so pleased with HEB and how they truly think of the customer.  Walking through HEB I spot a whole bunch of friends while Brett reminds me of his date with the computer waiting for him at home.  Once home I make dinner and eat with the family convincing my husband to help me figure out the Henry Easy Milker.  We get it to work a little better when my phone rings.  Chloe calls to announce the regurgitation of her dinner.  Thadd returns to the house will I finish the milking job.   The kittens, having been treated with a topical flea medicine are now acting more like kittens and less like crack addicts.  The were twitching and pooping like crazed beasts until I finally realized the problem.  Fleas are evil.

I hope the adventures are done for the day.  I'm not sure I'm up for much more.  I am thankful for the flea killing party we had today(Day 158).  Goodnight Friends.

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