Monday, September 3, 2012

What Is Labor Day?

I was completely shocked when my mom told me she did not have Labor Day off.  NO VACATION!!  What?  Are you serious?  What kind of institution doesn't give Labor Day off and certainly there must we a war or something important on this day?  Right?  Well, not really.

There are conflicting stories about the real creator of Labor Day.  Some say it was created by Matthew Maguire, a machinist and others say it was created by Peter McGuire, the general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.  Either way, it was created to celebrate the working man and create an opportunity for them to be honored.  The first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1882 and it was a great way for all the laborers to rest from the grind of the hard labor conditions.  

So, while I believe a national holiday deserves recognition, I guess it is ok to actually work on Labor Day.  I worked today.  By work, I mean I did all the usual chores plus prepare a special meal for my family and do all the last minute preparations for the first day of school.  Holidays are a reminder to all of us of something or someone important and although you might not get an actual "break," you do want to consider the role of the holiday.

Some people refuse to celebrate holidays because they are so commercialized and it causes an undue amount of pressure to purchase stuff for loved ones.  I'm taking a moment to imagine the card for Labor Day.....yeah, I didn't come up with a good one.  Holidays are meant to serve as reminders for something greater and before you blame me for not buying your loved one a Valentine's Day gift, consider the proper emphasis.  I don't want a holiday to dictate a kind gesture or praise, take every opportunity to write a heartfelt note, send flowers, or even just a phone call(not a text).  

I often feel pressure to buy birthday gifts as they feel forced.  I prefer random anytime gifts that are from the heart.  Gifts aren't always the best gift either, some people prefer quality time.  Personally, I prefer diamonds, but you might prefer quality time.....ok, ok, I DO enjoy quality time, but diamonds are quite nice, too.  As you relax after your long day of no labor, think about the holidays you celebrate and how you can truly make them better.

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