Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Beware Of Dog

One of my favorite signs is the Bridge May Ice sign and it is closely followed by the BEWARE:  Venomous Snakes sign.  Having lived in South Texas a large portion of my life and having experienced an icing bridge I can count on only one hand.  Every time I drive by one of these signs(daily), I giggle.  I'm sure each of us finds odd humor in mundane things, or maybe I'm the only one?

I was giddy when I found the Venomous Snakes sign!  I took a picture immediately upon discovery promising to use it for the blog.  Many people would heed the sign as a true cautionary measure whereas I view it as more of an invitation.  The sign, in my head, reads, "Snake Zoo Ahead!"  or "Welcome to Snake-topia!!"  I know this sounds like a simple judgement problem and I assure you, it is a judgement problem.  I often FREAK OUT when my children ask why instead of immediately obeying me, YET my husband pointed out that I suffer from the same exact problem.  The other day he was exercising and asked me for a water bottle.  I looked at the windowsill and saw a mostly full cold water bottle and asked, "Why?  You have one sitting right there?"  He then preceded to identify my behavior as suspiciously similar to that of the children.  Ugh!  Yeah, ok, FINE!  He is so right.

So when I see a beware of venomous snake sign I should turn and walk the other way, but instead I tromp through the grass in my flip flops like a complete DORK(I'm sure many of you can think of a better word).  I'm a disobedient brat and I deserve whatever snake bite I get if I act so carelessly.    This reminds me of the recent blog I wrote about God's voice and hearing him or outright disobedience toward his direction.  Sometimes we like to test the limits.  Take, for example, the snake handling pastor who used a timber rattlesnake for a ritual in a service.  I don't want to ruin the ending for you, so click on the link.  Signs are often in place to protect us, except for the obviously flawed sign, NO BUNGIE JUMPING OFF OF THE BRIDGE or YEILD (everyone knows that means speed up!).

What are the signs you are ignoring or blatantly disobeying in your life?  Are you drinking too much (water?), using drugs, driving irresponsibly, eating gluttonously, avoiding exercise?  I know I don't exercise enough and I had a serious problem with terrible food choices.  I'm sure there are many more "venomous snakes" in my life.  Do you have any venomous snakes?

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