Friday, September 28, 2012

Little by Little

Today has been an incredibly scheduled day with two pep rallies, one tailgate party, one homecoming game in the rain and our team beating the other undefeated Division 1, 2A, 6 man team to have a 6-0 record!!!I'm exhausted and ecstatic all at the same time!!  Although it seems like I would have all sorts of stories to share about the day it was delightfully uneventful.  So, instead you get a pictorial tour of my new water plants.  

If you read the recent blog post about our visit to "Pond World" (not the real name) you might recall our water plant purchases.  We have also purchased hundreds(exaggeration) of goldfish and Koi.  The Koi are so small they are not seen in these or any photographs unless you happen to see a speck, yes a speck, of orange.  My husband has placed some of the the plants in the waterfalls to act as filtering plants while some of them are in the actual pond area.  We bought iris, water lilies, and other random plants to fill our plantless pond and to give the fish a hiding spot or two, from Brett.

I'm happy to report our turtle, Turtle Lee Stricker, still resides at the pond.  He occasionally pops his head out of the water and he also has NOT done any damage to our water plants thus far.  I mentioned in the early blog that I will have to make Turtle Stew if Turtle Lee eats my plants.  NO JOKE.  Ok, I just reviewed the photos and you should probably know that it does look a little lackluster in the plant department.  I am, nonetheless, proud of my tiny plants and hope to watch them grow over the years!!
I hope you can look at the photos and imagine what they will be and not what they are right now.  

I imagine it to be much like the starter landscape on a new home and after ten years in a home the landscape is full and luscious and offers a beautiful compliment to the home.  We invest small knowing that the future holds a greater return.  I think so many thing in our life are this way.  Retirement accounts, our home furniture, our clothing, and even our children seem to be a small investment that grows in to something useful and beneficial.  I can recall sometimes being slightly envious of the new neighbors who fully landscaped their home with large, mature flowering plants.  The home looked instantly perfect.  I also recall the sense of satisfaction as I photographed my yard over the course of seven years and enjoyed the oasis we created as a family.  Plant by plant and section by section and eventually a sprinkler system, too!  The joy we felt when we sat in our yard and reminisced about the junkyard it was when we bought the place.  Don't be afraid to invest small as long as you are committed and deliberate about the things you do, they will eventually grow in to something great!  I imagine as God created the heavens and the earth over the course of six days, he rested on the last day, we too shall take time to create.  Don't rush to the finish line or do everything in one trip.  Do all things excellently and with a strong foundation.  click here for a reminder of Creation;  little by little.  I hope you enjoy my baby steps toward pondtopia!! 

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