Friday, April 19, 2013

The Caterpillar Journal by Brett Stricker

Caterpillar Journal Entry #1
Spots is eating a lot today.  Stripes is hiding.  It seems like Spots is playing with Stripes.  This game is called Caterpillar Hiding Go Seek or as Chloe would call it, "Hide and Go Eat."  I cannot find Stripes.  Spots is eating and eating because he wants to be a pretty butterfly.  Spots is going to be a Black Swallow Tail Butterfly.  Spots eats fennel.  I found Stripes.

Caterpillar Journal Entry #2
The new caterpillar is in town.  This caterpillar has penguins on its backs.  He will be a moth, but he is a forest tent caterpillar.  Spots is longer today.  He is 2 inches long.  Stripes is longer, he looks like a long thingamaboby.  The new caterpillar is so tiny and so fast.  You cannot catch him because he is tiny and fast.  Soon there will be some butterflies.  The butterflies are going to be cute.  Stripes is going to be a butterfly or a moth.  Spots looks like a long worm.
Chloe with her Bee Mentor,
Dr. Donald Fraser

I've watched, for two nights, as Brett sits at the table next to Chloe and dictates his journal entry.  She writes furiously as he tells her about his creatures.  There is such joy in his face.  In stark contrast, Chloe, Brett and I went to do some beehive maintenance with our Bee Mentor, Dr. Donald Fraser, Vice President of the Alamo Area Beekeeper's Association.  Brett was bored after about five minutes and Chloe, though intrigued, had a moment of panic.  Chloe decided to embark on the bee adventure despite her tremendous fear of bees.  When the bees began to land on her, she became very stressed out and began to panic.  As we become more familiar with this new adventure, I hope she becomes less frightened.  Luckily, she looks really cute in the bee outfit.

I am thankful for the many ways we can appreciate God's creations in our home (Day 114).  Goodnight Friends.

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