Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sea Star

I certainly never imagined my life would be what it is today.  My name, "Merissa" means Sea Star.   Interestingly, a sea star can regenerate limbs that have been severed.  This week I picked up the student newspaper and one of the teachers at school jokingly said she would choose to be me if she could be anyone else.  I was both flattered and a little sad.  Flattered because she said nice things about me, even if she was saying them in jest.  Sad because the things she wrote are just a vision of my past.

Tonight was the school talent show I helped organize.  I remember many a show, play, or performance opportunity in my childhood.  Frankly, any time I had even one person watching it was enough to bust out a song, a dance, or even a monologue.  Tonight's show was no different.  It was a stage for kids to get up and show their friends they have talents other than Reading, Math or Science.

One group of students created a group number by combining the solo of Castle on a Cloud and then finishing with One Day More from Les Miserable.  They waved flags, sang with confidence, and even had groupies following the performance.  From the young soloist to the large group, every child had a place on the stage and a moment to shine.  Performing was my thing, but I wonder what it will be for my children.  Talent show wasn't even on their radar, but the thousands of caterpillars roaming the yard and the aisles of books at Barnes and Noble are joy to my children.  I guess the important thing to remember is to foster a love of something in our children and in those around us.  Be an encourager.  Be the audience for one.

I want to go back to why I was sad about the vision of my past.  We must live now.  The past is gone and it was good and I was thinner, cute-er, and way more fabulous, but today I am me.  Me is not so bad.  Everyday is an adventure and a new opportunity to make a difference.   Live now.  Encourage now.  Make a difference now.  If you must, have a break down, BUT pick yourself back up again and press on.  One. Foot. In. Front. Of. The. Other.  I think about the regeneration of the sea star and I am refreshed.  Refreshed that God can reinvent me a thousand ways.

Wave a good ol' Miss America wave to your past and live today for today.  I am thankful for the many people who invested in making me who I am today.(Day 117).  Goodnight Friends.

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