Monday, May 13, 2013

Truth Seeker

The day was fun.  It started out with a pre dawn goat milking and then an AP test administration.  It ended with hearing my senior present her thesis and defend it amazingly well!  By MY, I mean the senior to whom I was assigned as advisor.  She dressed like a Kennedy and spoke with confidence and poise defending her stance against "designer babies."  At five feet eleven inches with beautiful blue gray eyes and legs to envy, she looks very much like she was genetically engineered.  I could be exaggerating on her height, although I am 5"6 and was wearing five inch heels and she towered over me with her four inch heels.  I sat watching her like a proud parent knowing the struggle it was to select all of the material and yet my job was easy, hers was one of truth.

Since last summer she began her reading and planning of what she would say today.  Books and articles and countless hours reading and writing her evidence all culminated as she stood presenting her thesis to a room full of family, friends, students, teachers and a panel of two physicians and a woman with association to genetic engineering.  She spoke clearly and eloquently with bright eyes and strong conviction.  She spent all of this time searching for one thing; it had very little to do with genetic engineering.  Her hours of study were a journey toward finding truth in a lost world.  Most recently as Jurassic Park hit the theaters in 3D, I am reminded of idea of having the power and of choosing not to use it.   I think this is a large lesson for all of us.  As parents, teachers, friends, we have the power over so much and yet we can choose how we use that power.  Be mindful and seek truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

English Standard Version (ESV)
15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,[a] a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
I am thankful for the lessons God teaches me through my students.  As a teacher I have learned more than as a student.(Day 135)  Goodnight Friends.

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