Monday, May 6, 2013

This, That and A Viking

After doing some observation I believe there is a problem with the placement of Chloe's bee colony.  Queeny and her hive are going to experience their first relocation this weekend when our new bee gear arrives.  They only supplied Chloe with a helmet and net, so we bought two full suits and two additional face nets.  This should allow us to suit up four beekeepers at a time and if you add our neighbor's suits, we can safely take six people to the hive.

I was reading about building our goat milk, soap, cheese, egg, and honey business.  It encourages a business plan prior to the investment.  Oops.  I think I always do everything backwards.  I will get Chloe to create a business model and hopefully we can be up and running by the summer.  I often give my eggs away, but in order for Chloe to build her business I think we might need to start charging.  She has big dreams of buying a car someday.

Chloe's Viking costume, helmet on order
This afternoon I spent some time building a costume for Chloe for her role as Viking in the upcoming school benefit.  I looked on the internet for inspiration and found plenty of Naughty Vikings.  Very uninspiring!  I was then reminded of the hundreds of naughty Halloween costumes that flood my Facebook feed on November 1st.  I think this year I will dress up as a Naughty Milking Goat.  Oh wait, maybe I will just dress as a regular farmer and put my very naughty goat on a leash.  You can probably sense the resentment I'm feeling toward my naughty goat.  This evening at feeding time I was horned and stampeded by my two goats.  I think I have a broken toe.

I picked my clothes out for tomorrow and I decided to wear heels as it hurts my toe less to be in heels than flats.  If it sounds illogical, rest assured, I am extremely illogical.  I think tomorrow will be a good day especially if I get some sleep tonight.  Last night was a terrible night of no sleep and a son who kept waking up.  Every time I fell asleep I realized I hadn't set up my classroom for the AP Exam.  The dream kept repeating itself over and over and over again.  Today, at school and wide awake, I set the classroom up for the AP Exam.  I hope my students pass or at least have fun taking the exam.  I also hope I sleep tonight.

I know all of you have been wondering how my goat butter turned out??  Well, the following morning after milking the goats I used the milk in my coffee.  YUMMO!  I will keep you posted on the products.   I might have to enlist the help of a long-time friend of mine who recently moved back to NYC and has been churning her own butter for a while now.  I am always so inspired by my friends.

I am thankful for inspiring friends(Day 130).  Goodnight Friends!

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