Sunday, May 26, 2013

Baking Bread with Whey

Combine salt, sugar, yeast and whey

Add flour, flour, and more flour

knead and rise for an hour

divide and allow to rise another hour

ready for the oven


 I need to get better with shaping and flavoring.  The basics are out of the way and now I will learn to flourish.  I remember the days when I had a bread maker.  I used it four times.  I hope this lasts longer.  Next stop is baking with sprouted grains, whole wheat and other flours.

I am so thankful for the simple things in life that make life that much more beautiful.  I am also thankful for Lynn, my sister in law, who tackles these ridiculous projects with me. (Day 146)  Goodnight Friends.  For the recipe, Click here.  It is an amazing website with an incredible wealth of information!!

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