Sunday, May 19, 2013

God Bless You

Recently I had an exchange with a friend that didn't go so well.  Later, when I realized I had been insensitive and also misunderstood, I righted the wrong.  The older I grow the more often I admit to being wrong which tells me I've been more wrong than right in my life and am just now starting to admit to it.  I also learned that no matter what I said to my friend, it was going to have to be on her terms.  Her life was in a spiral up in her work success and down in her personal life.  I tried to stay positive and be supportive in my silver-lining sort of way, but insensitivity worked its way in.

Looking back now I realize I have a specific role in her life.  My role is to let her be who she wants to be, make the choices she wants to make, hurt, celebrate, and win, while being supportive and empathetic.  My role is not to be difficult, brutally honest, or even optimistic.  She needs me to fit in a certain place in her life right now and I'm certainly not going to jeopardize our friendship by stepping over the line.  I want to help God do His job.  I want to be in the right place at the right time and say the right thing to the right person, but my job is to be her friend through good, bad and ugly and to play the role she needs when she needs it.  She is, by no means, a difficult friend or a needy friend; she is a hurting friend.

I came to learn of an exchange she had with someone, a stranger, that completely changed her perspective.  At that moment, I realized I could never have said what he said to her with any ounce of perspective change on her part.  His not knowing and speaking by faith made his words mean so much more to her.  God used someone else to intervene in her struggle.  God doesn't need us, He can use ANYONE to do His work.

Think about your relationships and whether you are trying to move the hand of God or playing the role you need to play.  I am incredibly thankful for that man speaking in faith in a random grocery store.  His words changed the life of my friend and for that I am eternally thankful(Day 139).  Goodnight Friends.

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