Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bees: The Second Coming

An entire colony of dead bees.  A colony
 can number upwards of 30,000 bees.
Brett was feeling under the weather and was up most of the night.  I decided to keep the kids home, Brett because he was running fever and Chloe to install her new bees.  After the dead bee ceremony last night, the President of the Alamo Area Beekeeper's Association swooped in and saved the day.  He  sent me a message his morning promising to come with a new, live nuc of bees to install today.  I decided to let Chloe stay home to do the bee installation since I was already keeping Brett home sick.

The NEW hive
Brett started making a comeback after noon and made his way outside to collect a frog and a tadpole to watch caterpillar and frog videos with him.  I did laundry all day and I still have three more loads.  Thank goodness for washing machines and dryers.  Could you imagine doing all of the wash the old fashioned washing board way??  Me neither.

Today was quiet, but it was a good day.  The weather is beautiful, cold for May, but beautiful nonetheless.  I am thankful for new bees and a child on the mend(Day 125).  Goodnight Friends.

Brett's video watching buddy.

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