Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Henry Milker 2

Any minute my husband will be home after having been in Los Angeles for a week.  Since he left on Mother's Day, he wanted to make sure to surprise me with a fun gift while he was gone.  The Original Henry Milker 2 arrived in the mail today.  It is a double teat milker for the goats.  I was so excited I could barely stand it and so Chloe and I assembled it and made our way down to the barn to try it out.  I'm sad to say that after about thirty minutes of trying to get it to latch and even changing goats, it was a dud.  I am going to have to call Henry and see if he can help me use his product successfully.  I'm feeling bummed about the whole goat milking thing.  First the cheese making process was a flop and now a faulty milker(likely user error) makes me a little wary of the whole thing.  There was a break through with the kids today.  Brett served himself the final cup of cow's milk from the fridge and Chloe decided she wanted milk and served herself a tall glass of goat's milk.  She drank it all and sang its praises.  I drink it all the time, I think it is delicious!

Brett finished his Wisconsin project just in time.  Since Barnes and Noble didn't have a Wisconsin map, we had to order it from amazon.  It arrived today and so we put the whole thing together.  I think it looks a little crazy, but Brett thinks it's perfect.

I am thankful for my husband coming home from a week long trip(Day 137).  Goodnight Friends.

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