Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Need a Vacation!

Thadd has been talking about a family vacation this summer.  I long to leave the farm knowing everyone will be okay and all the milk with flow as planned, but relinquishing control is a hard thing.  After playing phone tag with a pet sitter and former student, I think I finally found someone to care for the farm.  Thadd is happy to be able to finally leave without me saying, "What about the animals?"  I remain wary of anyone caring for them quite like I do and certainly am not sure if the farm will run smoothly.

In the past, when I have hired someone to care for the animals, I've been worried the entire time we travel.  When I return some things aren't exactly how I would want them and yet the animals are all fine and the four page single spaced list of animal care was followed.  I know, I'm a control freak.  This year, I'm going on vacation and am going to avoid stressing out about how the water containers were filled or if the kittens had enough outside play time.  Come to think of it, I really need a vacation.  Maybe I will just unplug all of my phones, televisions, and computers
and hang out on the farm.  Sounds relaxing, huh?

I am thankful for someone who is willing to watch my craziness. (Day 143).  By craziness, I mean animals!  Goodnight Friends.

1 comment:

  1. I've had 1 night away from home (actually 19 hours) in the last 6 years and that was for a colonoscopy. I know how you feel and I hope your farm sitter is excellent.
