Friday, May 24, 2013

Much Anticipated News

I am proud to announce the much anticipated news that Lewis House won Field Day!!  I know all of you are ecstatic and can hardly believe your eyes, but it is true!!  I'm not sure how long this legacy has gone, but we (Lewis House) has won, at the minimum, four years in a row.  Win or lose, I'm still proud to be in Lewis House (but they had BETTER WIN!)  Ok, so this was NOT much anticipated news for most of you, but it was for me.

Today was our last day of school, Senior Luncheon, graduation practice, and after all of that craziness I found myself at a friend's new home having dinner on her patio.  Her patio furniture is her only seating until her movers arrive tomorrow, so we sat on the patio and enjoyed food , fun, and fellowship.   I am always so blessed to be able to sit and visit with our dear friends from school.  I enjoy hearing their journeys and stories, fears and triumphs, goals and obstacles.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by good people with kind and humble hearts.  I'm hoping to learn a thing or two about humility.

When we arrived home it was after nine and I still had to milk the goat.  In the morning I discovered one of my kittens had fallen ill and I searched for any kitty medications I might have in my house.  I know their are rules(laws) about sharing human prescriptions, but I'm fairly certain the law does not apply to animals.  I located the pain killer with vitamins and gave the kitty a quarter dropper full.  This evening at milking time, he was 85 percent better and I imagine by morning he will be completely well.  I also said a prayer for the kitty.  God does hear our prayers!!

While at the barn I tried, without success, to turn on the barn lights.  They have a terrible time of not turning on when the weather is damp.  Luckily I had brought a flashlight with me, but I didn't quite have any ideas of where to put the light while I milked.  I opted to put it up high and shine it against the wall with an eery display of Daddy Longleg intensified a hundred times.  I thought I had just entered a spider invasion movie and began milking the goat at hyper speed....squish, squish, squish, squish, SQUISH!!!!  When I realized what was actually happening I was relieved but continued to milk quickly to avoid any other spider invasions.  The spider was coming my direction and I was still in the dark.  It was hard to know if it would find its way on my arm, leg, or head.  I didn't want to stick around to find out.

I sent my husband a text about my lack of light and he enters the barn about the time I've finished milking, annoyed because I wasn't completely without light and also since I had the flashlight he spent the last ten minutes searching for.  He kindly helped me gather my things to head back to the house.  It never ceases to amaze me that even when he doesn't want to or is very busy at work, he still finds time to ride in like my Prince Charming on a white horse, or in this case, a flashlight!

I am so incredibly thankful for my Prince Charming.(Day 145)  Goodnight Friends!  Oh and Happy Memorial Day Weekend and Last Day of School!!!

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