Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Tennis Ball Technique

My bruised thigh from being
horned by Pip
It was true what the owner of the goat told me.  She cries and cries and cries and cries.  Luckily I wasn't here for most of the day to hear all the crying.  I did, however, witness Pip getting aggressive and horning the new goat.  I felt it was my duty to do something about it.  I spent a while looking up de-horning techniques for older goats and decided I was unable to bear the procedure; instead I opted for the very safe and effective tennis ball technique.

Pip's new horn covers
for the protection of my thigh
and, well, everyone else, too.
We named the new goat Seraphina or Sera for short.  I milked her twice today and her milk has a bit of a woodsy flavor.  I think she has been enjoying the cedar.  I might have to consider keeping her in the pasture instead of letting her be a free range goat.  I'm going to make cheese with the milk and will be adding spices which will mask the flavor.  I will let you know what I decide.

I am going to call it a night.  I am thankful for the delicious milk Sera has provided for us(Day 132).  Goodnight Friends.

Sera's yummy milk

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