Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ruby Has Arrived!!

the cat is sleeping next to the baby goat
This morning was the usual routine of milking, feeding chickens, and making sure all of the animals were fed and alive.  The rain and the storms can sometimes be quite terrible out here.  One of my cats, Scratchy,  hates storms and had "mad face" this morning at feeding time.  While I was milking Seraphina, he(the cat) cuddled under the feeding trough with the baby goats to catch some much needed sleep after the intense storm overnight.  Before he closed his eyes to sleep, he managed to catch my eye and glared at me as if to say, "You are SOOOO mean for not giving me a safe place to sleep, inside the house, in your bed!!"  I apologized and reminded him he is an outdoor cat and must mind the farm and make sure the mice don't survive the storm.  He ignored me and remained still with his eyes closed and his tail tucked neatly hugging the shape of his sleeping body.

I returned to the house to shower and dress for the 3rd Commencement Ceremony of the school where I teach.  It was a beautiful ceremony filled with talk of Christ, Latin hymns, old hymns, and constant reminders of the true meaning of success.  If you are still searching for the true meaning of success, I urge you to attend our commencement ceremony next year.  I would hate to give it away and have you miss an incredible opportunity to be blessed.

Ruby sleeping on her pillow in Chloe's room
After graduation, I rushed home to welcome our new addition, Ruby.  She arrived and immediately put Buster(my Schnoodle) in his place by snapping at him for all the butt sniffing he was doing.  Dogs don't generally have manners and take to butt sniffing rather quickly which can make some dogs a little unsettled.  Her family tearfully drove away and she followed behind them.  We tried to distract her and eventually she made herself comfortable inside.  I know she will be happy here, but I think there will be a time of mourning as she adjusts to us and the new routine.  For now, she sleeps on her new fluffy pillow in Chloe's room.

Lots of milk
When Ruby snapped at Buster she managed to tear in to his skin and when I later noticed the tear I made my way to Tractor Supply to find some good healing agents.  There was a great drying powder and sealer I found and they both seem to be working quite well.  Luckily, there was a veterinarian at the store and he agreed with my course of treatment. Buster is fine and was not a fan of either treatment.

Around dinner time Lynn, my sister in law, and I went to deliver food to a friend who just received all of her stuff from storage to her new house.  She gave us a tour of her new, beautiful home and even offered us drinks.  She is quite a hostess!  Two hours later we returned home to feed the family.  Upon opening the refrigerator we were reminded of the importance of using the goat milk before it goes bad.  This started a mad dash to make delicious treats!!

ice cream
Thadd found a goat milk/honey ice cream recipe on the internet.  It calls for goat milk, honey, vanilla extract, corn starch, and egg yolks.  We were sure we were going to like it, but as it was freezing and churning in the ice cream maker, we nearly ate the entire container.  Quickly we began cooking up a double batch to share with friends.  Well, MAYBE we will share with friends.  We also cooked up a batch of cheese.  The last batch was a hit.  Tomorrow I will use the whey from the cheese-making to make some bread.  It has been a long day and I've washed more dishes than I'd like to count, so it is time for bed.  Tomorrow we will have cheese and ice cream to celebrate Memorial Day!

I am thankful for the evening of cooking delicious treats with Lynn and Thadd!(Day 146).  Goodnight Friends!

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