Currently, both of them are flat on their butts, sick. Since Monday evening Brett has run a fever going as high as 103 and Chloe is now hovering at 102.4. Sleep hasn't been very generous this week and neither has Seraphina's milk. I think I'm not getting up early enough to milk, but I've decided for the summer I will get up at 7am and not a moment sooner!!
The electrician who was wiring Chloe's playhouse finished up his work today. He is a hard worker and does a great job, but the thing I liked most about him was his patience with me and the kids. He didn't tell me I was crazy, instead he would explain in common speak, the various procedures and allow me to make an educated decision. He empowered the stupid. I like that in a person! Chloe was keeping a hawk eye on him while he worked, offering her suggestions; illness doesn't stop her from being bossy.
The dogs seem to be getting along. Buster enjoyed a little free time without the cone of shame during the evening milking. The dogs checked and marked the perimeter of the yard and returned to wait for our walk back to the house. Ruby wants to make sure she gets inside first. Although her previous owners assured me she was an outside dog, she refuses to be outside without one of us by her side. I think coming to a new home has sparked a change to "INDOOR DOG." She is no bother to us except for her early morning rolls in the horse manure requiring me to scrub her clean. Not my favorite, yet I find it hard to get mad at her cute little face staring up at me as if I'm the best mommy in the whole world.
The kittens are almost big enough to leave the nest. We were planning to give one away today and our plans changed when none of us was willing to allow the cat to leave. I'm not sure who was more upset, me or the kids. Fortunately, Thadd said they could all stay. Speaking of kittens, the other day Chloe had them all inside for a house visit. After they awoke from their nap I encouraged her to return them to the barn to take care of business. She stuck them in a large orange Home Depot bucket and began carrying them to the barn when one of them pooped in the bucket sending every cat for himself to exit frantically from the bucket; covered in odorous sludge. I told her to take the kittens to the shower and give them a bath. I go to the bathroom to check on her and she is on the seat in my shower screaming at the top of her lungs with the handheld water sprayer flopping wildly against the side of the shower spewing very hot water. The kittens are screaming and trying to join her on the ledge seat while she screams. One catches her toe with his claws sending her flying out of the shower in tears screaming, "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Anymore? She hasn't done anything at all. I quickly remove my jeans and socks and jump in to rescue the kittens from the burning hot water. I lower the temperature and give them a bath, one by one. The blow dryer turned out to be a terrible idea, so towel drying had to suffice. I have no photos of screaming cats or screaming Chloe. Sorry.
Below you will see another episode of photos from Brett: The Male Model. These photos were taken by him when he managed to get his hands on my phone. This is about as much excitement he could scrape up. When we returned home, he and Chloe returned to my bed to watch television. A sure sign I have sick children is when they get in bed and watch TV without fighting.
I am thankful for fluffy, clean kittens who can call my home, HOME, forever.(Day 150). Goodnight Friends and enjoy the Bretty photo reel below!