Friday, May 31, 2013

The New Boat

The Summer is a time when Chloe's brain goes in to hyper drive.  She begins to plan out her future and thinks of ways to make the world a better place while also making money.  Her most recent thought:  The Clean Sweep. Motto: Life Lived Clean.  Job:  Clean up city streets.  I'm not sure where the money making comes in, but I'm sure it will surface.  Also on her life of things to do this Summer is find a well paying job that does not break any child labor laws while still affording her a lifestyle.  She bought herself a paddle boat and now must save money to purchase a trailer to haul her paddle boat.  Her petsitting business did very well since its inception around the Christmas holidays.   Summer petsitting jobs get a little more difficult as they require us to be around.  While I am here often, the kids will be back and forth and here and there.  Brett is hoping to get picked up by a modeling agency and hit Paris this August.  Chloe is just hoping to rule the world, nothing ambitious.

Currently, both of them are flat on their butts, sick.  Since Monday evening Brett has run a fever going as high as 103 and Chloe is now hovering at 102.4.  Sleep hasn't been very generous this week and neither has Seraphina's milk.  I think I'm not getting up early enough to milk, but I've decided for the summer I will get up at 7am and not a moment sooner!!

The electrician who was wiring Chloe's playhouse finished up his work today.  He is a hard worker and does a great job, but the thing I liked most about him was his patience with me and the kids.  He didn't tell me I was crazy, instead he would explain in common speak, the various procedures and allow me to make an educated decision.  He empowered the stupid.  I like that in a person!  Chloe was keeping a hawk eye on him while he worked, offering her suggestions; illness doesn't stop her from being bossy.

The dogs seem to be getting along.  Buster enjoyed a little free time without the cone of shame during the evening milking.  The dogs checked and marked the perimeter of the yard and returned to wait for our walk back to the house.  Ruby wants to make sure she gets inside first.  Although her previous owners assured me she was an outside dog, she refuses to be outside without one of us by her side.  I think coming to a new home has sparked a change to "INDOOR DOG."  She is no bother to us except for her early morning rolls in the horse manure requiring me to scrub her clean.  Not my favorite, yet I find it hard to get mad at her cute little face staring up at me as if I'm the best mommy in the whole world.

The kittens are almost big enough to leave the nest.  We were planning to give one away today and our plans changed when none of us was willing to allow the cat to leave.  I'm not sure who was more upset, me or the kids.  Fortunately, Thadd said they could all stay.  Speaking of kittens, the other day Chloe had them all inside for a house visit.  After they awoke from their nap I encouraged her to return them to the barn to take care of business.  She stuck them in a large orange Home Depot bucket and began carrying them to the barn when one of them pooped in the bucket sending every cat for himself to exit frantically from the bucket;  covered in odorous sludge.  I told her to take the kittens to the shower and give them a bath.  I go to the bathroom to check on her and she is on the seat in my shower screaming at the top of her lungs with the handheld water sprayer flopping wildly against the side of the shower spewing very hot water.  The kittens are screaming and trying to join her on the ledge seat while she screams.  One catches her toe with his claws sending her flying out of the shower in tears screaming, "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"  Anymore?  She hasn't done anything at all.  I quickly remove my jeans and socks and jump in to rescue the kittens from the burning hot water.  I lower the temperature and give them a bath, one by one.  The blow dryer turned out to be a terrible idea, so towel drying had to suffice.  I have no photos of screaming cats or screaming Chloe.  Sorry.

Below you will see another episode of photos from Brett:  The Male Model.  These photos were taken by him when he managed to get his hands on my phone.  This is about as much excitement he could scrape up.  When we returned home, he and Chloe returned to my bed to watch television.  A sure sign I have sick children is when they get in bed and watch TV without fighting.

I am thankful for fluffy, clean kittens who can call my home, HOME, forever.(Day 150).  Goodnight Friends and enjoy the Bretty photo reel below!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Brett, The Male Model

Brett informed me that he would like to be a model today.  As I was sitting at my computer working on the newsletter for the Alamo Area Beekeeper's Association, being called Mind Your OWN Bee's Wax, Brett decided to borrow my adult beverage to spice up his photographs.  I do NOT condone underage drinking or smoking.  Brett says, "Just because you model it doesn't mean you have to do it."  That is a lesson for all of us.  Do we really think that people won't do as we do whether we are actually doing it or not?  Ok, if you don't follow what I'm saying, if you look like you do something, chances are you will be perceived as doing them and thus you will be associated with it.  So as far as we all are concerned, do as you say and do.

Featuring, Brett Stricker, the model.

Great Gatsby

Every frat daddy

the weird guy who lives under the stairs in college

Chloe and her Pimp

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Said I Wouldn't Write This Today, BUT

This morning I got up before the sun to do chores and then off to work to finish out the year.  I dropped the kids with the babysitter and the dog at the vet.  The vet decided to re-cut and suture the injury due to infection that had occurred in the lower portion of the injury.  The family who stood by while their sweet dog, whom they were gifting to us, bit our dog have been so supportive and kind during this whole ordeal.  I think once this injury heals the dogs will enjoy playing and lounging together in the future.  Animals are animals and I would probably bite you if you sniffed my bottom, too.

Now with the whole bite situation behind us it was time to bake.  We made more cheese, cinnamon rolls, and bread.  I had some visitors over to help with the fun and so we kneaded, rolled, and sliced for a few hours.  I promised them I wouldn't print this blog until I had actually cooked and eaten the cinnamon rolls.  I couldn't stand it!!  CLICK HERE for the Overnight(or now) Cinnamon Roll Recipe. I love this website and I know you will, too!!

 I will let you know how they taste in the morning.  We used about half all purpose and half whole wheat flour.  This is not for you unless you have about three hours to spare, but from my my friend reported on the bread I delivered to her hot from the oven this afternoon, it is worth the three hours.  Additionally, the kids can help and it is a great activity to do during the summer when your kids say, "I'm bored!"

I am thankful for friends to bake with and friends for whom to bake(is this correct grammar?).(Day 149).  Goodnight Friends.  Tomorrow begins my Just Dance 4 summer workout with Chloe.  I'm not sure I will be in great shape, but we will have FUN!!  Yipeeeeeee for SUMMER!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Those With A Weak Stomach, DO NOT VIEW

Here is a quick look at the afternoon in pictures.  We got home at around 3:30 and that is when all the fun began.  I am also happy to report that our new dog, Ruby is adjusting nicely.  Having lived her entire life outdoors, she has decided to become an indoor dog at her new home.  Now I have two shadows, Buster and Ruby.

I think it is time to see the vet for the wound...ugh

Cone of shame
This looks a whole lot like what the Pope wears...

The babies cooking for a June 16th arrival

Bee time...shortly thereafter Chloe was stung by a bee
and ran all the way to the house.  About two minutes after that a bee came after me
and I ran in a snake pattern screaming, "Serpentine Serpentine!!!" while flailing
my arms!  I did it both for entertainment purposes and out of necessity.
I was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt.  I am NOT one of the lovely ladies in the suits.
 Brett was being chased by a bee, but walked slowly and calmly with the cat behind him.
The bee didn't bother him and he scolded me for running and screaming.

Ellie, my friend, DOUBLE MILKING.  She says it is faster,
but I found it to be messier!
I am thankful for the visitors who come and do my farm work for me(Day 149)!!  Goodnight Friends!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!

God Bless America
I spent the early part of the morning watching all of the Memorial Day news coverage with parades, dedications, singing and prayer.  I always think of my many family members who have served or are still serving in the military and also for those who's lives were lost to maintain our freedom.  It was a reflective start to the day in memory of the great sacrifice made by our soldiers.

The afternoon arrived quickly as we drove out to the Safari Wildlife Ranch drive through in Garden Ridge, Texas.  It was not the adventure I remember as a child, but it was very much as adventure to my children.  The speed limit is 5mph while I was dreaming of my husband driving about 20mph.  Unfortunately, the line was very long and there were all sorts of people feeding the animals out of their hands which was posted as a NO NO.  I was reminded of this rule breakage every moment by Chloe with Brett filming himself escaping from the animals in the distance.  The phone nearly crashed with the immense file size of Brett's videos.  Lynn and I sat in the third row seat watching all the fun unravel.

over fed and bored
After the drive through we headed north to Lockhart to eat some delicious BBQ.  When we arrived there was a van load of incredibly drunk people.  I considered videotaping them making fools of themselves throughout our dinner, but I instead told Chloe to watch them and understand why I am not an advocate of drunks.  "I know Mom, either drink responsibly or don't drink at all."  Brett wanted to know why there was a girl and a guy in the stall in the men's bathroom when he abruptly ran out of the bathroom announcing, "There is a girl in the bathroom and she isn't little.  I don't think that was her dad either."  I said, "Maybe she needed to go really badly."  Ugh.  At one point, one of the guys had to walk a girl to the bathroom because she couldn't walk a straight or even moderately direct line to the bathroom.  He rolled his eyes while he waited for her.  I struck up a conversation with him and he was equally annoyed by the drunkenness, but was happy to make sure they all got home safely.  Good guy.

delicious beef ribs
There is nothing, NOthing, NOTHING attractive about a very drunk girl hanging all over every guy within her grasp and drooling all over the place.  Ok, I'm off my soapbox, for now.  We returned home to all of the chores.  The eggs got collected and incubated for the arrival of our friends in mid-June.  I want to make sure they get the full farm experience with baby chicks and all.

I am so very thankful for the many soldiers who have fought for my freedom and I extend my most sincere gratitude to the families who have lost their loved ones in order for me to live in the land of the free.(Day 147)  Goodnight Friends.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Baking Bread with Whey

Combine salt, sugar, yeast and whey

Add flour, flour, and more flour

knead and rise for an hour

divide and allow to rise another hour

ready for the oven


 I need to get better with shaping and flavoring.  The basics are out of the way and now I will learn to flourish.  I remember the days when I had a bread maker.  I used it four times.  I hope this lasts longer.  Next stop is baking with sprouted grains, whole wheat and other flours.

I am so thankful for the simple things in life that make life that much more beautiful.  I am also thankful for Lynn, my sister in law, who tackles these ridiculous projects with me. (Day 146)  Goodnight Friends.  For the recipe, Click here.  It is an amazing website with an incredible wealth of information!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ruby Has Arrived!!

the cat is sleeping next to the baby goat
This morning was the usual routine of milking, feeding chickens, and making sure all of the animals were fed and alive.  The rain and the storms can sometimes be quite terrible out here.  One of my cats, Scratchy,  hates storms and had "mad face" this morning at feeding time.  While I was milking Seraphina, he(the cat) cuddled under the feeding trough with the baby goats to catch some much needed sleep after the intense storm overnight.  Before he closed his eyes to sleep, he managed to catch my eye and glared at me as if to say, "You are SOOOO mean for not giving me a safe place to sleep, inside the house, in your bed!!"  I apologized and reminded him he is an outdoor cat and must mind the farm and make sure the mice don't survive the storm.  He ignored me and remained still with his eyes closed and his tail tucked neatly hugging the shape of his sleeping body.

I returned to the house to shower and dress for the 3rd Commencement Ceremony of the school where I teach.  It was a beautiful ceremony filled with talk of Christ, Latin hymns, old hymns, and constant reminders of the true meaning of success.  If you are still searching for the true meaning of success, I urge you to attend our commencement ceremony next year.  I would hate to give it away and have you miss an incredible opportunity to be blessed.

Ruby sleeping on her pillow in Chloe's room
After graduation, I rushed home to welcome our new addition, Ruby.  She arrived and immediately put Buster(my Schnoodle) in his place by snapping at him for all the butt sniffing he was doing.  Dogs don't generally have manners and take to butt sniffing rather quickly which can make some dogs a little unsettled.  Her family tearfully drove away and she followed behind them.  We tried to distract her and eventually she made herself comfortable inside.  I know she will be happy here, but I think there will be a time of mourning as she adjusts to us and the new routine.  For now, she sleeps on her new fluffy pillow in Chloe's room.

Lots of milk
When Ruby snapped at Buster she managed to tear in to his skin and when I later noticed the tear I made my way to Tractor Supply to find some good healing agents.  There was a great drying powder and sealer I found and they both seem to be working quite well.  Luckily, there was a veterinarian at the store and he agreed with my course of treatment. Buster is fine and was not a fan of either treatment.

Around dinner time Lynn, my sister in law, and I went to deliver food to a friend who just received all of her stuff from storage to her new house.  She gave us a tour of her new, beautiful home and even offered us drinks.  She is quite a hostess!  Two hours later we returned home to feed the family.  Upon opening the refrigerator we were reminded of the importance of using the goat milk before it goes bad.  This started a mad dash to make delicious treats!!

ice cream
Thadd found a goat milk/honey ice cream recipe on the internet.  It calls for goat milk, honey, vanilla extract, corn starch, and egg yolks.  We were sure we were going to like it, but as it was freezing and churning in the ice cream maker, we nearly ate the entire container.  Quickly we began cooking up a double batch to share with friends.  Well, MAYBE we will share with friends.  We also cooked up a batch of cheese.  The last batch was a hit.  Tomorrow I will use the whey from the cheese-making to make some bread.  It has been a long day and I've washed more dishes than I'd like to count, so it is time for bed.  Tomorrow we will have cheese and ice cream to celebrate Memorial Day!

I am thankful for the evening of cooking delicious treats with Lynn and Thadd!(Day 146).  Goodnight Friends!