Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lots Of Excitement

Chloe brought me slippers from the hotel
Lately my blog has been less than stellar, but I assure you my life has been plenty entertaining.  Brett recently returned from a week in Laredo and Chloe from a week in Washington D.C.  I was able to catch up with some friends, run errands without extra opinions(minions), eat every meal out, and go to the movies with my husband without having to also supply and pay for a babysitter(brat-sitter).  I also managed to schedule and attend a doctor's visit and a manicure and pedicure.  You might've caught my hands or feet in a photo lately where you can see my once signature red nails.  This week I also acquired seven new animals on my food budget.  I think the count has exceeded any number I can safely count to without looping back to 5-6-7-8.

Chloe in her room
Brett spent a week with my mom where he caught fish, went hunting for arrowheads and even acquired a new pet.  Chloe's trip was equally as eventful except she was unable to secure a pet as her aunt and uncle only allow stuffed animals in their lives.  She did, however, visit many museums and eateries.  I believe the 4th of July to be the least popular day of the year to be found in Washington D.C., but Chloe and her aunt and uncle found their way around via public transportation and even a town car to the airport.  Although all of the excursions were enjoyable she boasts most about her private hotel room with a never ending supply of frappuccinos and a soaking tub with bath salts.  It is amazing how simple this child can be when given a large soaking tub and a book.

While the kids were away I spent time catching up with old friends(former students) and eating at new places(BIRD bakery) more times than can be counted on one hand.  I would leave after milking and return late in the evening in time to feed the animals and discover the unfortunate incontinence problem suffered by my new dog, yeah the outside dog who lives ONLY indoors!  I managed to find pools of wetness throughout her favorite sleeping spots only to conclude, while watching it leak, that she was suffering from a problem most woman report after a few kids.  Unfortunately, I can't just sign her up for Pilates to strengthen her pelvic floor, I have to pay lots more to see a vet and secure a prescription.  I am happy to report after only four days she is showing great signs of response to the medication.  The various idiosyncrasies of this dog have led my husband to nickname her BD(Broken Dog).  If someone acquired me after this many years of life I imagine they would refer to me as BL(Broken Lady).  Regardless of her flaws, we still love her and she still sleeps like a queen, indoors, of course.
Brett's frog, Mr. White

I scheduled an undue visit to the doctor to find I have serious deficiencies in some areas and others are on the abundant side.  If you imagine the deficiencies to lie in sanity, you suppose correctly.  After a few tubes of blood the doctor altered my thyroid compound and  encouraged me to actually use the elliptical machine that resides in my bedroom.  My husband is currently keeping track of the days missed and minutes I need to make up to reach my goal.  I told him to hold me accountable, but now I'm just annoyed by his constant reminders.  Truthfully, my complete lack of testosterone doesn't bother me much since the hair on my legs grows slower and lighter.  She also informed me of the unusually low levels of Vitamin D.  I explained to her my grand bikini farming plan and how I've been attempting fifteen minutes of sun exposure to my belly a day.  She was NOT impressed and told me to go ahead and try taking the 5,000 strength caplets.  She did give me a thumb's up for effort.

Along with a doctor visit was my annual mani and pedi.  I painted the nails red.  Bright, shiny red.  They decided since I had one broken nail to cut all of my nails super short which makes my fingers look like stubs.  I figured it wasn't worth the argument or the mean words spoken about me in Vietnamese.  Annually, on my visit, I make a mental note to study up on the language to have a better time while at the salon.  I'm sure I would find there outbursts and loud ramblings to be a source of entertainment.

I know you are dying to hear about the recent additions to the Stricker Family Farm food budget.  We now feed five does, a buck, a White's tree frog and an entire box of crickets(food for the gecko and the frog).  We also added five more goldfish to our water tank in the goat/pony enclosure.  I'm a little sad to return from my vacation this week where I have two children at home, I clean, and I cook meals.  Now hiring a maid and chef, inquire here.

I am thankful for the time my children have had this week with the people they love so very much.(Day 181).  Goodnight Friends.


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