Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let Go, Let God

At Six Flags Fiesta Texas last week I saw a guy with the following words tattooed across his chest:  Let Go, Let God.  It was written in that swirly script lettering that you often see in tattoo art.  From a distance, as he walked toward me surrounded by his friends I thought (judged him), why would anyone tattoo something across their chest like that?  As my 30+ year old eyes adjusted and he got closer I read the phrase.  I wanted to stop him and apologize. 

Imagine me standing in the middle of a waterpark with my swimsuit on and shades looking like a stereotypical soccer mom apologizing to a nearly twenty year old kid for judging his artwork.  I wanted to know, though.  I wanted to know how terrible his experience was that he decided he needed the phrase tattooed on his chest.  For a moment I thought how great it would be to have it on my forehead.  

How many times have you tried to control your way out of a situation?  Have you thought, "If I was only strong enough, rich enough, smart enough, successful enough, tall enough, thin enough..." the list goes on and on and on.  How many of us go directly to God?  How many of us stop trying to be in control and say, "God, you do it!"  I think it is only when things get really hard or desperate or scary that we say, "Okay God, I can't do this anymore.  Please take over now."

Today I want you to consider tattooing the words, "LET GO, LET GOD" on your heart.  I'm not sure I'm completely there yet.  Obviously, I'm a judgmental soccer mom control freak.  I'll get there, someday.  Join me.

I am thankful for the people who aren't afraid to tattoo their convictions on their chest and to wear God proudly. (Day 178).  We should all be so bold.  Goodnight Friends.


  1. I have "let go" tattooed on my right ankle below some Cherry Blossoms. I've always said it's from the Lao Tzu quote "When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be" and while it's not exactly the same it has that same feeling. When I let go and say I'm not in control of this, something new can take over. So I think my tattoo can go either way it can be "Let go and Let God" or the Lao Tzu quote.

  2. I'm glad you have a reminder to keep you focused. I'm considering using a Sharpie to write it on my forehead as I need a constant reminder. It is humbling to watch God work in our lives and see both his grace and awesomeness at work. There are things He's done with my life that I could've never imagined. Tyler, I think you've had a big life in a short amount of time and I'm so glad you realize there is more than you can imagine that lies ahead of you if you allow it to unfold. I'm proud of you and all you have worked so hard to accomplish in this life.
