Monday, July 15, 2013

A Quiet Monday on the Farm

the deer eyeing the empty corn bag
Lately, my husband has become a deer lover.  Generally, I do not like to make deer tame because of the dangers they encounter during hunting season.  This area does have some hunters during the season who likely won't be shooting in my property.  While I am an advocate of feeding deer for sale and or growth and strength of a herd in animal management situations, I am not a fan of feeding deer to later shoot during their feeding time while they peacefully eat in the same spot you've been feeding them for a year.  That is CHEATING!!
This little doe has befriended Thadd and comes looking for him throughout the day.  She has beautiful big eyes and a sweet face.  This morning we ran out of corn and she took it upon herself to come in the yard to double check if the bag was empty.  With each passing day she becomes more and more brave.  With each passing day Thadd becomes more and more protective of her.  They have an odd bond and she will walk toward him when he feeds her while she runs from me when I bring a food offering.
Brett and Mr. White

Mr. White is settling in fine when he isn't shooting pee out of his back end.  I'm not a fan of the pee shooting.  Brett has made countless videos of the care and love of his creatures.  Most of the videos are too long to post and would likely crash the blogger site.  The are, however, entertaining and a healthy dose of Bretty's theatric abilities.  He also spends the day wandering outside feeding the deer in various locations on the property to keep the chickens from eating all of the food.  We also learned that Charles loves the corn and follows whomever has a red solo cup.  Warning:  DO NOT come to the Stricker house with a red solo cup unless you have treats for deer, pony, or chickens inside the cup.  Charles with steal it from you hand.   Chloe decided she would ride Charles around while he tried eating the contents of the cup in my hand and even took a nice hard tug on the cup.
Charles following me and the red solo
cup full of corn.  Chloe torturing the pony.

 Yesterday after church we had to go to Costco to buy more probiotic gummies.  Chloe hid the other full container of gummies and did not remember the hiding place or that she had hidden them until I located them while cleaning the pantry.  She did, at one point, blame the chupacabra and Brett blamed the bass.  The bass did eat a frog he was returning to the pond and in his mind could be the culprit for stealing the gummies.  Thadd and I were equally perplexed by the mysterious disappearance since there were NO signs of regularity in the house to dictate the guilty party.  While at Costco we picked up some salads to help until the gummies kicked in.  I'm glad my kids like salads just in case the chupacabra decides to steal the gummies again.

I am thankful for the simplest things that become entertainment in our house. (Day 188).  Goodnight Friends.

my salad eaters.


  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)

    1. Heather, I got your message and sent a reply via my e-mail. Hope it is a fun question!!

