Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Heavy Heart

this is me...
As I look at the year of blogging, I find a very prominent issue.  I have a terrible time holding my tongue.  I can likely schedule it monthly according to the woman's curse, but that is NOT an excuse.  A wife, mother and teacher has no business wielding such a heavy and strong sword so recklessly.   Today at church, Chloe stood in a different row, ten seats away.  She had a frown on her face and nearly tears down her cheeks.  She had ridden to church with her grandmother and it had not gone well.

Although Chloe hasn't quite blossomed in to womanhood (THANK GOD FOR SMALL FAVORS), she still has emotional roller coasters that match my cycle.  For this reason, I understood the frowny face she wore today.  I walked over, put my arm around her shoulders and told her it was "Okay" to be frustrated and want to bite, hiss or scratch something.  (Cat similes, metaphors and analogies are BIG in my house, actually, in my life.) I told her that despite feeling awful and angry she needed to find a way to feel calm inside.  Luckily, we were in church and I could say all of these things over the whir of the music.  We hadn't chosen the best spot to sit as the music was very loud and hurt our ears, but it was good for sharing deep thoughts with my tween.

The music finished and the message started.  He preached about many things.  The most important thing I heard was to listen to God's voice.  He speaks inside of each and every one of us.  We have to take care to listen.  I am on a journey to quiet the noise and to listen to the voice inside of my heart.  Not the voice that says YES!!!  The voice that says, "I Love You, no matter what."  The voice that says, "You are created in MY image and you are perfect, loved and forgiven."  That doesn't mean I'm going to rob a bank and then hope to find redemption, but redemption exists even for the bank robbers, the child killers, and the home wreckers.  God sent Jesus to die on the cross for each and every one of us despite our flaws, sins and short comings.  We are never going to be good enough alone, but through the blood of Christ we are redeemed.

I do not pretend to be better or to know better than my friends and if you do not know Christ I do not judge you.  If religion has betrayed you, welcome to the club.  Religion is NOT Christ.  Christ is Christ.  If you think you might want to know more, there are so many places you can go.  If church is not for you, maybe you'll consider a radio station. K-Love(click here for prayer) is one of my favorites.  Religion and church are NOT perfect and they will fall short of what you need, but God will NEVER fall short of what you need.  He created you and LOVES you so very much.  If you think God and Jesus are a bunch on garbage, I challenge you to seek them.  Find out what they are about and decide for yourself.  You won't be disappointed.

I am thankful for forgiveness as I fall short of perfection DAILY. (Day 194).  Goodnight Friends.  By the way, Tuesday, July 23, 2012 will be our one year mark!  One year of The Stricker Post adventures!!

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