Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today I saw a police officer I have seen many times around town.  Yes, I live in a small town.  Yes, there aren't a ton of officers in the small town.  BUT, when I see someone enough times I am reminded to pray for them.  Today I walked in to a local restaurant where he sat with a fellow officer and a woman.  I asked if I could pray for him.  He may have considered reaching for his gun.  Not sure, but he had a puzzled look on his face.

I prayed for him and then returned to my table for lunch.  I think there were a few people at the restaurant, him included, who thought I was strange.  As he was leaving he thanked me and then commented that he is highly visible in this town because he is a police officer.  True, but I've lived here for five years and I've seen him twelve times in the past two months and never before then.  My point is, if someone shows up on your radar PRAY FOR THEM.

Goodnight friends.

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