Thadd spent some time working outside today. While at the pond he discovered this odd creature who when removed from the water, dies. I'm almost certain it is some stage of an insect's growth, but I'm not quite sure what insect. It looks like something out of an 80's sic-fi thriller. Thadd, being the resourceful guy that he is, took a photo of this odd creature and asked me to post it on my blog for help in the identification process. Thus, I am hoping one of you is an entomologist or at least a bug enthusiast so you can assist! Since Thadd was at the pond you can imagine what the kids wanted to do...
what do most people do on a normal Saturday in the month of February? They go swimming of course!!
The kids jumped in the pond deciding rather quickly it was far too cold to truly enjoy. They disappeared to the house where they found a nice warm shower and clothing. Brett opted against clothing and wandered the house and yard NAKED for a while before resigning to dress like everyone else. I think the chill in the air started to pick up and his extremities were feeling the effects. I, on the other hand, was very involved in the job of feeding animals, cleaning the chicken coop and giving Charles a haircut.

I played with the baby chicks for a bit to procrastinate doing actual work in the coop, The smell was overwhelmingly strong especially with the plastic still on the chicken wire to prevent too much a chill to sweep through their bedtime quarters. Unfortunately for the cocktiels and the baby chicks, that means not much interaction with the outdoors. I pulled back a section of plastic exposing the west side of the coop and a breeze blew through the coop and the chicks frolicked happily. They kept hopping up to get a better look at the big world out there. Later I had to re-staple the plastic as the temperature drops to the 30's at night.
While cleaning the coop I discovered the newest member of the egg laying family. One of the chicks I hatched in October, Snickers, is laying eggs! Today was her first egg and by the picture you can see they start out rather small. From left to right they are, Snicker's first egg, a bantam egg, and a regular(green) egg. I guess you can also say I might be doing a little advertising for HEB...ooops. I can't believe she is already laying eggs! It usually takes six months before they begin to lay eggs, but maybe they are so happy here they lay sooner! Maybe?

Thadd let the pony and goats out to roam the property and they ate all the green grass they could find. At dinner time they ignored the food I put out for them instead opting for a rest. All that eating can wear you out! The girls are looking so incredibly uncomfortable and pregnant and from the bag you can see the milk starting to fill their, uh, milk sacs? Not sure what to call them. Nonetheless, I am so excited I can barely stand it! If you sit and watch her stomach you can see baby goat action. I'm sure she is wondering what the heck is going on!
Charlie's hair from his haircut |
Today was mostly good except when my son's team lost their championship basketball game this morning. I told him second place isn't bad and he replied, "Second place is losing." True statement. Maybe next year. Last year I don't think we even won a game, so to be the second place team is AMAZING! I am thankful for my family who joined me for dinner this evening as I always enjoy their company. (Day77) Goodnight Friends!
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