Monday, February 4, 2013

All Moms Write A Blog

my new cards
The day seemed normal except for leaving my phone at home and having to go home to retrieve it.  I called the vet to report a minor urination problem with my pony and the nurse expressed great concern.  So much concern they can see the pony on Thursday.  Obviously, not too concerned.  I spent about forty-five minutes cuddling with him and loving on him while the goats ate my sweater.  They loathe being ignored.

When I walked in to the pony/goat area I found Pip stuck in the fence.  This happens often since she has horns.  Luckily she was low enough to be able to sit and rest.  I'm not sure how long she had been stuck, but I tried for five minutes to free her until deciding to cut the fence.  By the way, as you watch the video, I didn't realize I was filming as I was trying to take a photo.

I returned to the house and phoned a friend to see if she could monogram some stuff for a baby shower I'm hosting this weekend.  When I arrived at her house we visited for an hour.  It had been about two years since I last saw her and I was so glad to catch up.  She has a son in college now!!  Crazy how time flies.  I've known her for six years and today I found out she is best friends with another dear friend of mine.  The world is so much smaller than we ever imagine.

Chloe's business cards  front view
You might recall I mentioned Chloe's new business endeavor.  Her business cards arrived and she has passed out over fifteen since 3:15 this afternoon.  I'm sure she will be busy with this new work and we should've added on the card that she takes credit cards.  She still has her SQUARE that connects to her iPhone that her uncle purchased for her during her lemonade stand days.  Since we live out in the country I don't think standing on the country road selling lemonade is safe.  She decided instead of arguing with me she would diversify.  I'm hoping her success will land me in a nice nursing home some day.

back view

She also designed a shirt with the same cute owl on the front and on the back it says, "Babysitting....BUT Better!"  I think this business will add many miles to my vehicle, but some hard earned money and maybe the paddle boat she has been saving for will become a reality.  I'm still not sure how one will transport said paddle boat.  Nonetheless, I am thankful for a child who is both creative and business savvy.  (Day 64).  Before bed she showed me the following sentence which describes our family perfectly, "My family likes to run around sliding in the mud while screaming at the top of their lungs, flailing arms and throwing chickens in the air, whilst being followed by a procession of two goats, a pony, three cats, a dog, some fish in a bowl on a skateboard, a leopard gecko with attitudes problems and some shaken up chickens."

Today a friend of mine said something that made me think.  She said, "All moms write a blog.  They should all collaborate and write one blog since they all write about the same thing."  She does not have my blog address and I don't think I will share it with her.  If she read my blog she may never marry because she will likely have a hard time finding a husband like my Prince Charming and she will never want children after hearing the stories I write on my blog about my wild children.  For those of you who read my blog, I hope you are not bored and instead find some sort of fun, wit, peace, entertainment or happiness in my blog.  After all, it isn't so much about writing as it is about sharing.  Goodnight Friends!

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