Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Last Big Push!

Today, at my school, I sat quietly in my car and watched people drive by the voting location trying to figure out the door, the building, the right place to park, and even if they were at the right location.  I watched some people become so frustrated by not being able to follow the simple VOTE HERE sign, they left the site all together.   At first, I tried to wave people in the right direction.  Too many people were making the mistake and so instead of quitting my day job to police the voters, I went inside to teach.  I wonder how many other people had a hard time locating the right building, parking lot, voting location?

Voting is a right and we are lucky to have the right to vote and to choose our future leaders.  I was so very tempted to write myself in as the presidential candidate.  Texas will go Republican, undoubtedly.  So if you are a Texan and you voted for Obama, you wasted your time, but exercised your rights.  You would've made a much larger splash had you chosen to vote for ME!!  I am the Mexico born future leader of the free world.   Click here to see my first blog post containing all of the important points of my platform.  My platform is clear.

1.  I will balance the budget.  Ice cream, candy, donuts, and all sugar drinks will be taxed at a higher rate and this will make up for the deficit.  I will let everyone decide their own budget but only a portion of it will be subsidized by the government.  The rest of the budgets for ALL programs will require the sale of wrapping paper and car washes(or choose any novelty).  So the government can afford to give the Department of Transportation 14 million dollars, but they need 400 billion dollars.  Car washes and wrapping paper sales can make up for the rest of the cost.   I will eliminate both adult and childhood obesity as there will be a considerable drop in the purchase of candy, donuts, ice cream and sugar drinks due to the higher tax rate.  We will have cleaner cars and wrapping paper for every season, too.   I know, I'm brilliant.

2.  One thing I did not talk about in my previous bid for the presidency is something very dear to my heart.  It is a very sensitive subject, but it is of very high importance.  All teachers will be given a raise.  The lowest pay bracket for a teacher cannot go below $80K in a private or public school setting.  I think we can also apply the sale of wrapping paper and car washes if need be, but this is absolutely necessary.

I know as all of you sit reading my words you are saddened.  Your hearts are heavy knowing that instead of voting for me, you chose an unqualified and sadly under-educated human being for the job as president.  I really am the only good choice.  Instead of beating your self over the head for your silliness in not writing me in, take a moment to pray for both of the candidates.  Someone will be crowned tonight and whom ever takes the job of Commander in Chief needs our prayers.  I will give you an example and feel free to pray my words if you'd like.....
"Heavenly Father, you are the Creator of all things.  You created each one of us and made us in to the people we are today.  I ask you to protect and guide President Obama as he stands before the country in hopes of finishing the job he started four years ago.  I ask for you to comfort his family as they anxiously await the results of the voting.  I ask that he win or lose graciously and with good sportsmanship.  I ask that no matter his future at the end of the night, that you will watch over his family.  Father I ask you to also protect Mr. Romney's family.  I ask that you would allow them to see your hand in the events of the evening.  I ask that Mr. Romney continue to be the successful man you have allowed him to be in every endeavor whether or not it includes the presidency.  Most importantly, I pray for the heart of this country.  Founded on the principles of Christianity, I ask that you would save us from ourselves.  Our greed, immorality and sin.  Refresh and renew us as a people.  Allow us to be an example of good and light to the world and not of darkness and hate.  Let us love our brothers and sisters and carry out your commandments.  We thank you for being God and for breathing life in to each one of us.  Thank you for giving us the chance to live here, in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Amen"

I don't care who you vote for(since you didn't vote for me) because since the foundations of the earth, my leader continues to be Lord of all.  My faith is in the One, True, God.  So tonight as you place your head on your pillow, know that your job of voting is now done.  Your new job is praying.  Prayer is the only thing that initiates real change.  I love all of you, Red, Black, White, Green, Pink, Yellow, Republican, Democrat, Idealist, Socialist, etc.  Goodnight friends and don't forget to PRAY!

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