Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Naked Ninja Assassin on the Loose

I can't remember the last time I actually ate a burger.  I went to lunch with my husband today and we ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  I have never been to this chain restaurant and wanted to dislike it because it is a chain.  Unfortunately it was delicious; so delicious I may return.

Today was filled with errand running, routine doctor visits, a stopover by my Dad and his wife, and a broody chicken.  I do love the tiny baby chickens, but I'm not sure how I feel about raising a single baby chicken just because one chicken is inclined to sit.  Maybe I can just stick her and her baby in an isolated pen until the baby is big enough to mingle with the big guys.  I imagine this hen will bring me another rooster in which case my husband has threatened to make him dinner.  Uh huh.  I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!

Wednesdays are my errand days when I don't work as a teacher, but wear the hat of mom, wife and animal owner.  Sometimes Wednesday gets so full that I wish for a work day instead.  Mostly I look forward to date lunch with my hubby.  Occasionally I have to share him with his work associates, but I don't mind as long as I get to hang out with him in the company of all adults!  A welcome change following a summer of hyper children!  Often I forget that a conversation can include things other than the word "kitten" twice per sentence or a loud, "EXCUSE ME!!" signaling the very obvious passing of killer stink gas.

My son is behind me doing, what he believes to be, kung fu, NAKED.  Flapping boy parts are not very attractive so I chase him off to get his jammies.  I hear the sound of kicks being made with his mouth as if there is some serious ninja action happening in the room.  An occasional receiving of a kick sound and a "HI-YA" trails off as he makes his way to his room for clothing.  I'm just glad he decided to get out of the shower because there was some sort of very loud ruckus coming from my bathroom.  He usually enjoys emptying the newest body soap container for use as a Bug Retaining Facility(BRF).  Not a happy moment for Mommy when she jumps in the shower thinking about the soothing smell of the new body wash only to find it is completely empty.  Yes, EMPTY.  The only thing that lingers is the fresh scent of honeysuckle from the entire container of soap that hasn't even completely left the general drain area.  UGH!  I'm considering making him shower in his bathroom.  The only problem is he sneaks the tub(instead of the shower) and then water makes its way to the floor from overwhelming fullness or from the scuba tricks he performs.

He is finally in bed and I can hear Chloe in her room reading books to the cat.  Today I was thinking about how lucky I am to have the perfect number of animals so each one gets attention, but reading to the cat is above and beyond.  I'm not certain the cat is a fan, but he looks in her general direction and humors her.  The thing I have trouble understanding is why the cat stayed for the playing of the recorder.  He let her practice playing her recorder for five minutes while I fought the urge to scream, "STOP ALL THAT TERRIBLE SCREEEEECHING!!!" the cat sat attentively on the bed.  He looked entertained and not annoyed.  Maybe the cat is losing his hearing.

All you really need to know about today is no naked ninja assassins were harmed in the writing of this blog, well at least until the ninja assassin reaches puberty and his friends find this blog. Goodnight Friends!!

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