Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Regular Day

goose egg, or duck, or platypus

The goose egg we collected from the Boerne Mile is growing and becoming a goose.  It could be a duck.  I'm not sure what we have, but it is not a chicken.  I will be conducting my own little experiment when a day before it hatches I will place it under a broody chicken.  When it hatches it will see the chicken and think that is its mother, right?  A broody chicken is a chicken who refuses to lay eggs and instead sits on eggs all day hoping to become a mother.  It is very much like a woman in her thirties.  Although I had my two children before thirty, I have the eternal itch for more.  Well, since I turned thirty-one, wait, I'm only twenty-eight.  Please disregard the last couple statements.
seventeen eggs in one day!

The chickens decided to pump out the largest number of eggs on the hottest day of the year so far.  100 degrees equals 17 eggs.  Since they had fallen behind producing only 6-8 eggs a day, I was thankful for the abundance.  My friends who receive eggs have been a little upset with the lack of supply.

After a bunch of errand running we ended our afternoon by having linner(lunch/dinner) at P.F.Changs, again.  I'm not sure why my husband wanted to revisit the restaurant, but it was delicious, again.  I took a picture of Chloe and Thadd and see so much resemblance, but my friends strongly disagree.  I also find it frustrating that my husband keeps getting better looking and I just keep getting older.  Can someone please explain this concept to me??  

The happy family, minus the male model.  Hmmm, I should've moved back a bit,
I look like I might jump out of the photo and eat you!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

High Speed Police Chase

Yesterday was quite a day!  I woke up late after having had a nightmare that my husband had a mistress who happened to also be one of my best friends.  My eyes opened shortly before he was leaving for work as I scolded him for having this love affair in my dream.  He assured me it was only a dream and I'm certain in his head he wondered how any man would want more than one crazy woman in his life, well beside his mother and daughters.  As I dragged myself to the barn the children joined me since the power had gone out in the house and they were discussing all of the things you are not supposed to do when your power is out.  "Brett, when the power is out, do not open the refrigerator of freezer door!" says Chloe.  "Chloe, when the power is out you are still not the boss of me." reminded Brett.  This went on for a while until I decided to stop listening.  At one point I said, "I can't use hot rollers and will have to brush my teeth with bottled water."  Brett quickly responds, "Life is full of disappointments."  By the time we return from milking the goat the power has returned and toilet flushing, hand washing and hot roller using commenced.

We all got dressed to meet my mom and Lynn in town for lunch.  On our merry way we pass a house where a car had recently driven out of it's driveway and the gate remained open.  Two dogs happily pranced across the street and along the road in the opposite direction of their owner's exit.  Seeing her ahead, I speed up to catch her at the stop sign.  The moment we stop I begin to honk and wave my arms, motioning for her to pull over.  She does NOTHING of the sort and turns to enter the on ramp.  I continue honking and waving wildly as she accelerates to escape my brand of crazy.  As we enter the freeway, I tell Chloe to grab the large white tablet from the floor and tell her to write DOGS OUT in large letters.  We hold the sign to the window for a good solid minute while I drive next to her and honk like a banshee.  She tries not to look and I imagine she's decided to call the cops.  Finally she turns her head and sees the sign.  She mouths the words "Thank You" and exits the expressway to return home to tend to her dogs.  My children were so impressed with my elaborate act of "heroism" or "saving the dogs," as they put it.  They told everyone about our honking, flailing, dog saving endeavor.

As we continued on the highway and laughed about the dog incident and other random things, I noticed some bright lights in my rearview mirror.  CRAP!!  A cop.  I pull over and apologize for speeding and tell him I didn't even realize I was speeding as we were in happy conversation.  He didn't care.  He asked for my license and insurance, excused himself for a moment and returned with a ticket. 79 mph in a 70mph.  Nearly a $200 ticket and I'm depressed.  I think of five things I can do with $200 and get angry for having been pulled over when I was traveling in the flow of traffic!  No matter how mad I get I return to the simple reality that I was, in fact, SPEEDING.  A high speed police chase would've been more fun or at least more exciting for the blog.  Maybe next time.  I return to the expressway and no sooner am I passed by a truck going 90mph with exhaust spewing out the back and I say angrily, "Where is Mr. San Antonio Police Officer NOW?????"  Okay, so not the greatest attitude for my kids to witness, but Brett laughed and Chloe was still talking about the wild honking and flailing.

Yes, that is a cop!  Unmarked Tahoe
We have a decent lunch at Panera Bread and I'm reminded that all of their food that is NOT a baked good or a bagel, is not very delicious or flavorful.  I think back on why I don't eat delicious bagels and recall swelling and painful stomach aches due to the gluten and then vow never to return.

 Lunch is a prep for shopping.  The kids are fed and they've used the bathroom and are now a captive audience for two hours until they require either one of the aforementioned activities.  We visit JCPenney, which is quickly becoming my favorite store.  I can buy shoes for Chloe that she outgrows in a month, swimsuits I wear for a season, and separates I wear for a season, as well.  This time I picked up a very cute hot pink bikini top to match some previously purchased hot pink bikini bottoms.  They also had some very fashionable sunglasses showcased on last night's blog entry.  I know I talk about body image and swimsuits a bunch, I'm a woman and it's swimsuit season.  These two things haunt us our entire lives after puberty.  I don't wear bikinis in public, but they are suitable farm attire to have the most  or least tan lines.  I was recently questioned about my choice of farm attire.  Look, MY FARM, MY RULES!  I know it is a little risqué, but I also allow my goats to run around naked.

The swimsuit shopping was quite an adventure, as usual.  I tried to sneak in the dressing room without either one of the children.  As I am trying on the first swimsuit, Brett crawls under the dressing room door and inspects my attire.  His head is about chest level, so I was very happy to have secured my top before he stood to his feet.  Nonetheless, his eyes were focused downward on my belly where I display, like a medal of honor,  the evidence of having carried children sans a surrogate.  After further inspection and questioning, I admitted to having received the stretch marks due to the stretching of my  belly during pregnancy.  If you were one of those women who has NO marks or claims to have put cream on daily to avoid stretch marks, rest assured, no amount of cream changed my outcome.  My skin likes to have stretch marks.  No big deal.  I have them from when I grew during puberty and pregnancy.  Fact of life.  Brett looks at me and apologizes for his part in the terrible marks I have on my body.  Leave it to a child to tell you the truth.  For now, the bikini will remain farm attire.

The stretch mark talk was a bit much for Brett to handle, so he quickly hit his knees and crawled his way out of the dressing room.  At one point I stepped out of the dressing room to ask my mom what she thought of the swimsuit.  "Hey Mom, what do you think of this one?"  A few other people were in the dressing area and they swung their heads around to check my hot self out and all I heard was the sound of crickets.  I clarified the question, "At my house, away from public view."  Everyone began to nod in agreement that private use was best.  Look, I can't help that I look like I just stepped of the pages of the Sport's Illustrated Magazine cover and the rest of the world is NOT ready for me!  They airbrush my stretch marks out.

Following our shopping escapade we return to the house to pack Brett's stuff.  We take my mom out to dinner at P.F. Chang's with Brett spending the entire dinner trying to convince us to purchase him either a red-eyed tree frog, a black-eyed tree frog or a White's tree frog.  He included every fact, dietary information, habitat qualifications, temperature need, and maintenance requirement for the amphibians as our poor waitress tried to avoid seeing the photographs we were passing around the table.  Later we find out she was "attacked" by a frog once.

My mom and son take off toward Laredo and we make our way to the Man of Steel movie where Chloe decides she will also be seeing the Thor movie being released soon.  I'm not sure she is able to recollect any of the important plots or themes, but she does find Superman to be a "hottie."  Oh boy!  I can hardly wait till high school to see how this whole guy crazy thing pans out.  Luckily she doesn't seem too motivated by any of her guy friends and only finds the very far reaching movie star men suitable to her taste.  For now.  As we parted ways at the theater, each in our separate cars, my husband's phone had run out of battery.  Thinking he would be funny he said, "Hey, would you mind texting my girlfriend and letting her know my phone ran out of battery."  Ha Ha.  Very FUNNY!

We arrived late, so I milked one goat while the others slept quietly in the barn.  It was a very quiet milking.  Those are the best kind.  I am very thankful for all of the laughs incurred yesterday.(Day 176).  Goodnight Friends.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sunglass Shopping

So much to share tonight, but it will have to wait till tomorrow.  I just got home from the movies and I still need to milk a goat and feed the animals at the barn.  I don't want you to be completely disappointed so I will share my sunglass shopping.  My mom and kids picked the glasses.

I am thankful for a fun day on the town with my mom and kids(Day175).  Goodnight Friends!
the star shades are AWESOME!

The Jackie O shades aren't too bad

The pink shades are a, "NO!"

The star shades look AWESOME on Brett!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Brett: The Worm

I was amazed at the eggs that arrived from the coop this evening.  I had two of each except for the tiny beige egg.  It makes for a lovely design when the chickens plan their laying so nicely.  I wonder if they have meetings about who will lay and who will be on strike.  Since I am only collecting six to twelve eggs a day and I have twenty-four(24) hens, I should be collecting 24 eggs a day.  I'm considering having a board meeting.
On his way home from work Thadd called and suggested we meet him at Dairy Queen.  I have a feeling any weight loss I've mastered up to now is going to fail by August.  He says, "Well, you don't actually have to eat anything."  Yeah, right.  Chloe made sure to have her favorite, a banana split.  I pray her metabolism never changes.   

I made a pit stop at Home Depot for some light bulbs while Brett cleaned the floor with his shirt.  He was sliding along the floor like a slug.  He also practiced this same move earlier at WalMart when we were making a return.  If you've ever returned something you might notice the camera mounted on the wall with the feed easily visible.  All of a sudden I look up at the television and Brett is on the floor behind me doing the army crawl all the way across the floor.  I pretend not to know him, but clearly he is my child as he yells, "Hey Mom, LOOK!!"

The rest of the day was filled with laundry and chores around the house.  After my two store visits it was clear I would be unable to take Brett anywhere else for the remainder of the day.  Mostly for my sanity.  I am thankful to live in a small town where a child wriggling like a worm on the floor doesn't seem weird.  Wait, maybe it is weird and they just keep walking and nodding their head.  Oh well. (Day 174).  Goodnight Friends.  Tomorrow Grandma Patti comes to town so I expect much adventuring.  Stay tuned...

Add caption

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fleas or Frogs?

baby frog infestation
The day started early with no sleep again last night.  I think I finally figured out that my thyroid is acting up and causing the insomnia.  Blood test pending.  In the mean time we went frog hunting and grocery shopping.  We got frogs at a friend's house, apricot addiction at the grocery store and a kitten from the barn.  Explorer refused to face the camera, but I did hold him down and bathe him in Dawn soap to try and remove the infestation of fleas adorning his tiny kitten body.  The Frontline Plus isn't making any headway toward a flea free body for the baby kittens, but Dawn soap kills on impact!!
I think everyone in the Texas Hill Country is dealing with a serious flea infestation and if you aren't you are LYING!  I prefer a baby frog infestation to the fleas, but God didn't give me a choice.  Brett also prefers the baby frog plague.

The grocery store offered delicious fruits and vegetables.  Brett is an apricot fanatic and when he found these tiny apricots he thought he had entered CANDYLAND!!  I try and fill my house with fruits and veggies to avoid my kids eating junk all day long.  For example, today I ate three melons.  I may or may not have moderation issues.

The night ended with dinner with my husband's work friends and coming home to a clean kitchen compliments of my babysitter!  I think I will keep her!  When I went down to the barn for milking time I tried to take a picture of Explorer's face.  I washed all of his fleas off of him at around 4pm and by 9pm they started to find a spot on him again.  I hate fleas!  Sounds like a bath is in his future tomorrow!  The vet suggested I spray the inside and outside of my barn for fleas.  Hmmmmm. should I spray the entire property?  How about the county?  Yeah, not likely.  

It is finally time for bed.  Let's see what tonight brings.  Sleep or no sleep.  Tomorrow will be another lazy day of cleaning house and visiting the doctor.

I am thankful for soft, flea free, kitten fur (Day 173).  Goodnight Friends!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Full Day and A Fire

The day started with a free summer movie at the Palladium with one million other children.  We continued the fun on to Whataburger/Chick-fil-A and ended up at Fiesta Texas.  The past two nights have been a sleep fail for me resulting in tossing and turning and a miserable headache the following day.  I promised to take the kids to Six Flags Fiesta Texas so there was no way for me to back out.  I took a decongestant and Tylenol to help me make it through the day.  It didn't work.

By the time four o'clock arrived I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry or go to sleep.  The kids were tired too, thankfully!  We stopped and ate at Wing Stop after dropping Chloe's friend off at dance class.  On the drive home I was having visions of my bed dancing in my head!  Once home I showered and got in bed for the next two hours until my husband arrived.  I dragged myself out of bed and did farm chores consisting of milking and watching my husband burn things.  Tired of the smell of smoke, I retreated to my bed where I watched the end of the movie I started watching last night before the internet and cable stopped working.  If you haven't seen the movie Parental Guidance, it is a must see.

The sun was nearing its set signaling me to send Chloe to lock up the chickens.  The door opens and closes and opens and SLAMS!!  Chloe runs to my room screaming FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!  We all jump out of our comfy spots and race out the door.  The pear burner must have gotten a little cozy with the cedar fence.  OOOPS!  I considered making s'mores on the fire, but Thadd grabbed the hose.  Brett says, "Mom, take a picture of that for your blog!"

Today was a fun day!  I'm tired and I still have incredible sinus pain and a headache, but the kids had fun.  As far as summer goes, I think we are getting it all in!  I am thankful for the ability to go and play and do all sorts of fun things.  Today, when I was in Target buying MORE sunscreen, one of the kids said, "Target is my least favorite place."  To that child I replied, "Fiesta Texas is my least favorite place in the whole world and I'm still taking you."  The rest of the ten  minutes spent in Target were happy minutes thanks to the understanding we had from that "bonding moment."  As much as I moan and complain about going to amusement parks, I consider myself blessed to be able to go.  Tonight Chloe asked me, "Mom, would you like the waterpark better if we were the only ones there?"  Without hesitation I replied, "YES!"

Tomorrow is rest day and figure out something for this headache day.  I am thankful for the fun had by all today.(Day 172).  Goodnight Friends.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Kung Fu or Kung Fail?

We returned to the lake for more fun.  Don't be afraid to choose if you think we did a fabulous display of Kung Fu or Kung Fail!  My friend got a little fancy with a full turn, but I kept is simple.  I have to admit, the first time I went off the rocks I was a little scared.  My friend was nice enough to accompany me off the rocks.  That's what friends are for....being crazy!

I am thankful for crazy rock jumping!(Day171).  Goodnight Friends.  I can't promise I'm not a little self conscious about posting a video of me in a swimsuit, but OH WELL!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Moon

Don't read a blog tonight, go outside and see the Super Moon!  Our optimal viewing time was 7:45pm, so hurry up and get outside!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Simple Summer Days

Chloe is out of town and Brett, Thadd and I went our separate ways today.  I was able to head to Hunt, Texas for a visit with a former student and Thadd and Brett and Lynn, too, went fishing in Boerne where they caught a bass and relocated it to our pond.  

I took six cats to get their annual vaccinations and kitten shots today.  I was twisted like a cat in the back of the Yukon XL with two vets, six cats, and Lynn.  We all survived.  Now we wait a few more weeks until the neutering and spaying ceremonies commence.  Soon we will be on our way to a kitten free society.  Well, we will keep the kittens and avoid having any MORE kittens.

Brett found a trampoline and a dog willing to jump on a trampoline with him today and we got stuff done one the farm.  A good day, indeed.  I hope everyone had a chance to catch the beautiful moon!

I am thankful for the simple summer days. (Day 170).  Goodnight Friends.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Marathon Or Grave Digging?

Proverbs 17:22

New Living Translation (NLT)22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,    but a broken spirit saps a person’s Glitter Milker
With our friends leaving back to Pennsylvania this morning and Chloe leaving to the beach around lunch, the only sounds heard around the house were those of the washing machine and the dryer.  A very quiet first day of summer and the longest day of the year.  I will likely be asleep before dark and have been lounging most of the day trying to recover from a week of fun!  I always say you need a vacation from your vacation and I assume our friends will have a nice quiet week of no zoo, lake, Alamo, or Dippin' Dots(those were a hit).  I think Fiesta Texas is in my future next week, but for now I will enjoy milking alone.  Wait, I don't like milking alone!!!!!  My Glitter Milker is now in Pennsylvania because her parents refuses to let her stay with me.  After a few days I think she would've been fine!!


Today I received a text message from a friend who was down trodden.  She couldn't understand why things were so hard right now.  Here is my simple-minded view.  Life is good and bad.  It has ups and downs and sometimes it just stays the same.  We have seasons in life much like spring, summer, autumn, and winter.  They aren't in order and they aren't necessarily in the same pattern all the time.  If you imagine life to be like training for a marathon, instead of the shovel digging your grave, it seems less daunting.

When you train for a marathon, you start with a little bit each day.  You begin by walking, then a brisk jog, more jogging, and then half marathons until you get to full throttle.  Marathons are NOT an easy task and are NOT for the faint of heart.  I have chosen NEVER to run a marathon as the race of life offers enough adventure for me.

The training can get hard as does the stuff in your life.  The fighting, sickness, death, or financial hardships are all training.  Wait, not your death as your death would mean the end of the race and therefore I have no more advice!  Approach each day with gladness and excitement.  Today may contain the husband you've always dreamed of, the best job, the new opportunity, or the healing you've been praying for for years.  Today may also contain no perfect spouse, no great job, no amazing opportunity and continued sickness.  You can decide to be sad about your situation or you can place all the stuff on the cross(as instructed) and take one step forward.  Can you have a bad day??  Sure!!  But when you are done, pick yourself up by the boot straps(that is what they are there for in case you didn't know!) and keep stepping one foot in front of the other.

I think having kids has helped me to be more easily able to move forward.  I have to move forward for them.  I can't pout(for very long) and sit in sadness forever because kids ask you, "Mom, why are you sad?"  Some of my friends who don't have children find it harder to pull out of the funk especially if their spouse or significant other is not supportive.  Don't worry about their support.  All you really need is to look toward heaven.

Philippians 4:6

New International Version (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

I hope you will find some sort of encouragement in this post tonight.  I needed to remind myself to move forward.  Life is precious and this week of having my friend and her family over for a visit went so quickly!  Life is over in a FLASH!!  Enjoy it!  Move forward, don't look back and spread joy.  Oh and WORLD PEACE!

I am thankful for the safe travels had by my friends.(Day 169).  Goodnight Friends.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Day At The Lake

Boerne Lake
the boat adventure

Too little sunscreen

Today was our big Boerne Lake Day!  Our friends are here until tomorrow morning and we tried to give them a little slice of Boerne/San Antonio.  It has been a fun filled, action packed week of activities, ice cream, snow cones, and s'mores.  We did try and fit in a few regular meals as well.  Every day we slathered ourselves and the children in sunscreen and braved the heat.  Today was a different story of too little sun screen and too much fun.

The Rebels
Chloe's boat made it's first appearance today.  The purchase of a trailer this morning enabled the use of the boat.  After purchase, the guy that worked at the store hooked the trailer up to my car and I drove it home.  Coming in to the house I have a dip in the road.  A very large thud was heard and I figured I had gone too fast.  Leaving the house the same thing happened.  When we returned home in the evening, it hit again.  Thadd removed the trailer and realized the guy had not put the stand all the way up and it was now at a 45 degree angle.  Ugh!  The first day and I already wrecked the darn thing!

My Glitter Milker(we both have sequins on our shirts!)

This evening was one of my final milkings with my tiny helper.  She has milked with me every night since she arrived one week ago.  Often times Evie can be found at the barn waiting for me to arrive to milk and everyday she reminds me, "Don't milk without me!"  The chickens have also become quite fond of my little helper and they run to her when they see her coming toward them.  She always enjoys taking them treats and they really enjoy all of the attention.  Each egg she collects is like a special gift from heaven as she beams with excitement and rushes to show me the egg surprise.  Her enthusiasm is a reminder of the actual blessing the eggs and milk are to our family.  Having been a big chocolate milk drinker by brand only, Evie has taken a liking to goat chocolate milk.  She is trying to convince her mom to invest in a goat.  I certainly don't think that will be a reality in her backyard, but maybe in her basement!
My farm helper who will me missed!!

Today was a great day!  I am thankful for the beautiful weather and the beautiful water, but I am most thankful for the wonderful friends who came for a visit.(Day 168).  Goodnight Friends.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Watch Out Alamo!!

the baby giraffe I wanted to bring home
We woke up bright and early (I was still mad from the Spurs game last night), cooked our overnight cinnamon rolls and packed up to go to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Safari.  Upon arrival we inspected the tiny twin giraffes who were born on May 10, 2013 and planned a very detailed escape of how we might remove a giraffe from a high fenced area.  Along the drive we also spotted the cutest alpaca of all time, which I was unable to steal.  The people in my car were far too honest for an animal heist.  Following the safari drive we ate Whataburger, a first for our Pennsylvania friends.
our homemade cinnamon rolls

The Alamo awaited our arrival with sunbeams so radiant we considered driving home to the shelter of the air conditioned farm house.  Instead, we committed to an afternoon of fun including the Ripley's exhibits.  The new wax figures at Ripley's aren't as impressive as the older ones or maybe I'm just old and I CAN'T actually identify the newer ones.  The exhibits were fun and I could've spent two more hours in the Believe It Or Not exhibit, but kids don't care about all of the details. I found many interesting photos and facts and filled my brain with all sorts of useless but fascinating information!

The Alamo and the conquerers
Our last stop was dinner.  We ate at Landry's Seafood Restaurant on the Riverwalk.  If I had to give them a rating it would fall in the negative number category, so I will instead go on record saying, "They have really good strawberry smoothies for the kids!"  The kids and dads stayed at the river late and rode a river barge and ate ice cream.  I think I've had ice cream five nights in a row.  I might need to consider a sugar rest beginning on Friday.

Brett, the male model
When we arrived home we made the decision to bury all of the baby chick eggs.  None of them hatched and the one that did hatch, died.  The the wise words of my friend, "It was not meant to be."  They have been buried and may now rest in peace along with the tragic death of James Gandolfini.  Sigh.
at the movie

The day is done and now it is time for bed.  I am thankful for six children who behaved throughout the day and all through dinner(Day 167).  Goodnight Friends.

a sad farewell to the eggs that did not hatch

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cave Day

A day in pictures...

Peep In The Deep

Cave walls

Cool rock formations in the cave

We made bread

lots of bread...and some cinnamon rolls for tomorrow

these sounded good for a s'more

yeah, they were super DELICIOUS!!

After burning multiple marshmallows, Brett finally realized
he doesn't actually like toasted marshmallows.

It is now time for bed!!  Well, after the Spurs win, they better win!!!!!!  I am thankful for the beautiful cave adventure we had today.(Day 167)  Goodnight Friends!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Goose Egg

Breakfast this morning
The morning started with a grand plan to visit the zoo, The Alamo,  AND The Riverwalk.  We all jumped out of bed, except for me, I rolled out of bed at 7:30am.  We hurried around the kitchen feeding the children breakfast.  We settled on a delicious variety of fajita, potato and egg tacos,  vanilla custard cake with fruit on top, and key lime pie.  We wanted to make sure they had variety and we payed special attention to the health factor.  I think this breakfast scores a ten on the nutritional scale!

With sunscreen applied and all of us in our Stricker Family Farm shirts(compliments of my personal designer and friend, Suz), we drove to the zoo.  All smiles we rented a stroller and roamed to our first exhibit, the flamingos.  The bears were next, but not without event.  Suz's youngest child began to frantically rub her eyes causing redness and swelling.  Very shortly after the initial frantic rubbing, the poor child was in terrible agony and grabbing her mom's skirt trying the rub her eyeballs out!!  Like any good mom, she purchases minimelts(Dippin' Dots copycat) to calm her child.  She rushes through the ice cream deliciousness and wants more so she says expresses her good attitude would make a comeback upon the consumption of another "Dippin' Dots."  By the time we arrive at the Lory Landing, we've decided there is nothing more at the zoo we want or need to see and the number of minimelt machines placed throughout the zoo are making it hard to explain to the four-year-old that she is NOT getting another one.
The butterfly house at the zoo

We pile back in the car and drive to lunch.  Everyone is happy and full after lunch, but not too full.  We visit Freddy's from some ice cream before returning to the house.  Notice, the Alamo and Riverwalk are NOT in the remaining itinerary.  The four-year old did ask when we were going to see "Elmo?"  Elmo or Alamo, either way, it was no longer on the agenda!  Once home the kids jumped in the pond for a swim.  I sneak away to tend to the bees and am attacked by a swarm of hungry and angry bees.  I was trying to remove their feeder and add more comb, but they thought I was trying to destroy their hive.  I wore my hot, white bee suit, but once I got back to the house I removed twelve stingers from the suit and my gloves.  Whew!  Glad I was dressed in full garb!  Sadly, my dog came to see what I was doing and was stung at least six times from what I could tell.  I tried not to help her as I still had angry bees swarming around me.  She ran away quickly and was able to escape the bees.

Can you find the goose egg?

Dinner is without event so we decide to test our luck at the snow cone spot in town.  We all order our flavors and head to the river to enjoy the water and the ducks and geese.  The kids find a duck with a hook in its foot and another with string wrapped around its foot.  I try to capture and help the animals, without much luck.  Brett tried to convince me to jump in after the duck.  Yeah, uh, I'm not exactly a swimmer of duck caliber.  As we try to corral the kids and keep Chloe from bringing home an entire goose worth of feathers for a headdress, they convince me to bring home a goose egg to incubate.  Even Thadd thought it was a good idea.

Tiny chick
Earlier in the day we were waiting for the baby chick to hatch that pipped last night.  It was slowly making its way out of the shell.  At one point it must've rolled its beak in the water that sits below the screen to keep the humidity high in the incubator.  The girls went in to check the chick progress and came running out to report their finding.  I quickly ripped the baby chick out of its shell, began chest compressions and a mouth to beak resuscitation.  After five minutes of effort, we declared the chick dead.  It was a sad moment in the house as the kids have been waiting to get their hands on the tiny baby chicks I've been incubating for them.  I wanted them to have the full "farm experience" and now I guess I was giving them a little taste of it.  Sometimes they live and sometimes they die.  We walked the lifeless chick out to the yard, dug a hole, and buried it.
a proper burial :(

Bedtime has finally arrived and I think we have equally as exciting plans for tomorrow!  Peach picking and Cascade Caverns!!!!  Yipeeeeee!  Adventures!

I am thankful for a friend who has the same breakfast requirements...LET THEM EAT CAKE!!(Day 166).  Goodnight Friends!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!

the gang
Although I didn't see my father today, I was able to have a fun filled day with the family.  I started the morning singing at a church service held on the green under the Berges Fest tent with my dear friend and peer from school.  I always enjoy the opportunity to sing worship!!  Arriving home the kids and my friends who are visiting were readying for our river adventure.

the turtle

     We headed off to the river, Comal River, to float the afternoon away.  During our float, Brett may or may not have found a Chicken Turtle for his turtle collection.  At one point during the float we almost lost a child to the vortex and another to be raised by turtles.  The second was a choice.

After our floating escapades I convinced my East Coast friends to make the rest of the drive to Lockhart for some BBQ.  A Texas visit is never complete unless you visit the Texas Capital Of BBQ.  Our friends aren't huge beef eaters, but they enjoyed the food.  I don't think they enjoyed the hour and forty-five minutes drive home after dinner, but the sighting of a zebra made the trip worthwhile.  Texas does have a large number of exotic ranches and luckily the zebra sighting made the trip seem shorter, even if only by five minutes.  There were moments of excitement when my friend's husband and I were drag racing(gross exaggeration) in our Yukon XL and minivan.  I must admit defeat.  His hotrod minivan smoked me!
brisket, ribs, sausage, chicken...YES PLEASE!

choices, choices, choices

BBQ is followed by Dairy Queen where the kids stuffed their faces with ice cream.  The adults also did some ice cream face stuffing!  Upon arrival, we rushed inside to watch the Spurs play and we switched back and forth between Spurs and Miss USA.  The Spurs won!!!!!  Miss Connecticut won!!!!!!  It was a good night in the Stricker home!!

I am thankful for a fantastic Father's Day adventure!(Day 164)  Goodnight Friends!